Stockholm April 27, 2007




Seminar on implementation of congestion charging

May, 30, 2007


Location:      City Conference Centre, Drottninggatan 71 B, Stockholm, Sweden


Final program

09.30-10                             Coffee


10-12                                   Welcome and introduction

Dr Lena Smidfelt Rosqvist – Programme director TransportMistra


The Story of the Stockholm Congestion Charging Trial

Dr Muriel Beser Hugosson – former Project Manager at the Congestion Charge Secretariat, Trivector Traffic


Congestion charging in London

Ms. Lucinda Turner – Policy Manager - Congestion Charging


Public Acceptability of Road User Charging: The Case of Edinburgh and the 2005 Referendum

Mr. Martin Gaunt, Steer Davies Gleave &

Mr. John Saunders, involved in developing the congestion charging scheme for Edinburgh


“How Oslo is about to fail”: The case of Oslo, Norway.

Mr. Arvid Strand, The Institute of Transport Economics


12-13                                  Lunch


13-13.30                               Urban pricing – how, why, when?

Dr Karin Brundell-Freji – from the Expert evaluation committee for the Stockholm trial


13.30-14.30                          Workshops on implementation issues

In different workshops the practitioners and the researchers will exchange experiences on implementing measures such as congestion charging. Success and failure will be scrutinised, and the driving forces for or against such measures will be discussed.


14.30-15                              Coffee


15-16                                   Workshops on implementation issues


16-17                                   Summary and conclusions of the workshops

Plenary discussion