Hon. Christian Mejdahl
Speaker of the Parliament of Denmark
Email: [email protected]
Amsterdam, 3 October 2006
RE: Â Â Â Â Â Â Â EU Presidency Seminar on Africa, 23, 24 November 2006
Helsinki, Finland
Honourable Speaker,
I have the honour to inform you that AWEPA, in cooperation with the Finnish Parliament and Finnish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, is organising its EU Presidency Seminar from 23-24 November 2006 in Helsinki, entitled
‘Parliamentary Partnership for Africa’s Economic Development
 in the framework of NEPAD and the MDGs’
The overall objective of this seminar will be to promote enduring partnerships between African parliamentarians and their colleagues from the EU member states to create a conducive investment climate for sustainable economic development in the framework of NEPAD and the attainment of the MDGs.
The seminar will focus on three key thematic areas of parliamentary responsibility:
On behalf of AWEPA, I have the pleasure to invite you or your representative to attend this seminar.
For your information, the draft programme and terms of reference are attached, together with a participation form. We would be grateful if the participation form could be returned before 22 October to the AWEPA office in Amsterdam at the following fax number: +31.20.622.01.30 or by email to: [email protected].
Sincerely yours,
Dr. Jan Nico Scholten
Executive President
       Enclosures:     Draft programme
                     Terms of Reference
                     Participation form