Arbejdsmarkedsudvalget 2007-08 (2. samling)
AMU Alm.del Spørgsmål 199
Mr Knud KristensenChair of the Labour Market CommitteeFolketingetChristiansborgDK - 1240 KøbenhavnDenmark
Dear Chair,

Subject: Implementation of the Directive 2002/73/EC on the implementation of the principle

of equal treatment for men and women as regards access to employment, vocational

training and promotion, and working conditions

The European Parliament Committee on Women's Rights and Gender Equality has decided to drafta report on the transposition and application of the above mention Directive 2002/73/EC, for whichI am the rapporteur. This directive should be seen as a tool for eliminating inequalities andachieving substantive gender equality as much as a means to contribute to the Union's strategicsocial and economic goals as defined in Lisbon.In broader terms, the report will examine the state of transposition of this directive in differentMember States as well as the infringement proceedings for the non-compliance which werelaunched by the European Commission. The directive, which has introduced substantial andprocedural amendments to the European Community's previous Equal Treatment Directive 76/2006,had to be transposed in the Member States by 5 October 2005.The report will analyse problems concerning the application of this very broad directive such as itsscope, the transposition of definitions or the functioning of the "Equality bodies" in Member States.Moreover, the report will also aim to assess the overall quality of the transposition and the impact ofthis European Community 'soft law' instrument by identifying the most common difficulties andproposing a list of suggestions on how the situation could be improved.The quality of this report depends immensely on the up-to-date information available. It appearsnatural in this context to involve actively the national Parliaments in order to enrich our knowledgeand to share your concerns when transposing this important Directive. Therefore, each nationalParliament is invited to provide us with its follow-up observations in particular as regards thedifficulties encountered when transposing the Directive: definitions, establishment of Equalitybodies, sanctions, judicial and administrative procedures, the cooperation with the social partners,NGOs and employers.I would kindly ask you to send your replies to the following e-mail address[email protected]

no later than 10 July 2008.

They will be discussed in thecommittee meeting on 15-16 July, to which you are more than welcome to participate.
I thank you warmly in advance for your support and valuable information that is crucial for aconstructive in-depth report.Yours sincerely,
Teresa Riera Madurell (MEP)Rapporteur FEMM