Det Udenrigspolitiske Nævn 2006-07
Bilag 28
United Nations
S/PRST/2006/52Distr.: General12 December 2006Original: English
Security Council
Statement by the President of the Security CouncilAt the 5586th meeting of the Security Council, held on 12 December 2006, inconnection with the Council’s consideration of the item entitled “The situation inthe Middle East”, the President of the Security Council made the followingstatement on behalf of the Council:“The Security Council recalls all its previous resolutions on Lebanon, inparticular resolutions 1701 (2006), 425 (1978) and 426 (1978), 520 (1982),1559 (2004) and 1680 (2006), as well as the statements of its president on thesituation in Lebanon, in particular the statements of 30 October 2006(S/PRST/2006/43) and of 21 November 2006 (S/PRST/2006/46).“The Security Council reiterates its full support for the legitimate anddemocratically-elected Government of Lebanon, calls for full respect for thedemocratic institutions of the country, in conformity with the constitution, andcondemns any effort to destabilize Lebanon. The Security Council calls uponall Lebanese political parties to show responsibility with a view to preventing,through dialogue, further deterioration of the situation in Lebanon. It reaffirmsits strong support for the sovereignty, territorial integrity, unity and politicalindependence of Lebanon within its internationally recognized borders andunder the sole and exclusive authority of the Government of Lebanon. TheCouncil reiterates its call upon all parties concerned to cooperate fully andurgently with the Security Council for the full implementation of all relevantresolutions concerning the restoration of the territorial integrity, fullsovereignty and political independence of Lebanon.“The Security Council welcomes the letter of the Secretary-General tothe President of the Council of 1 December 2006 (S/2006/933), as well as hisprevious reports of 18 August 2006 (S/2006/670) and of 12 September 2006(S/2006/730) on the implementation of resolution 1701 (2006).“The Security Council calls for the full implementation of resolution1701 (2006) and urges all concerned parties to cooperate fully with theSecurity Council and the Secretary-General to achieve this goal.“The Security Council welcomes the Secretary-General’s indication ofthe continuing commitment of the Government of Lebanon and theGovernment of Israel to all aspects of the implementation of resolution 1701(2006). It urges both Governments to strictly abide by their commitment and to
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pursue their efforts to achieve a permanent ceasefire and a long-term solutionas envisioned in the resolution.“The Security Council notes that important progress has been madetowards the implementation of resolution 1701 (2006), in particular throughthe cessation of hostilities, the imminent withdrawal of all the Israeli forcesfrom southern Lebanon and the deployment of the Lebanese Armed Forces inthe south of the country for the first time in three decades, together with thedeployment so far of more than 10,000 troops from the reinforced UNIFIL.“The Security Council welcomes the maintenance of the cessation ofhostilities since 14 August 2006, supports the work done by UNIFIL, togetherwith the parties, to finalize the Israeli withdrawal from the remaining areainside Lebanon and set up temporary security arrangements for the part of thevillage of Ghajar inside Lebanese territory, positively notes the decision of theIsraeli Cabinet in this regard, and looks forward to its early implementation.“The Security Council commends the Lebanese Government forextending its authority throughout its territory, particularly in the south, andencourages it to continue its efforts in this regard, including through thereinforcement of its capacities along its borders and the exercise of itsmonopoly of the use of force all over its territory in accordance with relevantSecurity Council resolutions.“The Security Council reiterates its full support to UNIFIL and looksforward to the completion of its deployment early next year as contemplatedby the Secretary-General in his letter. It expresses its strong appreciation toMember States who have contributed to UNIFIL in the past and since theadoption of resolution 1701 (2006) and notes the establishment of the StrategicMilitary Cell dedicated to UNIFIL at United Nations Headquarters.“The Security Council, while expressing deep concern at the continuingIsraeli violations of Lebanese airspace, appeals to all parties concerned torespect the cessation of hostilities and the Blue Line in its entirety, to refrainfrom any act of provocation and to abide scrupulously by their obligation torespect the safety of the UNIFIL and other United Nations personnel,including by avoiding any course of action which endangers United Nationspersonnel and by ensuring UNIFIL is accorded full freedom of movementthroughout its area of operation.“The Security Council, in this context, reiterates its deep concern at latestreports, though unverified, of illegal movements of arms into Lebanon. Itwelcomes the initial steps taken by the Government of Lebanon, notably thedeployment of 8,000 troops along the border, to prevent movements of arms inconformity with relevant resolutions, and reiterates its call upon theGovernment of Syria to take similar measures to reinforce controls at theborder.“The Security Council, mindful of the conclusions of the team of borderpolice experts dispatched by the Secretary-General at the request of theGovernment of Lebanon, invites the Secretary-General to pursue furthertechnical and independent assessment of the situation along the border and toreport back to the Council on further findings and recommendations in thisregard.
“The Council further invites Member States, as recommended by theSecretary-General, to consider possible bilateral assistance to the Governmentof Lebanon to enhance its border security capacities.“The Council urges all Member States, in particular in the region, to takeall necessary measures to implement in full paragraph 15 of resolution 1701(2006), including the arms embargo, and expresses its intention to considerfurther steps to achieve the goals set out in that paragraph.“The Security Council welcomes the concrete steps taken by theGovernment of Lebanon, with the assistance of UNIFIL, to establish betweenthe Blue Line and the Litani river an area free of any armed personnel, assetsand weapons other than those of the Government of Lebanon and of UNIFILand calls upon the Government of Lebanon to strengthen its efforts to this end.The Council also reiterates its call for the disbanding and disarmament of allmilitias and armed groups in Lebanon.“The Security Council expresses deepest concern at the presence in veryhigh numbers of unexploded ordnance in south Lebanon, including clustermunitions. It deplores the death and injury of dozens of civilians, as well as ofseveral deminers, caused by those munitions since the cessation of hostilities.It welcomes the continued contribution of UNIFIL to operational mineclearance, encourages further assistance in mine action by the United Nationsto the Government of Lebanon in support of both the continued developmentof its national mine action capacity and clearance of the remainingmine/unexploded ordnance threat in the South, commends donor countries forsupporting these efforts through financial and in-kind contributions andencourages further international contributions and practical cooperation.“The Security Council reaffirms the urgent need for the unconditionalrelease of the abducted Israeli soldiers.“The Security Council further encourages efforts aimed at urgentlysettling the issue of the Lebanese prisoners detained in Israel.“The Security Council commends the efforts of the Secretary-Generaland his facilitator to this end and calls upon all parties concerned to supportthose efforts.“Bearing in mind the relevant provisions of resolutions 1559 (2004),1680 (2006) and 1701 (2006), in particular on the delineation of the Syrian-Lebanese border, the Security Council takes note with interest of theappointment by the Secretary-General of a senior cartographer to reviewrelevant material and develop an accurate territorial definition of the Shaba’afarms area.“The Security Council notes with appreciation the process launched bythe Secretary-General to investigate the cartographic, legal and politicalimplications of the proposal contained in the seven-point plan of theGovernment of Lebanon and looks forward to its further recommendations onthis issue early next year.“The Security Council calls upon the international community urgently toprovide the Government of Lebanon with financial assistance in support of thenational early recovery and reconstruction process. It expresses its
appreciation to the Member States, United Nations bodies andintergovernmental, regional and non-governmental organizations that haveprovided and continue to provide assistance to the Lebanese people andGovernment, and looks forward to the success of the international Conferencewhich will be held in Paris, on 25 January 2007, in support of Lebanon.“The Security Council reaffirms its full support to the Secretary-Generalin his efforts and dedication to facilitate and assist in the fulfilment of allprovisions of resolution 1701 (2006) and requests the Secretary-General toreport on a quarterly basis on the implementation of that resolution, notably onfurther progress made towards the achievement of a permanent ceasefire and along-term solution.”