Members of Bureau

Heads of Delegations

OSCE Parliamentary Assembly


5 October 2007



            Re:      Role and Status of the Parliamentary Assembly in the OSCE




Dear Colleague,


            For your information and urgent attention, I attach the latest report on the Draft Convention on international legal personality from the OSCE PA representative in Vienna, Ambassador Andreas Nothelle. 


            The Parliamentary Assembly was established as an institution of the OSCE in the Charter of Paris, and at the last OSCE Summit in Istanbul 1999, the role of the OSCE PA was acknowledged as “one of the most important OSCE institutions”.


            At our recent Annual Session in Kiev, our resolution calls upon the national PA delegations to assist national parliaments in pointing out the importance of a full and unconditional respect for the status and role of the PA as the parliamentary institution of the OSCE to their governments.


            I would very much appreciate your intervention in this regard and would ask that you inform the Secretariat of any actions that you have taken and whether or not your government representative in Vienna will support our position.  Thank you for your support.




Göran Lennmarker