Retsudvalget (REU) Alm. del

Samling: 2006-07

Bilag 624

Invitation til: "Conference of the Parliamentary Chairmen of the Justice and Internal Affairs Commitees of the Member-states of the European Union, the candidate States and the European Parliament, in the framwork of the Portuguese Presidency of the European Union" i Lissabon den 9. og 10. september 2007


Dokumentdato: 14-08-2007
Modtaget: 14-08-2007
Omdelt: 14-08-2007

Invitation til: "Conference of the Parliamentary Chairmen of the Justice and Internal Affairs Commitees of the Member-states of the European Union, the candidate States and the European Parliament, in the framwork of the Portuguese Presidency of the European Union" i Lissabon den 9. og 10. september 2007

Indskannet 15/8-07, 4 sider (pdf-version)