ATV inviterer til international konference om fremtidens energiteknologier
Akademiet for de Tekniske Videnskaber (ATV) samÂler førende danske og internationale energiforskere, erhvervsledere og energipolitiske meningsdannere til en konference om fremtidens energiteknologier pÃ¥ Danmarks Tekniske Universitet i Lyngby.
Konferencens mÃ¥l er at øge forstÃ¥elsen i Danmark for den globale virkelighed pÃ¥ den energipolitiske scene og behovet for at samle kræfterne pÃ¥ det energiteknologiske omÂrÃ¥de. ATV vil bidrage til en kvalificering af den offentlige debat, herunder medvirke til en fælles forstÃ¥else og et fælles sprog til at kunne udvikle de langsigtede energiteknoloÂgiske løsninger.
Program for konferencen er vedlagt. Tilmelding kan foretages her. Der opkræves deltagergebyr. Tilmelding senest den 20. oktober 2008. Tilmelding er bindende efter denne dato.
Konferencen støttes af DONG Energy A/S, Haldor Topsøe A/S, Siemens Danmark og Danmarks Tekniske Universitet. Dagbladet Ingeniøren er mediepartner.
Eventuelle spørgsmål rettes til projektleder Jens Christian Riise, ATV, tlf. 45 96 08 21 eller på e-mail: [email protected]
Invitation to the Danish Academy of Technical Sciences’ Annual Conference 2008
Technical University of Denmark, October 27th 2008
The focus of the Danish Academy’s Annual Conference 2008 is technological energy pathways for the future in the light of the Danish technological strongholds. We want to discuss openly:
- What are the technological, structural and political realities of global energy supply of today?
- What are the technological possibilities and main technological problems to be overcome within the next decades?
- What are our dreams for the new technologies in the light of the challenges the World is facing up to 2100 and beyond?
- What does it take to move ahead fast, in terms of strategies, partnerships and economic inputs?
The conference will create an important platform for discussions on how technological energy solutions may be developed from idea to commercial scale over time.
Please find attached a programme for the conference. You may register here. Please note the registration fee and the deadline for registration: October 20th 2008.
Sponsors: DONG Energy A/S, Haldor Topsøe A/S, Siemens Danmark and the Technical University of Denmark. Mediapartner: Ingeniøren.
Please do not hesitate to contact the secretariat for further inquiries on telephone: +45 45 96 08 21 or e-mail: [email protected]