237 SESA 06 E






NATO Parliamentary Assembly

















of the






Québec City Convention Centre, Québec, Canada

Friday 17 November 2006














International Secretariat                                                                                                 November 2006

The Session was opened at 9.15 a.m. on Friday 17 November 2006, with the Hon Pierre Claude Nolin (Canada), Vice-President of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, in the Chair.



1.       Opening of the Sitting



The Vice-President declared the 52nd Annual Session of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly open and welcomed guests and members.



2.       Address by the Hon Noël A Kinsella, Speaker of the Senate of Canada



Mr Kinsella addressed the Assembly.


The Vice-President thanked Mr Kinsella.



3.       Address by Mr Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, Secretary General of NATO and Chairman of the North Atlantic Council, followed by a question and answer period (via live video conference)



The Secretary General addressed the Assembly and answered questions from Mr Miranda Calha (Portugal), Mr Zavarzin (Russia), Lord Jopling (United Kingdom), Mr Estrella (Spain) and Mrs Jukneviciene (Lithuania).


The Vice-President thanked the Secretary General.



4.       Address by the Hon Gordon O’Connor, Minister of National Defence of Canada, followed by a question and answer period



Mr Erdem (Turkey), Vice-President of the Assembly, took the Chair


Mr O’Connor addressed the Assembly and answered questions from Mr Miranda Calha (Portugal), Mr Mikser (Estonia), Mr Vitel (France) and Mr van Winsen (Netherlands).


The Vice-President thanked Mr O’Connor.



5.       Address by Mrs Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović, Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration of Croatia, followed by a question and answer period



Mrs Grabar-Kitarović addressed the Assembly and answered questions from Mr van Gennip (Netherlands), Mr Mikser (Estonia), Mrs Haering (Switzerland) and Mrs Kalantzakou (Greece).


The Vice-President thanked Mrs Grabar-Kitarović.



6.       Address by the Hon Peter Milliken, Speaker of the House of Commons of Canada



Mr Milliken addressed the Assembly.


Mr Nolin, Vice-President of the Assembly, took the Chair.


The Vice-President thanked Mr Milliken.



7.       Election of the President and Vice-Presidents of the Assembly



There being only one nomination for the post of President of the Assembly, Mr Bert Koenders (Netherlands) was elected, by acclamation.


Mr Koenders addressed the Assembly.


The Vice-President thanked Mr Koenders.


The Vice-President thanked Mr Estrella for all his work for the Assembly.



The sitting was suspended between 12 pm and 12.20 pm and resumed with Mr Erdem, Vice‑President of the Assembly, in the Chair.


The Vice-President announced that six candidates had been nominated for five positions of Vice‑President: Mr Paul E Gillmor (United States), Mr Karl A Lamers (Germany), Mr José Lello (Portugal), Mr Mihail Lupoi (Romania), Mr Sven Mikser (Estonia) and Mr Jan Petersen (Norway).The Vice-President recalled that the Standing Committee had decided on 15 November 2004 that the new post of Vice-President should be for a candidate from a new member country.  There being two nominations, Mr Mihail Lupoi (Romania) and Mr Sven Mikser (Estonia), the Assembly would proceed to a secret ballot, in accordance with Article 6, paragraph 1 of the Rules of Procedure.


The Vice-President noted that there was one candidate for the Bureau from the delegations from North America, Mr Paul E Gillmor (United States), so the conditions of Article 5, paragraph 5 of the Rules of Procedure were met.


There being four nominations for four positions, Mr Paul E Gillmor (United States), Mr Karl Lamers (Germany), Mr José Lello (Portugal) and Mr Jan Petersen (Norway) were elected by acclamation.


The tellers for the election for the fifth Vice-President were Mr Frank Cook (United Kingdom) and Mrs Norica Nicolai (Romania).


Members of the Assembly voted by secret ballot.


Mr Nolin, Vice-President of the Assembly, took the Chair.



8.       Presentation by the Secretary General on future activities of the Assembly



The Secretary General addressed the Assembly.


The Vice-President thanked the Secretary General.



9.         Presentation of the Report of Mr Lothar Ibrügger, Treasurer of the Assembly, for 2005 and the current financial year, approval of the Report [182 FIN 06 E], the Audited Financial Statements for 2005 [183 FIN 06 E], the Audited Provident Fund Financial Statement for 2005 [028 FIN 06 E] and Vote on the Budget of the Assembly for 2007 [029 FIN 06 E bis]



The Treasurer of the Assembly presented his Report for 2005, the Audited Financial Statements for 2005, the Audited Provident Fund Financial Statement for 2005 and the Budget of the Assembly for 2007.


The Vice-President thanked the Treasurer.



The Report of the Treasurer [182 FIN 06 E] was adopted.


The Audited Financial Statements for 2005 [183 FIN 06 E] were adopted.


The Audited Provident Fund Financial Statement for 2005 [028 FIN 06 E] was adopted.


The Budget of the Assembly for 2007 [029 FIN 06 E bis] was agreed to.



10.     Election of a Vice-President of the Assembly: announcement of result



The Vice-President announced the ballot result:


Mr Mihail Lupoi (Romania) was elected Vice-President of the Assembly.




11.     Vote on the amendments to the Rules of Procedure [090 SC 06 E rev. 1] and Financial Regulations [091 SC 06 E rev. 1]



The Vice-President submitted to the Assembly for final approval amendments to the Rules of Procedure [090 SC 06 E rev. 1] and Financial Regulations [090 SC 06 E rev. 1], as adopted by the Standing Committee.



The amendments were agreed to.



Mr Erdem, Vice-President of the Assembly, took the Chair.



12.       Presentation by Mr Michael Mates, Chairman of the Science and Technology Committee, of the draft Resolution on The Nuclear Weapon Test by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea submitted by the Committee; debate and Vote on the draft Resolution [203 STC 06 E rev. 1]



Mr Mates (United Kingdom) presented the draft Resolution.


Mr Skyllakos (Greece) spoke.


Mr Mates replied.



The draft Resolution on The Nuclear Weapon Test by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea [203 STC 06 E rev. 1] was agreed to.




13.       Presentation by Mr Pierre Claude Nolin, Vice-President of the Assembly and General Rapporteur of the Science and Technology Committee, of the draft Resolution on Interoperability in Network-Enabled Operations submitted by the Committee; debate and Vote on the draft Resolution [203 STC 06 E rev. 1]



Mr Pierre Claude Nolin (Canada) presented the draft Resolution.



The draft Resolution on Interoperability in Network-Enabled Operations [202 STC 06 E] was agreed to.



Mr Nolin, Vice-President of the Assembly, took the Chair.




14.     Presentation by Mr Michael Clapham, Chairman of the Committee on the Civil Dimension of Security, of the draft Resolution on The Future of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the Euro‑Atlantic Community submitted by the Committee; debate and Vote on the draft Resolution [195 CDS 06 E rev. 1]



Mr Clapham (United Kingdom) presented the draft Resolution.



The draft Resolution on The Future of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the Euro-Atlantic Community [195 CDS 06 E rev. 1] was agreed to.



15.     Presentation by Mr Michael Clapham, Chairman of the Sub-Committee on Democratic Governance, of the draft Resolution on Relations between Georgia and the Russian Federation submitted by the Committee on the Civil Dimension of Security; debate and Vote on the draft Resolution [220 CDS 06 E rev. 1]



Mr Clapham (United Kingdom) presented the draft Resolution.



The draft Resolution on Relations between Georgia and the Russian Federation [220 CDS 06 E rev. 1] was agreed to.



16.       Presentation by Mr Julio Miranda Calha, General Rapporteur of the Defence and Security Committee of the draft Resolution on Reaffirming NATO’s Unity of Purpose in Afghanistan submitted jointly by the Defence and Security and Political Committees; debate and Vote on the draft Resolution [235 SESA 06 E]



Mr Miranda Calha (Portugal) presented the draft Resolution on Reaffirming NATO’s Unity of Purpose in Afghanistan [235 SESA 06 E].


Mr Bosi (Italy), Mr Monaco (Italy), Mr Likourentzos (Greece), Mr Skyllakos (Greece), Mr Benoît (Canada), Mr George (United Kingdom), Mr Estrella (Spain) and Mrs Flesch (Luxembourg) spoke.


Mr Miranda Calha (Portugal) replied.


The Vice-President confirmed that he had accepted the correction to the French version of the text proposed by Mr Estrella.



Paragraphs 1-17 were agreed to.


Sub-paragraph 18.a was agreed to.


Mr George (United Kingdom) raised a point of order.


Sub-paragraphs 18.b-18.k and paragraphs 19-21 were agreed to.


The draft Resolution on Reaffirming NATO’s Unity of Purpose in Afghanistan [235 SESA 06 E] was agreed to.



17.       Presentation by Mr Jos van Gennip, General Rapporteur of the Economics and Security Committee, of the draft Resolution on Improving Global Energy Security submitted by the Committee; debate and Vote on the draft Resolution [196 ESC 06 E rev. 1]



Mr Jos van Gennip (Netherlands) presented the draft Resolution on Improving Global Energy Security [196 ESC 06 E rev. 1].



The draft Resolution on Improving Global Energy Security [196 ESC 06 E rev. 1] was adopted.



18.       Presentation by the Hon Raynell Andreychuk (Canada), General Rapporteur of the Political Committee, of the draft Resolution on The Future Status of Kosovo submitted by the Committee; debate and Vote on the draft Resolution [206 PC 06 E rev. 1]



The Hon Raynell Andreychuk (Canada) presented the draft Resolution on The Future Status of Kosovo [206 PC 06 E rev. 1].


Mr Loverdos (Greece) spoke.


The Hon Raynell Andreychuck replied.


Mr Loverdos (Greece) and Mr Prorokovic (Serbia) spoke.



Paragraphs 1-6 were agreed to.


Paragraph 7 was agreed to.


Paragraphs 8-10 were agreed to.


The draft Resolution on The Future Status of Kosovo [206 PC 06 E rev. 1] was agreed to.



19.       Presentation by the Hon Raynell Andreychuk, General Rapporteur of the Political Committee, of the draft Resolution on The 50th Anniversary of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution and Fight for Freedom, submitted by the Committee; debate and Vote on the draft Resolution [205 PC 06 E]


The Hon Raynell Andreychuk (Canada) presented the draft Resolution on The 50th Anniversary of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution and Fight for Freedom [205 PC 06 E].


Mr Skyllakos (Greece) spoke.


The Hon Raynell Andreychuk replied.



The draft Resolution on The 50th Anniversary of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution and Fight for Freedom [205 PC 06 E] was agreed to.



20.     Adoption of the Declaration approved by the Standing Committee on NATO’s Riga Summit [159 SC 06 E rev. 2]


The Declaration on NATO’s Riga Summit [159 SC 06 E rev. 2] was adopted.




21.     Closure of the Session



The Vice-President thanked the staff of the Canadian Parliament, the International Secretariat, the security staff, the interpreters and all the others who had helped the session run so smoothly.



The Session was closed at 2.15 pm.



