Doc. 11426 rev.
27 November 2007
Agenda for the first part of the 2008 Ordinary Session
of the Parliamentary Assembly (21-25 January 2008)
adopted by the Bureau of the Assembly on 22 November 2007
–  Examination of credentials of Representatives and Substitutes
–  Election of the President of the Assembly
–  Election of the Vice-Presidents of the Assembly
–  Election of judges to the European Court of Human Rights
–  Appointment of members of committees
–  Progress report of the Bureau and the Standing Committee
–  Communication from the Committee of Ministers to the Assembly
–  Statements by guest speakers
–  Communication from the Secretary General of the Council of Europe
Political Affairs
–  Strengthening co-operation with the Maghreb countries*
    Rapporteur: Mrs Josette Durrieu (France, SOC)
To be adopted on 11 December 2007
    Rapporteur: Mr Murat Mercan (Turkey, EPP/CD)
Adopted on 13 November 2007
    Rapporteur: Mr David Wilshire (United Kingdom, EDG)
To be adopted on 11 December 2007
To be adopted on 11 December 2007
Rapporteur of the Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights (for opinion): Mr Pieter Omtzigt (The Netherlands, EPP/CD)
Legal Affairs and Human Rights
–  United Nations Security Council and European Union blacklists
    Rapporteur: Mr Dick Marty (Switzerland, ALDE)
    Adopted on 12 November, Doc. 11454
–  Video surveillance of public areas
    Rapporteur: Mr Yuri Sharandin (Russian Federation, EDG)
    To be adopted on 13 December 2007
* For a joint debate on external relations.
Social, Health and Family Affairs
–  Disappearance of new-born babies for illegal adoption in Europe
    Rapporteur: Mrs Ruth-Gaby Vermot-Mangold (Switzerland, SOC)
    Adopted on 8 November 2007
Migration, Refugees and Population
–  Immigration from Sub-Saharan Africa
    Rapporteur: Mr Jean-Guy Branger (France, EPP/CD)
    To be adopted on 14 December 2007
Culture, Science and Education
–  The need to preserve the European sport model
    Rapporteur: Mr José LuÃs Arnaut (Portugal, EPP/CD)
    To be adopted on 10 December 2007
–  Draft additional protocol to the Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine
    concerning genetic testing for health purposes
    Rapporteur: Mr Wolfgang Wodarg (Germany, SOC)
    To be adopted on 10 December 2007
Environment, Agriculture and Local and Regional Affairs
-Â Â Â Global warming and ecological disasters
    Rapporteur: Mr Alan Meale (United Kingdom, SOC)
    To be adopted on 20 December 2007
–  Transfrontier co-operation
    Rapporteur: Mr Ivan Popescu (Ukraine, SOC)
    To be adopted on 20 December 2007
–  Protection of the environment in the Arctic Region
    Rapporteur: Mr Vladimir Grachev (Russian Federation, EDG)
    To be adopted on 20 December 2007
Rules of Procedure and Immunities
–  Procedural guidelines on the rights and duties of the opposition in a democratic parliament
    Rapporteur: Mr Karim Van Overmeire (Belgium, NR)
    Adopted on 16 November 2007
Honouring of Obligations and Commitments by Member States
–  Honouring of obligations and commitments by Georgia
    Co-Rapporteurs: Mr Mátyás Eörsi (Hungary, ADLE) and Mr Kastriot Islami (Albania, SOC)
    To be adopted on 21 or 22 January 2008