
Joint Committee Meeting
on the Mid-term review of the White Paper on Transport
"Keep Europe moving"
Practical information
and time
- European
Parliament, rue Wiertz, 1047 Brussels, building Paul-Henri Spaak,
hemicycle (third floor)
(Weblink to location map: Parliament : Visits)
- 26 February
2007, 14:00 - 18:00
- Members of Parliament and officials are requested
to fill in the registration form and send this back to the secretariat of
the committee on Transport and Tourism ([email protected])
not later than 9 February 2007.
- Please note that officials
accompanying Members of Parliament are invited to fill in their address
and date of birth in the registration form, as required by Parliament's
security services.
Welcome and badges
- Participants are requested to present
themselves at the entrance hall of the European Parliament, Paul-Henri
Spaak building (PHS).
- Welcome desk will be open as from 13:00.
- For security reasons, all participants
are required to wear the badge that will be given at the welcome desk.
Information desk available during the
- An information desk will be available
during the meeting inside the meeting room (hemicycle).
Oral contributions by Members of
national Parliaments
Please note that
for organisational reasons speaking time is limited and will be divided as
- The five countries who will have the
Presidency of the EU until 2010 (i.e. Portugal, Slovenia, France, Czech Republic and Sweden) will deliver a 5 minute keynote speech at the beginning of each
discussion block.
- For all other national Parliaments a
speaking time of 4 minutes per Member State is foreseen. This speaking
time can be used by one or more speakers. National Parliaments are
therefore kindly invited to coordinate between Chambers and within each
Chamber who will use this available speaking time.
Please send
by email the name(s) of the Member(s) who wish to take the floor to Mr Damen ([email protected])
until 21 February. This request should also state the theme on which they wish
to speak (Theme 1 'Better regulation and financing' or Theme 2 'Sustainability
and optimising limited capacities').
- Interpretation shall be provided in 21
Cocktail and dinner
- Registered Members of national
Parliaments and officials are invited to attend the Cocktail and Dinner
hosted by Mr Hans-Gert Pöttering, President of the European Parliament, on
Monday evening 26 February at 18:15 in the Members' restaurant, Altiero
Spinelli building, ground floor.
Background information
Travelling/ hotel arrangements and
- Hotel and travel arrangements are to be
made by each participant.
- Travelling and accommodation costs should
be covered by the national Parliaments.
Liaison officers (contacts for additional information)
- Mr Mario Damen, Administrator (programme)
Committee on Transport and Tourism
Phone: +32.2.2843617
e-mail: [email protected]
- Mrs Barbara Hostens, Assistant
Committee on Transport and Tourism
e-mail: [email protected]
- Mrs Christine Vandeneycken, Secretary
Committee on Transport and Tourism
European Parliament
Phone: +32.2.2831526
e-mail: [email protected]