Annual Conference
The Parliamentary Network on the World Bank
March 15-18, 2007
Annotated Conference Program
(Draft - as of January 29, 2007)
Thursday, march 15
3:00pm Pre-session on the PNoWB’s activities
5:30pm            Regional Sessions where Parliamentarians meet in six separate breakout groups by region for informal discussions on regional cooperation
7:30-10:00pm Opening cocktail and dinner featuring a keynote speaker on:
                       “Legislature-Executive Relationships: How to Make them More Effectiveâ€
friday, march 16
9-10:45am      First series of parallel workshops on parliamentarians’ role in…:
§ …Creditors’ responsibility for illegitimate debt: the moral case for following Norway’s precedent?
§ ..Transparent management and monitoring of natural resources revenues: Making the dividends work for poverty reduction
§ … Creating a business climate conducive to growth: the need for reform
§ …The effective oversight of International Financial Institutions and the collaboration of CSOs and Unions
10:45am          Welcoming address:
§ Honorable Baleka Mbete, Speaker, Parliament of South Africa
§ H.E. Trevor Manuel, Minister of Finance, South Africa
12:30-2:15pm Lunch
hosted by Parliament of South Africa
7:30 pm           Reception and Dinner
Saturday, March 17
7:45-8:45am    Parallel Breakfast Meetings at the Hotel (informative sessions on various topics)
9:15-10:30am  Second series of parallel workshops on parliamentarians’ role in…:
§ …Health
§ …Fighting rural poverty through agriculture
§ …Climate change
11:30-12:15Â Â Â Â Keynote Speaker:
Dr. Bernd Pfaffenbach*, State Secretary in the Federal Ministry of Economics and Labor, Germany and Personal Representative of the Federal Chancellor for the World Economic Summit (Sherpa)
12:00-1:00pm Plenary discussion: Good governance and anti-corruption
1:00-2:30pm   Lunch
2:30-4:00Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Plenary discussion: Aid effectiveness, harmonization and conditionality: what role for legislators in monitoring results?
5pm                End of conference
Sunday, March 18
                       Side events