OSCE's parlamentariske Forsamling 2006-07
OSCE Alm.del Bilag 6
Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
OSCE's parlamentariske Forsamling
OSCE alm. del - Bilag 6
OSCE's parlamentariske Forsamling 2006-07
OSCE Alm.del - Bilag 6
Heads of Delegations
Members of the Bureau
Officers of the General Committees
Permanent Missions to the OSCE
Secretaries of Delegations
Brussels Annual Session Report
R. Spencer Oliver
Secretary General of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly
October 13 2006
I am very pleased to forward to you copies of the Report on the Brussels
Annual Session held in July, for distribution to Members of your delegation. As the
report shows, the Session was a great success in which major issues of concern to the
OSCE and to all OSCE citizens were addressed. You and your governments will
already have received copies of the Brussels Declaration, which is also available on
our website at www.oscepa.org.
The enclosed summary Report, prepared by the International Secretariat, is
designed to provide a general overview of the Session for the Members who
participated as well as for all others interested in the events which took place.
If you have any questions or comments on this report, please do not hesitate to
contact the International Secretariat.
Yours sincerely,
R. Spencer Oliver
Secretary General
Raadhusstraede 1. 1466 Copenhagen K.. Denmark
Phone: +45 33 37 80 40 - Fax: +45 33 37 80 30 - E-mail OSCE(doscepa.dk - Website: www.oscepa.org
OSCE, Alm.del - 2006-07 - Bilag 6: Report on the 15th Annual Session in Brussels (3 - 7.July 2006)
ization for Security and
n in Europe
on the
l Session
5th Annua
pared by the OSCE PA In
l Secretariat,
3-7 JULY 2006
OSCE, Alm.del - 2006-07 - Bilag 6: Report on the 15th Annual Session in Brussels (3 - 7.July 2006)
Monday. 3 July
08.00 - 09.00
09.30 - 12.30
12.30 - 14.00
14.00 -15.30
Organization for Security and Co-
ration in Europe
Programme of the 15th Annua
l Session, Brussels
Wednesday, 5 July
Working Breakfast on Gender Iss
07.00 - 09.00
Meeting of the Standing Comm
09.30 - 11.00
Lunch break
Inaugural Plenary Session:
Call to order and opening remark
s by Alcee L.
Hastings, President of the OSCE
09.30 - 11.00
Address by Mr. Herman De Croo
, President of the
Belgian House of Representative
s, and Mrs. Anne-
Marie Lizin, President of the Be
lgian Senate
Addresses by Senior Official(s)
11.30 - 13.00
of the Host country
Address by the Chairman-in-Offic
e of the OSCE,
H.E. Mr. Karel De Gucht, Minis
ter of Foreign Affairs
13.00 - 14.30
of Belgium, followed by a quest
ion/answer session
14.30 - 16.00
Coffee break
Plenary Session (cont.):
Addresses by the Presidents fro
m the invited
Parliamentary Assemblies
14.30 - 16.00
Address by Mr. Marc Perrin De
OSCE Secretary General
Report by Ms. Tone Tingsgård,
OSCE PA Special
Representative on Gender Issues
16.30 - 18.00
followed by a debate
Consideration of Supplementary
Opening reception offered at the
Royal Castle in
Laeken in the presence of his Ma
jesty the KingAlbert II
Time reserved for meetings of var
ious groups
General Committee on Democra
Human Rights and Humanitari
an Questions
Debate (cont.)
Consideration of amendments
General Committee on Econom
ic Affairs, Science,
Technology and Environment
Debate (cont.)
Consideration of amendments
General Committee on Political
Affairs and Security
Debate (cont.)
Consideration of amendments
Lunch break
General Committee on Econom
ic Affairs, Science
Technology and Environment
Consideration of amendments and
adoption of Resolution
Supplementary items
General Committee on Democra
Human Rights and Humanitarian
Consideration of amendments and
adoption of Resolution
Supplementary items
General Committee on Political
Affairs and Security
Consideration of amendments and
adoption of Resolution
Supplementary items
Culinary evening in the premises
of the Belgian
Federal Parliament offered by
Mr Herman De Croo,
the President of the House of rep
resentatives and
Mrs Anne-Marie Lizin, the Pre
sident of the Senate
15.30 -16.00
16.00 - 18.00
Tuesday. 4 July
07.00 - 09.00
09.00 - 11.00
Time reserved for meetings of
various groups
General Committee on Political
Affairs and Security
Opening remarks by Mr. Giiran
Chair of the Committee;
Introduction of the Draft Resoluti
on by Mr.
Wolfgang Grossruck, Rapport
General Committee on Democra
Human Rights and Humanitarian
Opening remarks by Ms. Cecil
ia Wigstrom,
Acting Chair of the Committee;
Introduction of the Draft Resoluti
on by Mrs. Anne-
Marie Lizin, Rapporteur;
General Committee on Econom
ic Affairs, Science,
Technology and Environment
Opening remarks by Mr. Benja
min Cardin, Chair of
the Committee
Introduction of the Draft Resoluti
on by Mr. Roland
Blum, Rapporteur
Mediterranean Side Meeting
Excursion to Bruges
Thursday. 6 July
07.00 - 09.00
09.00 -11.00
Time reserved for meetings of var
ious groups
General Committee on Econom
ic Affairs, Science,
Technology and Environment
Supplementary items
Election of the Committee Offic
General Committee on Democra
Human Rights and Humanitarian
Supplementary items
Election of the Committee Offic
Meeting of the Bureau
General Committee on Political
Affairs and Security
Supplementary items
Election of the Committee Of
Lunch break
Plenary Session
General debate
09.00 - 11.00
09.00 -11.00
11.30 -13.30
13.30 - 15.00
15.00 -18.00
Friday. 7 July
07.00 - 09.00
09.30 - 12.30
11.30 -13.30
12.00 -14.00
14.15 - evening
Time reserved for meetings of
various groups
Plenary Session
Report by Mr. Jerry Grafstein, Tre
Report by Mr. R. Spencer Oliver
, Secretary General
Consideration of Committee Re
Adoption of the Final Docum
Election of the Assembly Officers
Adjournment immediately follow
ed by a reception
offered by the President of the OS
OSCE, Alm.del - 2006-07 - Bilag 6: Report on the 15th Annual Session in Brussels (3 - 7.July 2006)
ssels, 2006
nnual Session, Bru
Report on the .1,51"
mil» sail—
so —
Annual Session in
ssembly met for its 15th
E Parliamentary A
Session, which
3 to 7 July 2006 the OSC
beyond took part in the
ss the OSCE and
the Assembly
rliamentarians from acro
Brussels. Pa
the end of the Session
ean Parliament. At
the fields of
e premises of the Europ
cal recommendations in
as held in th
political and techni
ssels Declaration is
ssels Declaration with
passed the Bru
anitarian issues. The Bru
tal affairs and hum
E Region'.
, economics, environmen
uman Security in the OSC
: `Strengthening H
et in the Standing
the theme of the Session
focused on
Heads of Delegation m
of the Session, the
year, upon the
to the official opening
et for the coming fiscal
ee approved the budg
tivities, the
. The Standing Committ
Secretary General on ac
ing a report by the
and on work by the
of the Treasurer. Follow
n observation activities
rts on recent electio
of Delegations heard repo
oc Committees.
ee L. Hastings,
Representatives and Ad H
bly was addressed by Alc
Assembly's Special
n on 3 July, the Assem
atives; Anne-
e Opening Plenary Sessio
During th
gian House of Represent
President of the Bel
Office of the
ident; Herman De Croo,
E PA Pres
De Gucht, Chairman-in-
Senate; H.E. Karel
e Council of Europe;
esident of the Belgian
Marie Lizin, Pr
mentary Assembly of th
esident of the Parlia
Representative on
Rene Van der Linden, Pr
the OSCE. The Special
Secretary General of
ary Session.
Perrin de Brichambaut,
and Marc
ered her report to the Plen
ingsgård also deliv
t issues within
es, Vice-President Tone T
ees met to discuss curren
Gender Issu
ree General Committ
6 July, the Assembly's th
From 4 to
aft resolutions.
e resolutions
to consider and amend dr
eir fi elds of work, and
enary to consider all of th
bly again met in pl
WI-an Lennmarker
y of the Session, the Assem
On the final da
ng, the Assembly elected
tion. Before adjourni
opt the Brussels Declara
the Assembly.
and to ad
as well as other officers of
of Sweden as its new Pres
OSCE, Alm.del - 2006-07 - Bilag 6: Report on the 15th Annual Session in Brussels (3 - 7.July 2006)
Report on the 15' Annua
l Session, Brussels, 2006
Standing Committee Meetin
The Standing Committee of He
ads of Delegations
The Treasurer of the Assembly,
met prior to the official open
Senator Jerry Graf
ing of the Annual Ses- stein fro
m Canada, reported on the exce
sion. OSCE PA President Alce
llent financial
e L. Hastings (USA) state of
the Assembly and informed the
welcomed Members and info
Standing Com-
rmed them about the mittee
that the PA had received a fa
admittance of the Republic of
vourable report
Montenegro as the 56th from
its external auditors for the 13
participating State of the OSCE
th straight year.
, a decision taken just a The Tr
easurer thanked the Internatio
few weeks prior to the opening
nal Secretariat
of the PA Session. The for its co
ntinued co-operation and the ef
Standing Committee decided to
fective finan-
propose to the Assem- cial ad
ministration by the Secretary Ge
bly to grant Montenegro full m
neral and the
embership in accord- Financial
Assistant. Senator Grafstein hi
ance with the Assembly's Rules
ghlighted his
of Procedure.
goal of obtaining a full year's
In his last address to the Standing
budget in the reserve
Committee as Pres- allocation
s and explained that great progre
ident of the OSCE PA, Congre
ss had been
ssman Hastings thanked made
towards this end. Subsequent to
his colleagues for their co-opera
the Report of the
tion and the warm hos- Treasu
rer, the Standing Committee ad
pitality he had experienced durin
opted the pro-
g his numerous visits posed bu
dget for 2006-2007.
to participating States. Presid
ent Hastings briefed the
In his report, OSCE PA Secreta
Heads of Delegations about hi
ry General Spencer
s activities since the Oliver
summarized the activities of th
Winter Meeting in February and
e Assembly's
emphasized the impor- Interna
tional Secretariat during the pa
tant role that Parliamentarians pl
st six months.
ay in adding visibility He hi
ghlighted the Assembly's bulle
and political leadership to OSCE
tin, News from
election observation Copenh
agen, which provides a good ov
missions. Hastings also highlig
erall picture of
hted the importance of the As
sembly's activities, and of the ef
parliamentary meetings and said
forts of the many
: "Such dialogue and Membe
rs of the Assembly who regular
discussion is an exceptional lea
ly contribute to
rning experience and the work
of the Assembly. The Secretary
provides tremendous insight to
General also
the new prospects and welco
med the new Conference Co-ord
challenges facing the region and
inator, Ms. Odile
the OSCE."
Lelarge, to the staff.
The Heads of Delegations also
heard a report by the
Sub-Committee that has been
working on proposed
changes to the Rules of Procedur
e. The Sub-Committee
put forward a Report at the Winter
Meeting in February,
and had decided that more cons
ultations were needed
before presenting its final re
port to the Standing
Committee at the Autumn Meetin
gs in November.
Members of the Standing Comm
ittee heard reports on
the Assembly's recent election ob
servation missions to
Belarus, Ukraine, the partial reru
n of the parliamentary
elections in Azerbaijan, and
the referendum on
independence in Montenegro. Pr
esident Hastings, who
served as the OSCE Chairman-in
-Office's Special Co-
OSCE, Alm.del - 2006-07 - Bilag 6: Report on the 15th Annual Session in Brussels (3 - 7.July 2006)
on, Brussels, 2006
Report on the 15 Annual Sessi
on the
The Standing Committee was also briefed
in Belarus and
ordinator for the observation missions
Ad Hoc Committees and Spe-
. On the elections work of the Assembly's
Ukraine, reported on these two missions
Marie Lizin, President of the
:"the Belarusian cial Representatives. Anne-
in Belarus, President Hastings concluded
PA Special Representative on
n candidates and Belgian Senate and OSCE
people deserve better". Oppositio
report following her visit
t administration Guantanamo, presented her
parties were obstructed by the incumben
in Guantanamo Bay. Kimmo
who should lead. to the detention facilities
from giving voters a genuine choice in
ed on the work of the Ad Hoc
t the election was Kiljunen (Finland) report
In Ukraine, the observers concluded tha
expressed his concern over
gs congratulated Committee on Moldova and
"free and fair," and President Hastin
the increasing tension in the
de great progress the lack of progress and
colleagues from Ukraine on having ma
rk of the Ad Hoc Committee
ares (Portugal), region. Presenting the wo
in just a short period of time. Joåo So
Vice-President Tone Tingsgård
junction with the on Abkhazia (Georgia),
who headed the OSCE PA visit in con
an overview of the situation on
aijan, reported that from Sweden provided
partial rerun of the elections in Azerb
and expressed her regret that no
campaign leading the ground in Abkhazia
progress was made with regard to the
de with regard to finding a solu-
of public trust in progress has been ma
up to the rerun, yet noted that the level
on the first visit of the Commit-
. Senator Jerry tion. She also reported
the election administration remains low
zia, in June 2006. Uta Zapf
of the OSCE PA tee to the region of Abkha
Grafstein, who served as Deputy Head
Working Group on Belarus
in Montenegro (Germany) reported on the
mission to the independence referendum
te of the resolution adopted by
the referendum and regretted that in spi
informed the Standing Committee that
on in 2005, no progress had
commitments. the Assembly in Washingt
was conducted overall in line with OSCE
e of Congressman Christopher
eed on the need been made. In the absenc
In the ensuing discussion Members agr
al Representative on Trafficking in
ation programme Smith (USA), Speci
to continue the current election observ
essman Joseph Fitts delivered a
bly in this regard. Human Beings, Congr
and to strengthen the role of the Assem
and tragic human consequences
a set of objective report stressing the scope
Members also discussed establishing
nnmarker, Special Representa-
the need for all of trafficking. Gåran Le
criteria of elections standards, and
rno Karabakh Conflict, regretted that
nal observation of tive on the Nago
participating States to allow internatio
no breakthrough had been obtained in the
currently a
their elections.
process and repeated his view that there is
conflict in
golden opportunity to finding a solution to the
lli (Slovenia),
the OSCE-led negotiations. Roberto Batte
e, presented
Special Representative on South East Europ
ed an overview
his first report on his activities and provid
CE Missions
of the activities and the situation in the OS
in the region.
Considering future work, the Standing Co
ing events,
heard reports on preparations for upcom
lta in Novem-
including the Autumn Meetings in Ma
in February
ber 2006, the Winter Meeting in Vienna
2007, the Expanded Bureau Meeting in
ll be hosted by
and the Economic Conference which wi
Andorra in 2007.
OSCE, Alm.del - 2006-07 - Bilag 6: Report on the 15th Annual Session in Brussels (3 - 7.July 2006)
Report on the 15th Annual Session, Brussels, 2006
Opening Plenary Session
iII ',41
expressed his hope that the Ministerial Council would
bring added impetus to the Organization's work.
President Hastings gave a brief overview of the main
activities of the Assembly during the past year, in which
the PA has continued to facilitate inter-parliamentary
dialogue and provide a link between the OSCE
governmental structures and elected representatives. He
noted the progress the OSCE has made, growing from
35 States to 56, from a Conference to an Organization.
Continuing, he urged critical thinking regarding how
the Organization can work most effectively in the
future, including through reforms to uphold efficiency
and credibility.
Congressman Hastings reiterated the Assembly's
strong support for the OSCE's field missions. He also
noted the importance of making the public more aware
of the OSCE and its activities, as well as his own
efforts towards strengthening the transatlantic relation-
ship. The Congressman urged Mediterranean States to
apply the framework of the OSCE and its experience in
overcoming divisions.
Prior to proceeding with the regular business of the
15th Annual Session, the Assembly officially welcomed
the delegation from the Republic of Montenegro,
which had recently joined the OSCE, to the Assembly.
Ranko Krivokapic, Head of the new Delegation and
President of the Montenegrin Parliament, addressed
the Assembly, and stressed Montenegro's commitment
to stability and democracy.
Opening Remarks by Alcee L. Hastings,
President of the
OSCE Parliamentary Assembly
President Hastings opened the 15th Annual Session,
and, on behalf of the Assembly, warmly thanked the Fed-
eral Parliament of Belgium for the generous assistance
and hospitality in hosting the meeting. He applauded
the remarkable involvement of the Belgian Delega-
tion in the work of the OSCE PA since its inception.
The President reiterated the Assembly's willingness to
co-operate closely with the OSCE Chairmanship, and
OSCE, Alm.del - 2006-07 - Bilag 6: Report on the 15th Annual Session in Brussels (3 - 7.July 2006)
ssion, Brussels, 2006
Report on the 15'h Annual Se
the continuing
The President expressed his pride at
on observation
development of the OSCE PA's electi
ally led several
programme, noting that he had person
lined that the
observation missions. Hastings under
g their own
experience of parliamentarians in runnin
ertise and
elections gives them unique electoral exp
unmatched credibility. He urged continued
ing of this work by the Assembly.
all parlia-
Concluding, President Hastings thanked
to the work
mentarians for the time they have devoted
his grati-
of the Assembly, and particularly expressed
ed to him
tude for the support that Members had provid
during his mandate as President.
Address by Herman De Croo,
President of the
Belgian House of Representatives
On behalf of the Belgian House of Represen
Herman De Croo welcomed the OSCE PA to
Mr. De Croo stressed the importance of the OS
which he noted has become a pillar of the
lgian com-
security architecture. He underlined the Be
mitment to the Organization and to OSCE
clearly demonstrated by the country's Ch
ers of the
work in 2006. The Speaker reminded Memb
ntarians to
Chairman-in-Office's invitation for parliame
participate in discussions on reform of the
tion, and expressed his confidence that the
fully sup-
could contribute to this important debate. He
bly's June
ported the recommendations of the Assem
OSCE', and
2005 Colloquium on The Future of the
the Assem-
noted the need for a closer association of
In particular,
bly in OSCE decision-making processes.
the power to
he called for the Assembly to be given
approve the OSCE budget and Secretary Ge
Mr. De Croo stressed the importance of PA
tion, and
in the areas of conflict prevention and resolu
highlighted the appointment of Special Re
to this end.
and Ad Hoc Committees as effective tools
vation work
Also, he noted the important election obser
being done by the OSCE as one of the most
en by the
relevant aspects of work being undertak
Organization. Mr. De Croo highlighted the
PA election
made by Belgian parliamentarians to OSCE
o called on
observation missions. President De Croo als
ld missions
Members to continue to support OSCE fie
as the OSCE's most valuable assets.
Concluding, Mr. De Croo expressed his con
s, and that
that the coming Session would be a succes
tion and
it would raise the visibility of the Organiza
its work.
Address by Anne-Marie Lizin,
President of the Belgian Senate
the Bel-
Anne-Marie Lizin, who is also the Head of
d all partici-
gian Delegation to the OSCE PA, welcome
riate for the
pants to Belgium, noting that it was approp
center of
Assembly to be meeting in Brussels, at the
ropriate to
European democracy. In addition, it is app
nship of the
be in Belgium during the Belgian Chairma
OSCE, she noted.
President Lizin invited all Members to
g in conjunc-
in a special side-event she was organizin
improving the
tion with the Annual Session, aimed at
protection of children from abuse.
reason to
Mrs. Lizin stressed that there was good
bly, but urged
be proud of the successes of the Assem
regard, she
continued and innovative work. In this
ities over the
noted that gaining oversight responsibil
anization is
budget of the executive side of an org
OSCE, Alm.del - 2006-07 - Bilag 6: Report on the 15th Annual Session in Brussels (3 - 7.July 2006)
Report on the 15' Annual Session, Brussels, 2006
an important parliamentary role, as was done by the
European Parliament.
Mrs. Lizin noted the importance of the relationships
forged within the Assembly, and mentioned work
that she and the Belgian Senate had undertaken
together with parliamentarians from Kazakhstan as
an example of the benefits of these relations. The
Assembly has continued to be an important forum
for the advancement of democracy, but she noted
that not everything was perfect: more work remains
to be done in the field of gender equality, she said.
However, advances have been made, in this field and
in others, and she noted work by the Assembly's Ad
Hoc Committees and Special Representatives as an
excellent tool for focused work
Address by H.E. Karel De Gucht,
The Assembly must be willing to engage with
Chairman-in-Office of the OSCE
and discuss difficult and controversial issues such as
territorial integrity and protection of minorities, she
The Belgian Foreign Minister, who is also the Chair-
stressed. Also, it is important for the PA to examine and man-in-Office of the OSCE, welcomed the opportunity
talk about human rights issues in all OSCE states, both to address the PA. He noted the remarkable progress
East and West of Vienna. Mrs. Lizin noted that in her that has been made over 30 years, given that the coun-
capacity as Special Representative on Guantanamo, tries of Europe, the former Soviet Union, and North
she has recommended that American authorities lay America all gather for dialogue based upon the fun-
out a calendar detailing steps for closing the detention damental principles of the Helsinki Final Act and the
Charter of Paris. Similarly, dialogue between partner
center as soon as possible.
One of the most important topics to be addressed, institutions is important, and he noted his appreciation
Senator Lizin noted, has to do with election observa- for the Assembly's invitation to the Chairman-in-Office
tion by the OSCE. A good equilibrium between the to address its meetings.
Minister De Gucht stressed the importance of the
parliamentary and executive work must be achieved,
she said, and stressed that Members can be proud of Session's theme, `Strengthening Human Security in the
OSCE Region', noting that this has implications for
their work in this field.
Finally, Mrs. Lizin remarked on the active participa- all three OSCE dimensions. He noted the unique char-
tion of the Belgian Delegation in the OSCE PA, under- acteristics of the OSCE, which works to address the
needs of States as well as citizens.
lining the importance of the body.
The Minister reminded participants of the priorities
of the Belgian Chairmanship of the OSCE, in particu-
lar with regards to improving the effectiveness of the
Organization. He expressed his hope and confidence
that real solutions would be achieved by the end of
the year.
On the issue of electoral observation, the Minister
underlined that this was a collective responsibility of
the OSCE, and stressed that parliamentarians have a key
role to play and offer an invaluable contribution based
on their personal experience as elected officials. The
OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human
Rights also has a critical role in evaluating electoral
processes, he noted, underlining the relevance of the
1997 Co-operation Agreement between the OSCE PA
and the OSCE Chairman-in-Office.
OSCE, Alm.del - 2006-07 - Bilag 6: Report on the 15th Annual Session in Brussels (3 - 7.July 2006)
on, Brussels, 2006
Report on the 15'" Annual Sessi
nts of his pri-
Minister De Gucht reminded participa
three traditional
ority of rebalancing OSCE work in the
rk in the field
OSCE dimensions. He remarked on wo
t the OSCE
of political-security relations, saying tha
issues such
is theoretically well-placed to deal with
is needed to
as military doctrine, but that more effort
realise this. In the second dimension, the
a of trans-
ship had been focusing on security in the are
nce to work
portation, as well as giving greater substa
e Minister
in the field of fighting organized crime. Th
led `frozen
noted the need for work in solving so-cal
gness and
conflicts', while stressing that greater willin
ts is need.
leadership by those involved in these conflic
He pointed to positive steps regarding the
Ossetian conflict and regarding Transdniestri
The Chairman stressed the importance of dia
t also with
and co-operation between institutions, bu
r remarked
non-governmental organizations. He furthe
t for indi-
on OSCE efforts towards improving respec
the Chair-
vidual and collective identities, underlining
manship's commitment to further work in
man rights
tolerance. Respect for the rule of law and hu
noted, but
must be encouraged through dialogue, he
this dialogue must go both ways. The Ch
such dia-
will continue to fulfil its role of facilitating
logue within the OSCE, he said.
Following his address, the Chairman-i
the appoint-
answered Members' questions regarding
ment of a Special Representative on
and the Par-
improving dialogue between the OSCE
n OSCE elec-
liamentary Assembly, efforts to strengthe
e of OSCE
tion observation, the need for independenc
field missions, and the need for election
both East and West of Vienna.
Address by Rene van der Linden,
President of the Parliamentary Assemb
of the Council of Europe
for their
President van der Linden thanked Members
remarked on
invitation to address the OSCE PA, and
Council of
the many aspects that the OSCE PA and the
Europe PA (PACE) have in common.
es had
He noted that traditionally, the two Assembli
t he looked
worked in close conjunction, and said tha
In particular,
forward to continuing to work together.
operation of
van der Linden mentioned the close co-
Troika on
the Assemblies through the Parliamentary
n chairing
South East Europe, which PACE has bee
results of
most recently. He noted some of the recent
this co-operation.
ted co-
President van der Linden also highligh
vation. He
operation in the field of election obser
rly consult
noted that the OSCE PA and PACE regula
issue joint
each other on observation missions, and
of continued
statements. He stressed the importance
ich entails
parliamentary involvement in this field, wh
es without
both political and technical aspects. "It go
laced to take
saying that parliamentarians are best-p
vations, thus
care of the political aspects of obser
stly focuses
complementing ODIHR's efforts that mo
CE President
on more technical areas," he said. The PA
a conference
also invited the OSCE PA to participate in
on election observation.
Mr. van der Linden wished Members a
continue co-
Session, and expressed his willingness to
ted the fields
operation in the future. In particular, he no
ldren, and find-
of trafficking, protecting rights of chi
rtant areas to
ing solutions to frozen conflicts as impo
good use of
engage with, and urged Members to make
their political influence to this end.
OSCE, Alm.del - 2006-07 - Bilag 6: Report on the 15th Annual Session in Brussels (3 - 7.July 2006)
Report on the 15th Annual Session, Brussels, 200
actively participating in the work of the Steering Group
on future institutional arrangements in Kosovo, as the
OSCE's involvement will largely depend on the out-
come of future status negotiations. He stated that the
Organization is expected to maintain a strong presence
in Kosovo in the future, within a broader mandate.
On the issue of OSCE reform, the Secretary Gen-
eral reminded Members of the decisions taken at the
Ljubljana Ministerial Council in December 2005. He
noted that as Secretary General, he had been given
the responsibility for Working Groups on three central
reform issues related to the Secretariat, and informed
Members of progress being made on reform discus-
sions. He expressed his confidence that the political
will exists to surmount remaining difficulties and to
reach solutions in time for the Brussels Ministerial
Council in December 2006.
The OSCE Secretary General outlined suggestions
on reform which fall under his responsibility. He dis-
cussed the move towards more performance-based
programming and budgeting. He further outlined his
proposals on improving human resources policies,
based on a more selective use of the secondment system,
and by permitting a further extension of the permis-
sible period of service within the OSCE. In the field
of extra-budgetary projects, the Secretary General has
proposed maintaining decentralized decision-making,
while encouraging greater involvement of participat-
ing States in oversight of these projects.
The Secretary General highlighted OSCE work on
promoting tolerance, and particularly focused on the
Organization's contribution to the United Nations Alli-
ance of Civilizations initiative. He also stressed the
Address by Marc Perrin de Brichambaut,
Secretary General of the OSCE
The OSCE Secretary General thanked the Assem-
bly for the opportunity to speak, and for the active role
it has undertaken during the past year. He noted the
special role of the Assembly in ensuring a democratic
footing for the OSCE, and in avoiding bureaucratic
ensconcement. The Organization, he said, needs all
manner of interest and engagement in order to fulfil its
ambitious role, and he called upon parliamentarians to
continue to propose recommendations, and to maintain
a presence on the ground during elections.
Ambassador de Brichambaut commented on the
work of field presences in South Eastern Europe,
noting the importance of this area, which accounts for
48 percent of the entire OSCE budget. The OSCE is
OSCE, Alm.del - 2006-07 - Bilag 6: Report on the 15th Annual Session in Brussels (3 - 7.July 2006)
, Brussels, 2006
port on the 15' Annual Session
zing gov-
important role of parliamentarians in sensiti
erance and
ernments to issues related to promoting tol
ambaut drew
non-discrimination. Ambassador de Brich
Members' attention to the situation of gender
in the OSCE, noting that women remain un
ted progress
sented at senior management levels. He no
ion for the
in some areas, and expressed his appreciat
ing greater
work of the Parliamentary Assembly in bring
attention to this issue.
ion, he
Following the Secretary General's presentat
rians regard-
answered questions from the parliamenta
the OSCE
ing increasing the analytical capability of
ll as on the
Secretariat on conflict-prevention, as we
the OSCE
visibility of the Parliamentary Assembly on
s regarding
website. In addition, he addressed question
how best to improve gender balance in the
PA sug-
retariat and on improving feedback on OSCE
gestions on budget-spending in the OSCE
ement levels
gender balance within the senior manag
e low over-
of the OSCE. She also noted that, despit
all participation by women in the OSCE Parlia
the Assem-
Assembly, women are well-represented in
urged fur-
bly's leadership positions. Mrs. Tingsgård
to improve
ther efforts both in the OSCE and the PA
the situation.
Supplementary Items
The Assembly considered, and sub
adopted the Resolution on Combating
phy, pro-
and the Exploitation of Children in Pornogra
posed by Congressman Christopher Smith
loitation of
The Resolution strongly condemns the exp
nography, and
children, particularly through child por
to ensure that
urges States to take legislative measures
olution also
these crimes are fully punishable. The res
and collect-
proposes specific measures on reporting
to enhance
ing data on exploitation of children in order
measures to combat these practices.
Report by Tone Tingsgård,
OSCE PA Special Representative on
Gender Issues
er Issues
The Special Representative on Gend
at improving
reported on recent Assembly work aimed
gender equality. Vice-President Tingsgård
zed on the
particularly on a panel discussion organi
side-lines of the 50th Session of the UN
on the Status of Women, in March.
Mrs. Tingsgård reminded Members of the
in 2005, and
on gender issues passed by the Assembly
treaming the
noted that this year she had aimed at mains
issue throughout the Assembly's recomme
lack of
The Vice-President further highlighted the
OSCE, Alm.del - 2006-07 - Bilag 6: Report on the 15th Annual Session in Brussels (3 - 7.July 2006)
Report on the 15" Annual Session, Brussel
s, 2006
Side Meetings
Working Breakfast on Gender Issues
Again this year, the OSCE PA devoted particular attention to
issues. On 3 July, during the first day of the Assembly's Sess
ion, a
working breakfast on gender issues was hosted by the Presiden
t of the
Belgian Senate, Anne-Marie Lizin. In her welcoming remarks
, Mrs.
Lizin stressed the importance of promoting women's participatio
n in
politics and informed participants of a special side event on com
child pornography that she would be hosting during the Sess
ion. She
also shared the Belgian experience, emphasizing legislative initi
to ensure gender equality at all political levels. In addition, Mrs
. Lizin
urged work towards building an international network of NGO
s which
can combat `honour crimes' in OSCE countries.
Vice-Piesident Tone TYngsgård, the OSCE PA Special Represe
on Gender Issues, chaired the meeting. Mrs. Tingsgaard expresse
d her
regret that despite the high level of activity in the Assembly to prom
gender equality, progress is very slow. She presente
d the conclusions of
the OSCE PA Gender Report 2006: Although approximately half
of the
employed people in the OSCE are women, these women do not
reach the
top positions. Mrs. Tmgsgaard also noted the relatively few num
ber of women parliamentarians who participate in
OSCE PA activities. However, in spite of this, she noted that the
leadership of the Assembly has quite good gender
balance. The Special Representative repeated her call on Governm
ents to nominate more women to high-level positions
in the OSCE and urged Members of the Assembly to help iden
tify and support the candidature of qualified women
for such positions. "The women are there — and they are qualified
. But until the OSCE reaches a situation, or rather a
culture, where women are regarded as equally qualified as men
, they will need some extra help," she said.
Mrs. Tingsgård also reported on a project she had carried
out with other women from the Assembly. In
conjunction with the 50 Session of the UN Commission on the
Status of Women, the OSCE PA women organized
a side meeting entitled Women in Security Politics — do wom
en make a difference? Mrs. Tingsgård concluded
that the event was a success in bringing visibility to the Ass
embly within the UN and not least among NGOs,
and it provided a good opportunity to discuss gender in the
context of the issue of security politics, which has
traditionally been run by men.
OSCE, Alm.del - 2006-07 - Bilag 6: Report on the 15th Annual Session in Brussels (3 - 7.July 2006)
on, Brussels, 2006
Report on the 15' Annual Sessi
Side Meetings
then summarized the Annual
er at the OSCE Secretariat in Vienna
Monica Gutierrez Argues, Gender
el posts and that all Heads
that women hold just 13% of senior lev
Report from the Secretary General, showi
of Missions and Institutions are men.
n the Assembly, and
sed the meeting, urging further work withi
In the ensuing debate, several Delegates
the OSCE PA.
tinue to improve the gender imbalance in
in national parliaments, to con
Mediterranean Side Meeting
George, President Emeri-
took place on 4 July, was chaired by Bruce
The Mediterranean side meeting, which
the OSCE Mediterranean
CE PA on Mediterranean Affairs. Three of
tus and Special Representative of the OS
m the Mediterranean and
and Tunisia, as well as parliamentarians fro
Partners for Co-operation, Algeria, Israel
other OSCE regions participated in the me
tinue addressing issues
stressed the need for the Assembly to con
Mr. George welcomed the participants and
ty-Chairman of the OSCE
Mr. George introduced Arturo PErez, Depu
of importance to the Mediterranean region
ried out by the Contact
ers, who gave an account of the activities car
Contact Group with the Mediterranean Partn
nar to be held in Egypt in
for the Annual OSCE Mediterranean Semi
Group in 2006, and analyzed the prospects
floor to address issues such as
tation, several parliamentarians took the
November 2006. Following his presen
security challenges of the
the OSCE to other countries and common
extending the Mediterranean Dialogue in
Mediterranean countries.
the prospects for the Fourth
ad of the Delegation of Malta, presented
Subsequently, Jason Azzopardi, He
Malta in November 2006.
Mediterranean, which will be hosted by
OSCE PA Parliamentary Forum on the
discussed in Malta, focused
lowed by an open debate on the issues to be
Mr. Azzopardi's presentation was fol
ung people on the sharing of
rities in the Mediterranean. Educating yo
on migration and integration of mino
ect to be considered in the
ed by the participants as an important asp
civilizational values was also mention
Libya will be invited to attend
i also announced that a delegation from
Mediterranean Forum. Mr. Azzopard
the meetings in Malta.
the Delegation of Slovenia,
by participants. Roberto Battelli, Head of
Future activities were also discussed
Meetings, including the Medi-
ia will host the Assembly's 2007 Autumn
informed that the Parliament of Sloven
l invitation to the Assembly to
ate from Israel, Collette Avital, issued an ora
terranean Forum, next year. A Deleg
ination of the different Mediter-
idel (Germany) noted the need for co-ord
meet in Israel in the future. Hans Ra
s inter-parliamentary assemblies.
ranean activities carried out by the variou
OSCE, Alm.del - 2006-07 - Bilag 6: Report on the 15th Annual Session in Brussels (3 - 7.July 2006)
Report on the 15' Annual Session, Brussels, 2006
OSCE, Alm.del - 2006-07 - Bilag 6: Report on the 15th Annual Session in Brussels (3 - 7.July 2006)
s, 2006
Report on the 15ili Annual Session, Brussel
General Committee on Political Affairs and Se
Report and Resolution
Introducing his Report and Resolution, the Com-
mittee Rapporteur, Wolfgang Grossruck (Austria)
highlighted the challenges facing the OSCE, particu-
larly in the Balkans. He emphasized the importance
of the OSCE field missions in this region, citing the
efficient organization of the OSCE office in Albania
and the professional referendum monitoring mission
in Montenegro. Mr. Grossruck also emphasized the
need for more co-ordination between the European
Union and OSCE countries to constructively engage
in the negotiations on the future status of Kosovo. He
also highlighted the importance of the fight against cor-
ruption and organized crime. Finally, he stressed the
key role parliamentarians can play in their respective
national parliaments in encouraging their governments
to support the initiatives currently taking place in the
Balkans. After having debated and voted on the 36
amendments, the Committee unanimously adopted the
The resolution recommends that the OSCE offer
itself to the participating States as a leading international
actor in the co-operation and co-ordination of efforts in
democratization, institution-building based on rule of
law, combating discrimination against minorities, traf-
ficking in human beings, and other threats to human
security. In addition, it calls upon OSCE participating
States to co-operate with the OSCE field missions and
urges the field missions to increase their efforts in pro-
moting regional co-operation with local authorities.
Under the chairmanship of Gåran Lennmarker
(Sweden), the General Committee on Political Affairs
and Security discussed a wide range of topics included
in the Rapporteur's draft resolution, which mainly
focused on the current situation in the Balkans, as well
as the fight against corruption and organized crime. In
addition, the First General Committee debated supple-
mentary items on Enhancing the Role and Increasing
Efficiency of the OSCE PA (Georgia), Moldova (Fin-
land) and Afghanistan (Canada).
In its Edinburgh Declaration from 2004, the Assem-
bly asked the OSCE High Commissioner on National
Minorities to prepare a report on national policies
regarding minorities. In the first meeting of the Com-
mittee, the OSCE High Commissioner on National
Minorities, Rolf Ekeus, presented his Report on `Policy
on Integration and Diversity in Some OSCE participat-
ing States'. The report is a comparative study of policies
in established democracies in relation to their integra-
tion of minorities. In his presentation, the High Com-
missioner highlighted that the issue of immigration is
taken seriously by OSCE participating States, which are
making efforts to implement immigration policies. The
study focuses on how minorities should be integrated in
society and how policies can help to manage the situa-
tion. Ambassador Ekeus stressed that immigration, glo-
balization and the economy are factors that help increase
diversity and that diverse societies as a rule are better
developed. Because of this link between diversity and
development, Mr. Ekeus highlighted the importance of
establishing integrative policies in OSCE participating
States. He stressed his recognition that integration proc-
esses are complex. He further highlighted the importance
of education to promote inclusiveness and the necessity
to adopt policy measures which sustain diversity and
respect for religion and culture.
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Report on the 15th Annual Session, Brussels, 200
Supplementary Items
Three supplementary items were debated and voted
on in the First General Committee.
The supplementary item on Enhancing the Role
and Increasing Efficiency of the OSCE PA, sponsored
by Nino Burjanadze (Georgia), was adopted follow-
ing debate on the proposed amendments. The resolu-
tion emphasizes the need to adapt the Organization
to changing security challenges and to intensify the
co-operation between OSCE Parliamentary Assembly
and the OSCE in order to implement more effectively
OSCE objectives and consolidate democratic institu-
tions in the OSCE participating States.
The supplementary item on Moldova was presented
by Kimmo Kiljunen (Finland) and commented on by
Head of the OSCE Mission in Moldova, Ambassador
William Hill. The resolution urges the Moldovan Gov-
ernment and the administration of the Transdniestrian
region to actively seek in good faith for ways that can
lead to a comprehensive and lasting political settlement
of the Transdniestrian conflict.
The supplementary item on Afghanistan was spon-
sored by Consiglio Di Nino (Canada) who called for
the OSCE participating States to support the restora-
tion of a stable economy in Afghanistan and empha-
sized the need for more regional co-operation between
the OSCE Central Asian participating States. In addi-
tion, the resolution reaffirms the commitments made
on Afghanistan by the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly,
and recognizes the progress made in maintaining polit-
ical and military security, fostering economic develop-
ment and promoting human rights in the region.
Election of Officers
The following Members were elected to serve in
the First Committee:
Jean-Charles Gardetto (Monaco)
Vice-Chair: Hans Raidel (Germany)
Rapporteur: Kristian Pihl Lorentzen (Denmark)
OSCE, Alm.del - 2006-07 - Bilag 6: Report on the 15th Annual Session in Brussels (3 - 7.July 2006)
Report on the 151h Annual Session, Brussels,
General Committee on Economic Affairs, Science,
Technology and the Environment
The three sessions of the General Committee on
Economic Affairs, Science, Technology and the Envi-
ronment (Second Committee) were chaired by Con-
gressman Benjamin Cardin (USA). The Rapporteur,
presented his report entitled `Strengthening Human
Security in the OSCE Region', which was followed by
a general debate and consideration of the draft resolu-
tion and its amendments. The Committee also debated
six supplementary items.
Report and Resolution
The Rapporteur of the Second Committee, Roland
Blum (France) underlined that the objective of his
report is to reaffirm the role of the economic dimension
in a global approach to security. The signatories of the
Helsinki Final Act, he said, were aware of the importance
of economic factors in consolidating an area of peace in
Europe. In his report Mr. Blum addresses the importance
of economic integration in the Caucasus and Central
Asia. Economic integration in this area is primarily based
on the countries' diversity and trade in natural resources.
Mr. Blum also addressed issues such as economic and
environmental insecurity in the OSCE area
The resolution proposed by Mr. Blum and adopted by
the Committee puts forward specific proposals aimed
at intensifying the role of the OSCE in economic and
environmental issues. Mr. Blum stressed that democ-
racy helps to foster economic prosperity and stability.
Democracy is vital for achieving healthy economic
Bernard Snoy, Co-ordinator of OSCE Economic
and Environmental Activities, briefed the Committee
on major developments of the OSCE Economic and
Environmental Activities, placing particular empha-
sis on the work of the OSCE since the Assembly last
met in Vienna. Mr. Snoy also briefed Members on his
office's efforts on combating corruption and promoting
entrepreneurship among women-owned and minority-
owned small businesses.
Mr. Snoy informed parliamentarians about the
numerous activities of his office leading to the conclu-
sion of the 14th OSCE Economic Forum held in Prague
in May. The Forum concluded discussions on secure
transport networks in the OSCE region, and addressed
the issue of secure transportation networks and the
development of transport links as a way to enhance
economic co-operation and stability.
OSCE, Alm.del - 2006-07 - Bilag 6: Report on the 15th Annual Session in Brussels (3 - 7.July 2006)
Report on the 15th Annual Session, Brussels, 2006
promote concrete actions related to systemic risk gov-
ernance and effective management of systemic risks.
The Second Committee adopted the Resolution on
Illicit Air Transport of Small Arms and Light Weapons
and their Ammunition, presented by FrancoisXavier
De Donnea (Belgium). It calls upon OSCE participat-
ing States to implement their undertakings in the OSCE
Document on SALW.
The Resolution on Forming a Global System of
Warning and Eliminating Consequences of Natural
Disasters, presented by Serguey Glaziev (Russian
Federation) addresses the need to reduce the negative
consequences of natural disasters. The resolution rec-
ommends that the governments of OSCE participating
States begin elaborating a global system for warning
and eliminating consequences of natural disasters.
The Resolution on Monitoring Social Develop-
ment in the OSCE Region, presented by Doris Barnett
of Germany indicates that differences exist between
the countries and regions of the OSCE as regards the
implementation of the human dimension commitments.
It urges the OSCE participating States to ensure that a
social progress report is presented to the national par-
liaments regularly.
The Resolution on the Global Organization of Parlia-
mentarians Against Corruption, presented by Consiglio
Di Nino (Canada) reiterates that corruption represents
one of the major impediments to prosperity and sus-
tainable development of OSCE participating States. In
adopting this resolution, the Committee urges parlia-
mentarians in the OSCE to strengthen their efforts to
combat corruption and the conditions that foster it.
The Resolution on Limiting Immunity for Parlia-
mentarians in order to Strengthen Good Governance,
Public Integrity and the Rule of Law in the OSCE
Region, presented by Congressman Benjamin Cardin
and adopted by the Committee, urges the parliaments
in the OSCE region to legislate to provide clear, bal-
anced, transparent and enforceable procedures for
waiving parliamentary immunities in cases of criminal
acts or ethical violations.
Supplementary Items
The Second Committee dealt with six supplemen-
tary items in the form of draft resolutions.
The Resolution on Risk Management, presented
by Anne-Marie Lizin (Belgium) and adopted by the
Committee, addresses the multiple aspects of systemic
risk governance and of its growing importance to inter-
national and global security. It stresses the need to
Election of Officers
The following Members were elected to serve in
the Second Committee:
Leonid Ivanchenko (Russia
Vice-Chair: Petros Efthymiou (Greece)
Rapporteur: Roland Blum (France)
OSCE, Alm.del - 2006-07 - Bilag 6: Report on the 15th Annual Session in Brussels (3 - 7.July 2006)
ssels, 2006
Report on the 1.5" Annual Session, Bru
"F- 4114,
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Report on the 15th Annual Session, Brussels, 200
Third General Committee on Democracy, Human Righ
and Humanitarian Questions
highlighting a number of issues of particular impor-
tance. In the field of election observation, Mrs. Lizin
stressed that it was particularly important that the
OSCE PA and the OSCE Office for Democratic Insti-
tutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) co-operate effec-
tively in this common undertaking. The Rapporteur
continued by addressing the issue of so-called `honour
crimes' or `vendetta'. Such practices exist through-
out the OSCE region, she noted, and must be fully
addressed in national legislation. In the field of security
services, Mrs. Lizin underlined that her intention was
to encourage adequate parliamentary oversight of these
bodies in order to avoid potential problems. Senator
Lizin also addressed the issue of protection of national
minorities in her draft Resolution, in order to continue
focus on this key issue within the OSCE and the Par-
liamentary Assembly. In the field of freedom of reli-
gion, the Rapporteur stressed that it is important that
the PA continue to speak out in favour of this right, as
certain restrictions remain in some areas of the OSCE.
Finally, addressing the last chapter of her Report, Mrs.
Lizin discussed the conduct of OSCE staff in the field,
stressing that it was vital that these staff be held to high
moral standards and that they not contribute in any way
to practices such as trafficking.
Following a general debate on the issues addressed
in Mrs. Lizin's Report, as well as on issues such as the
American detention facility in Guantanamo Bay, poten-
tial problems surrounding electronic voting practices
and OSCE PA-ODIHR co-operation, the Committee
amended and approved the Third Committee Resolu-
tion. In addition to the issues addressed by the Rap-
porteur, the Resolution reiterates OSCE commitments
on gender and election standards. Also, the Resolution
urges action by all States to ensure adequate protec-
tion of children from exploitation and abuse, including
through education and appropriate authorities at the
national and international levels.
The Acting Chair of the Third General Commit-
tee on Democracy, Human Rights and Humanitarian
Questions, Cecilia Wigstråm (Sweden), presided over
all of the meetings of the Third Committee. During
the four meetings of the Committee, Members con-
sidered a wide range of issues within these fields. In
particular, there was discussion on OSCE election
observation activities, gender issues, crimes of honour,
anti-Semitism, conduct by international OSCE staff,
and combating violence against children.
Report and Resolution
The Rapporteur of the Third Committee, Anne-
Marie Lizin (Belgium), gave Members of the Commit-
tee a brief overview of her Report and draft Resolution,
Supplementary Items
The Third General Committee considered, and
approved, four supplementary items.
The supplementary item on Improving the Imple-
mentation of OSCE Electoral Standards and Com-
OSCE, Alm.del - 2006-07 - Bilag 6: Report on the 15th Annual Session in Brussels (3 - 7.July 2006)
Report on the 1.5"' Annual Session, Brussels, 200
mitments and the Effectiveness of OSCE Election
Observation Activities was presented by Marieluise
Beck (Germany). The resolution calls upon OSCE
States to place particular emphasis on implementing
OSCE election commitments, and to adopt additional
commitments to increase transparency of election
The supplementary item on Co-operation with Civil
Society and Non-Governmental Organizations, also
proposed by Mrs. Beck, emphasizes the important role
played by civil society in the Helsinki process. The
resolution calls for open exchanges of views with non-
governmental representatives by both participating
States and by OSCE parliamentarians.
The Committee adopted the resolution on Combat-
ing anti-Semitism and Other Forms of Discrimina-
tion, presented by Gert Weisskirchen (Germany). The
resolution builds upon previous resolutions adopted
by the Assembly, recognizes the work being done by
the OSCE/ODIHR in this field, calls for national plans
to combat discrimination, and urges increased educa-
tional and awareness-raising efforts on the problems of
The supplementary item on Funding for Positions
of Advisors in the Tolerance and Non-Discrimina-
tion Unit of the Office for Democratic Institutions and
Human Rights, proposed by George Voinovich (USA)
and adopted by the Committee, urges that the OSCE
provide the necessary funding to support ODIHR work
in the field of non-discrimination.
Election of Officers
The following Members were elected to serve in
the Third Committee:
Anne-Marie Lizin (Belgium)
Vice-Chair: Cecilia Wi,gstreim (Sweden)
Rapporteur: Jesus Ldpez-Medel (Spain)
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Report on the 15m Annual Session, Brussels, 2006
OSCE, Alm.del - 2006-07 - Bilag 6: Report on the 15th Annual Session in Brussels (3 - 7.July 2006)
Report on the 15fh Annual Session, Brussels,
Closing Plenary Session
In the field of elections, several Members stressed the
The Second Plenary Session was opened by Presi-
of co-ordinated observation work within the
dent Alcee Hastings, who informed the Assembly importance
work is of vital importance in promoting
about the results of the elections in the three General OSCE. Such
fair elections in the OSCE area, it was noted.
Committees. Members then undertook a general debate free and
The candidates running for President of the Assem-
on current issues, in which over 30 Members took the
bly were each given the opportunity to share their opin-
floor to express their opinions on issues of concern.
all put forward their views on Assembly work
Members noted the importance of the OSCE in rein- ions, and
forcing multilateral dialogue in Europe, and including in the futu
The Assembly Treasurer, Senator Jerry Grafstein
North America in this dialogue. The OSCE PA, it was
d his report to the PA, noting that the Assem-
stated, is vital to promoting dialogue within this context, presente
s finances were in excellent shape and that almost
and President Hastings was commended for his role as bly'
ributions had been received. He commended
President of the Assembly. Some delegates expressed all cont
k of the International Secretariat's managing
their deep concern over environmental issues, particu- the wor
mbly work, and thanked President Hastings for
larly focused on climate change and ecological catas- of Asse
work on behalf of the OSCE PA. Secretary
trophes. Energy security was also noted as an area in his hard
eral Spencer Oliver delivered his report, noting
which closer co-operation was important. The impor- Gen
rnational Secretariat had supported a busy
tance of continued concentration on fighting corruption that the Inte
year for the Assembly, but that it continued to function
was also stressed by Members.
get. He thanked the President for his
Members addressed the issue of trafficking in human well within bud
work at all levels, stressing that President Hast-
beings. Several Members expressed their deep concern active
represented the OSCE PA at all levels, from
over this crime, and reiterated the need for implemen- ings had
ial conference to on-the-ground election
tation of specific policies in both sending and receiv- the Minister
rvation missions.
ing countries. Minorities' rights were raised by several obse
parliamentarians, and the need for uniform respect of
rights throughout the OSCE was stressed. More co-
operative work on immigration and integration policies
is needed, stressed one Member. A number of parlia-
mentarians noted that the OSCE PA can assist in raising
awareness of related problems, including xenophobia.
Several Members voiced their ongoing concern over
the conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh, and considered the
OSCE role in this context. One Member underlined
the importance of applying the Geneva Conventions to
detainees at the United States facility in Guantanamo Bay,
and noted recent legal decisions in the United States.
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Report on the 15th Annual Session, Brussels, 200
The Assembly considered, and then adopted, the
Resolution on Strengthening Effective Parliamen-
tary Oversight of Security and Intelligence Agen-
cies, presented by Roberto Battelli (Slovenia), which
outlines a general framework for parliamentary
oversight of security services. It recommends estab-
lishing specialised parliamentary bodies for scrutiny
of intelligence services, increased exchanges of best-
practices in the field, and calls for States to ensure
that their territories are not used to assist rendition
The work of each of the three General Committees
was presented to the Plenary by Gåran Lennmarker,
Benjamin Cardin, and Cecilia Wigstrbm respectively.
Following their presentations, the Brussels Declara-
tion, made up of the Committee Resolutions, was
adopted by the entire Assembly, as were each of the
supplementary items that had been considered in the
three Committees.
OSCE PA President Alcee L. Hastings was presented
with a commemorative plaque as thanks for his tireless
efforts on behalf of the Assembly. Congressman Hast-
ings thanked all Members, as well as the staff of the
Delegations, for their work.
Prior to the closing of the Session, Treasurer Jerry
Grafstein announced the results of the elections of
Assembly Officers.
Newly elected President Gåran Lennmarker briefly
addressed the Assembly, and paid tribute to the other
candidates in the Presidential election, and stressed
that he looked forward to working with all Members.
He thanked President Emeritus Hastings for his efforts,
and the Belgian parliament for their hospitality in host-
ing the Session.
Election of Assembly Officers
Prior to closing the 15th Annual Session, the
Assembly elected the following parliamentarians as
Gåran Lennmarker
Benjamin Cardin (USA)
Joåo Soares (Portugal)
Tone Tingsgård (Sweden)
Wolfgang Grossruck
OSCE, Alm.del - 2006-07 - Bilag 6: Report on the 15th Annual Session in Brussels (3 - 7.July 2006)
Report on the .1.5ih Annual Session, Brussels,
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OSCE, Alm.del - 2006-07 - Bilag 6: Report on the 15th Annual Session in Brussels (3 - 7.July 2006)
Report on the 15' Annual Session, Brussels, 2006
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OSCE, Alm.del - 2006-07 - Bilag 6: Report on the 15th Annual Session in Brussels (3 - 7.July 2006)
and Co-operation in Europe, whose 55
amentary dimension of the Organization for Security
The OSCE PA is the parli
ouver to Vladivostok.
participating States span the geographical area from Vanc
-parliamentary dialogue, an important aspect of the
ary task of the 317 member Assembly is to facilitate inter
The prim
OSCE area. Recognized as a regional arrangement
to meet the challenges of democracy throughout the
overall effort
instrument for early warning, conflict preven-
the United Nations Charter, the OSCE is a primary
under Chapter VIII of
in its area. The Parliamentary Assembly, originally
crisis management and post-conflict rehabilitation
the OSCE by national parliaments, has grown into a very
1990 Paris Summit to promote greater involvement in
by the
active and esteemed member of the OSCE family.
The basic objectives of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly
by participating States;
• To assess the implementation of OSCE objectives
Council and the summits of Heads of State or Government;
ss subjects addressed during meetings of the Ministerial
• To discu
ention and resolution of conflicts;
• To develop and promote mechanisms for the prev
institutions in OSCE participating States;
To support the strengthening and consolidation of democratic
tures and of relations between existing OSCE Institutions.
To contribute to the development of OSCE institutional struc
mbly employs a variety of means:
To pursue these objectives, the OSCE Parliamentary Asse
mendations are adopted each year at the Annual Session in
A Final Declaration and a number of resolutions and recom
international issues;
Committee work addresses important contemporary
including an extensive election observation
Seminars designed to develop and strengthen democracy
Programmes and
Special parliamentary missions to areas of latent or
e crisis.
rative support for the Assembly in its various activities.
The OSCE PA International Secretariat provides administ
, and provides support for election observation proje
The Secretariat organizes the meetings of the Assembly
out in co-operation with other OSCE Institutions and
missions and Presidential activities. Its work is carried
hosted by the Danish Parliament, is headed by
parliamentary organizations. The Secretariat, which is
t staff of 14.
Secretary General Spencer Oliver, and has a permanen
Secretary General
Spencer Oliver
Deputy Secretary
!Italy Evseyvev
Deputy Secretary
Tina Schørt
Special Repre-
Andreas Nothelle
Presidential Advisor
Gustavo Pallares
Anna Chernova
Press Officer
Andreas Baker
Liaison Officer
Andrk Blasco
Assistant to the
Secretary General
Dana Bjerregaard
Conference Co-
Odile LeLarge
General Services
Kurt Lerras
Financial Assistant
Pia Cathrin
Per-Henrik Darr
Senior Secretary
Connie Mathiesen
OSCE, Alm.del - 2006-07 - Bilag 6: Report on the 15th Annual Session in Brussels (3 - 7.July 2006)
OSCE Parliamentary Assembly
International Secretariat
Rådhusstræde I
1466 Copenhagen K
Telephone: +45 33 37 80 40
Telefax: +45 33 37 80 30
E-mail: [email protected]
Internet: www.oscepa.org