OSCE's parlamentariske Forsamling 2006-07
OSCE Alm.del Bilag 68
Special Representative
PA President
PA Secretary General
Permanent Council Spot Report Week 30, 2007
OSCE's parlamentariske Forsamling
OSCE alm. del - Bilag 68
The Parliamentary Assembly, in its Kyiv Declaration, has asked governments "to draw the only possi-
ble conclusion from the PA's status that persons acting on behalf of the OSCE PA enjoy the same
rights and receive the same treatment as persons working for the OSCE's decision making bodies
and executive structures". Some PA delegations have already been in contact with their foreign minis-
tries about the issue of the draft convention on the legal personality, privileges etc. of the OSCE. I had
reported about the attempts of the diplomats in Vienna to use this text as a vehicle to define the PA
out of the organization. The consequence of these contacts has been assurances by some diplomats
that they will support the PA. This was before the Annual Session.
It is important to note that none of them have so far publicly supported the PA. The only Vienna dele-
gations supporting the PA in public have so far been the Armenian and the Danish delegation. How-
ever, the latter one, under pressure in particular from the Canadian and the German delegation, un-
fortunately withdrew their proposal for a compromise text.
The proposal that was tabled instead is called a "compromise", especially by those diplomats who
verbally made concessions to their PA delegations. However, the text proposed is not a compromise.
All it does is to spell out that parliamentarians and their staff can, under certain circumstances, be
treated like any other OSCE outsider who temporarily works for the OSCE. In fact, by including the
PA and its staff in the group of "persons performing tasks for the OSCE", the text implies clearly that
the PA is not part of the OSCE. It goes even further: Parliamentarians and staff of the PA are only
benefiting from this clause if they participate in "OSCE meetings" or in the "work of the OSCE". The
first term explicitly excludes PA meetings, and the second term gives the power to determine when
this is the case to the OSCE Secretary General — i.e. the executive branch.
While I still think that the best solution would be to list the PA as one of the OSCE institutions, and the
second best to revive the Danish proposal, I will propose changes to the text that remedy at least
partly the mentioned deficiencies. I have attached such possible amendments. Unfortunately, accord-
ing to the reading of the Rules of Procedure by the Dutch Chair of the Working Group, I am not al-
lowed to formally introduce drafting proposals; my right is limited to making comments. It is therefore
indispensable that a national delegation in Vienna takes those proposals up. In order for this to hap-
pen, PA delegations could again approach their Foreign Ministries and urge them to change their pol-
icy. This should be possible, since the policy on these issues has apparently so far been made in Vi-
enna, and not in the capitals.
By contacting their ministries, the PA delegations would also implement another decision of the An-
nual Session, since the Kyiv Declaration also "Calls upon the national PA delegations to assist na-
tional parliaments in pointing out the importance of a full and unconditional respect for the status and
role of the PA as the parliamentary institution of the OSCE to their governments".
The next and probably decisive meeting of the Working Group will take place on September 13, 2007.
Andreas Nothelle
July 23, 2007
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OSCE, Alm.del - 2006-07 - Bilag 68: PC Spot Report Week 30, 2007
So-called "compromise" text:
Draft proposal for Article 1 (j)
[(j) "Persons Performing Tasks for the OSCE" shall refer to:
cc) members of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, their assistants accompanying them, and officials
of the Secretariat of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, attending OSCE meetings or taking part in
the work of the OSCE;
but shall not include persons who are locally recruited and receive an hourly or daily rate
of pay.]
Possibilities to improve the text:
Instead of "persons performing tasks for the OSCE" the groups of people enumerated in the text should either
be named "other OSCE actors" or — if this goes to far because of the other groups mentioned — it should read
"members and staff of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly (OSCE PA) and persons performing tasks for
the OSCE".
The second half of the sentence in "cc" "attending OSCE meetings ..." should either be deleted entirely, or it
should read "attending OSCE meetings, including meetings of the OSCE PA, or taking part in the work of the
OSCE, including of the OSCE PA".
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OSCE, Alm.del - 2006-07 - Bilag 68: PC Spot Report Week 30, 2007
of the most important OSCE
17. The Parliamentary Assembly has developed into one
. We welcome this increasing role,
institutions continuously providing new ideas and proposals
tion monitoring. We call on the
particularly in the field of democratic development and elec
as 'a
key component in
our efforts to
Parliamentary AsseMbly to develop its activities further
in and between participating
promote democracy, prosperity and increased confidence with
ts (ODIHR), the High
18. The Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Righ
resentative on Freedom of the
Commissioner on National Minorities (HCNM) and the Rep
an rights, democracy and the rule of
Media are essential instruments in ensuring respect for hum
Chairman-in-Office and to the
law. The OSCE Secretariat provides vital assistance to the
also strengthen further the
activities of our Organization, especially in the field. We will
to face the expansion of our activities
operational capacities of the OSCE Secretariat to enable it
accordance with the mandates and
and to ensure that field operations function effectively and in
guidance given to them.
our full support. We emphasize the
We commit ourselves to giving the OSCE institutions
ns, as well as our field operations,
importance of close co-ordination among the OSCE institutio
We will take into account the need for
in order to make optimal use of our common resources.
personnel to OSCE institutions and
geographic diversity and gender balance when recruiting
field operations.
rsification of OSCE activities. We
We acknowledge the tremendous developments and dive
have not been able to implement the
recognize that a large number of OSCE participating States
difficulties can arise from the absence
1993 decision of the Rome Ministerial Council, and that
improve the situation.
of a legal capacity of the Organization. We will seek to