15 Oct. 2007

“Climate Changes and Energy Issues”

Stortinget – the Parliament

Oslo, November 5 and 6, 2007






Mr Raimonds Vejonis,          Minister of Environment, Latvia

Mr Erik Solheim,                   Minister of Environment, Norway




Mr Gunnar Kvassheim,         Chairman of the Committee on Energy and Environment, Norway

Mr. Asmund Kristoffersen,   Chairman of the Committee on Environment and natural

Resources, Nordic Council.

Mr Børge Brende                  Committee on Energy and Environment, Norway


Ms Birutė Vėsaitė,                Chairperson of the Committee on Economics, Lithuania


Ms. Wiwi-Anne Johansson, Member of the Standing Committee on Environment and

Agriculture, Sweden

Mr Kent Persson (v),             Committee on Industry and Trade, Sweden


Mr Carl B Hamilton (fp)        Committee on Industry and Trade, Sweden

Mr Helgi Hjörvar,                 Chairman of the Committee on Environment, Iceland


Ms Katrín Júlíusdóttir,          Chairman of the Committee on Industry, Iceland


Mrs. Ērika Zommere,            President of the Baltic Assembly, Chairperson of the of the Latvian delegation to the Baltic Assembly, Latvia


Mr. Mart Jüssi,                     Vice-Chairman of the BA Environmental Protection and Energy Committee, Vice –Chairman of the Environment Committee of Riigikogu, Estonia


Mr.Valentinas Mazuronis,    Member of the Presidium of the Baltic Assembly and  Member of the Seimas Committee on Environment Protection,



Mr. Marko Pomerants,         Chairman of the Environment Committee of Riigikogu, Estonia


Mr. Jan Lindholm                  The Committee on Environment and natural

Resources, Nordic Council, Sweden

Mr. Hans Frode Asmyhr       The Committee on Environment and natural

Resources, Nordic Council, Norway



Mr. Pentti Tiusanen, Vice chair of the Environment Committee, Finland


Mrs. Tarja Tallqvist, Member of the Environment Committee, Finland


Mr. Hannu Hoskonen,          Member of the Finance Committee, Finland




Ms.Eva Hjelm,                       The International Department of the Swedish Parliament

Mrs. Ingrīda Putniņa,           Secretary of the Latvian delegation to the Baltic Assembly

Ms. Ene Rõngelep,                Secretary of the Estonian delegation to the Baltic Assembly

Ms. Renata Jankauskaitė,   Secretary of the Lithuanian delegation to the Baltic Assembly

Mrs. Marika Laizāne-Jurkāne, Head of the Secretariat of the Baltic Assembly

Ms. Kristīne Sprice,              Senior Consultant of the BA Secretariat


Ms. Eline Oftedal,                 Advisor to the Norwegian delegation to the Nordic Council

Mr. Jens Nytoft Rasmussen, Secretary of the Environment Committee of the Nordic Council

Mr Jan Wiberg                      Secretary of the Baltic Sea Parlaimentary Conference