19 October

Baltic – Nordic seminar on


Climate Changes and Energy Issues,

 5 – 6 November 2007


Meeting room N-202,


Stortinget, Oslo - Norway



Draft Program


Monday 5 November


14:00   Opening remarks by Mr Gunnar Kvassheim, chairman of the Standing Committee on Energy and the Environment


14:05   Combating climate changes and CO2 emissions

Co-chairs Mr Kvassheim and Mr Kristoffersen

            Each country is given five minutes each to present their chosen action to mitigate climate changes.

Questions and comments.


15:15  Coffe breake


15:45   National policy aimed at meeting international targets

            Introduction to debate by Mr Børge Brende, Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee on Energy and the Environment, Norway


16:00   Discussion


17:00   Adjourned      


19:00   Dinner hosted by the Norwegian delegation to the Nordic Council

            Venue: Grand Hotel, Karl Johans gate 31


Tuesday 6 November


09:00   International targets?

            Mr Svein Tveital, Deputy Director UNEP/GRID-Arendal


09:30   Regional approach to reducing CO2 emissions and the energy supplies

Mr. Mart Jüssi, Vice-Chairman of the BA Environmental Protection and Energy


Mr Asmund Kristoffersen, chairman of the Nordic Council Environment Committee


10:00 Coffebreak       



10:30   Ministerial panel debate: Combating climate changes – International targets and national fulfilment.

            Mr Raimonds Vējonis, Minister for Environment, Latvia,

            Mr Erik Solheim, Minister for Environment, Norway,

            Moderator: Gyri Aure, editor of Sunnmøringen, tbc


11:30   Food for Thoughts

“White Winter”, Gudmund Skjeldal


11: 50 Closing remarks by Mr Gunnar Kvassheim, chairman of the Standing Committee on Energy and the Environment


12:00   Lunch


13:00 Departure
