Joint Committee Meeting


on the Mid-term review of the White Paper on Transport

"Keep Europe moving"


European Parliament, Brussels, 26 February 2007

14:00-18:00, Hemicycle


Draft Agenda


Hosted by


Mr Paolo Costa,

Chairman of the Committee on Transport and Tourism of the European Parliament


Dr. Klaus W. Lippold,

Chairman of the Committee on Transport, Construction and urban Development of the German Bundestag


Ms Etelka Barsi Pataky,

Rapporteur of the European Parliament for the Mid-term review of the European Commission's 2001 Transport White Paper "Keep Europe moving - Sustainable mobility for our continent"



13:00               Registration

(desk Paul-Henri Spaak building)



14:00               Welcome by the Chairmen


Mr Paolo Costa and Dr. Klaus W. Lippold



14:15               Opening speech on the Mid-term review of the European Commission's 2001 Transport White Paper "Keep Europe moving - Sustainable mobility for our continent"


by Mr Jacques Barrot, Vice President of the European Commission responsible for transport policy



14:30              Opening remarks


by Ms Etelka Barsi Pataky, Rapporteur

14:40               Theme 1: Better regulation and financing


1.1. Better regulation and implementation


         Mr Georg Jarzembowski (PPE-DE/DE)

A European perspective


Mr Branko Marinic (Slovenia)

Views from the national level


1.2. TEN-T, Cohesion Fund and new alternatives in financing


Ms Eva Lichtenberger (Greens/EFA/AT)

A European perspective


N.N. (Portugal)

Views from the national level



15:00               Debate



16:00               Theme 2: Sustainability and optimising limited capacities


2.1. Modal shift versus co-modality and energy and environment


Mr Paolo Costa (ALDE/ IT) 

A European perspective


Mr Christian Philip (France)  

Co-modality, views from the national level


Mr Jan-Evert Rådhström (Sweden)  

Energy and environment, views from the national level


2.2. Optimising limited infrastructure capacities, intelligent transport systems


         Ms Inés Ayala Sender (PSE/ES)  

A European perspective


N.N. (Czech Republic)  

Intelligent transport systems, views from the national level



16:25               Debate



17:35               The view of the German Presidency


                        by Mr Achim Groβmann, Parliamentary State Secretary of the

German Ministry for Transport, Construction and urban Development



17:50               Summary and conclusions


by Ms Etelka Barsi Pataky, Rapporteur



18:00               End of meeting



18:15               Cocktail and dinner

hosted by Mr Hans-Gert Pöttering, President of the European Parliament - Members' Restaurant - Altiero Spinelli building, level 0



21:30               End of Joint Committee Meeting