KTH Library, Osquars backe 31 (for map, see www.kth.se)
The Centre for Transport Studies at KTH and Impact invites you to a scientific conference where researchers present results on the design and outcome of the experiment, the monitoring process, the underlying political process and the changes in attitudes and opinions. The aim of the conference is to contribute to a scientific discussion of the conclusions that can be drawn from Stockholm trial, as part of the process of preparing a forthcoming special issue of Transportation Research part A.
After the conference a light buffet will be served.
Register for the conference by sending an e-mail to [email protected] on May, 24 by the latest. Please indicate whether you plan to stay for the buffet.
09:00 |
Welcome |
09:15 |
A general overview of the effects |
The evaluation analysis group |
09:30 |
Equity effects of congestion pricing. An analysis of morning commuters. |
Anders Karlström (KTH) |
10:10 |
Coffee |
10:30 |
Stockholm Transport's express bus services during the Stockholm congestion trial from a users’ perspective |
Karl Kottenhoff (KTH), Karin Brundell-Freij (WSP Analysis & Strategy) |
11:05 |
Impacts of congestion charges on traffic performance |
Carlos Moran (KTH), Karl-Lennart BÃ¥ng (KTH) |
11:40 |
Effects of the Stockholm congestion charges on retail turnover |
Lisa Lagerén (Nordplan), Janne Sandahl (Nordplan & KTH) |
12:15 |
Lunch |
13:15 |
A cost-benefit analysis of the Stockholm congestion charges |
Jonas Eliasson (KTH & WSP Analysis & Strategy) |
13:55 |
Changes in public attitudes, opinions and media related to the Stockholm congestion trial |
Karin Brundell-Freij (WSP Analysis & Strategy), Camilla Byström (WSP Analysis & Strategy), Åsa Vagland, (VTI & VINNOVA), Lena Winslott Hiselius (Lund University) |
14:30 |
Political and public acceptance of urban congestion charging – the Stockholm case |
Björn Hårsman (KTH) |
15:05 |
Coffee |
15:25 |
The role of decision support in the implementation process of the Stockholm congestion charges |
Muriel Beser Hugosson (Trivector), Eva Ericsson (LTH), Henrik Gudmundsson (DTF), Lena Smidfelt Rosqvist (Trivector) |
16:00 |
Building legitimacy for radical policy: managing deliberation on the frontline |
Tim Richardson (Aalborg University), Karolina Isaksson (KTH) |
16:35 |
Concluding discussion |
17:00 - |
Buffet |
The Centre for Transport Studies is a collaboration between KTH, VTI, Vägverket (National Road Administration) Rikstrafiken, WSP Analysis & Strategy, SIKA (Swedish Institute for Transport and Communications Analysis), financed by the partners and by VINNOVA.  Â
Impact is a part of TransportMistra – a interdisciplinary research program financed by Swedish Mistra. Participating organizations are Lund University (Dep of Traffic Planning, Dep of Environmental and Energy Systems Studies, Dep of Political Science, Dep of Environmental Strategy), Institute of Transport Economics (TØI), Danish Transport Research Institute (DTF), University of Leeds, The Institute for Transport Studies (ITS) and Trivector Traffic AB.