Ref: 12620 06 EÂ Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 27 November 2006
Dear Member,
Final preparations for the Parliamentary Transatlantic Forum in Washington DC, 11-12 December, organized in conjunction with the Atlantic Council of the United States and the National Defense University, are now well under way, and we are looking forward, once again, to a timely and successful meeting. The revised programme is attached for your reference.
Please note that no official transportation is foreseen between the airports and the hotel or meeting venue upon arrival.
In view of the difficulties of individual access to the conference site, participants are urged to use the official conference transport rather than travelling directly to the conference site. This official transport will operate uniquely to and from the Marriott at Metro Center Hotel. Those delegations staying in other locations are requested to join the official transport at the Marriott at Metro Center Hotel.
The address of the hotel is as follows:
775 12th Street NW
Washington, DC 20005
For reference, please note that the buses will depart from the Marriott at Metro Center hotel to the National Defense University on Monday 11 December at 09:00.
For those participants leaving Washington DC on 12 December, one bus will depart at the conclusion of the meetings from the National Defense University directly to Washington Dulles airport. The bus will depart as close to the end of the meeting as possible – currently scheduled for +/-13:00. The transfer to Washington Dulles airport should take approximately 1 hour and 15 minutes, although we have been advised that security measures at Dulles Airport can take considerable time, and members are encouraged to plan their flights accordingly. Members wishing to take this airport bus should ensure they bring their suitcases with them on the morning of 12 December.
Alternatively, taxis can be ordered at the reception area of the National Defense University, adjacent to the Marshall Hall, where the meetings will take place.
A further bus will take those departing at later times back to the Marriott at Metro Center Hotel.
As the deadline for the reservation of rooms at the Marriott at Metro Center Hotel has now passed (9 November), neither the availability of rooms, nor the specially-negotiated group rate can now be guaranteed. Delegations are urged to make their reservations as soon as possible but should be aware that the room rate applied will be that which is available on the day of the reservation.
Registration Fee and Reception Period
Please note that as this is a ‘no host’ meeting, a registration fee of US$110 will be charged to each participant. The fee will cover a buffet lunch, coffee break refreshments, costs related to interpretation and bus transport to and from the meeting venue. Badges and final papers relating to the forum will be distributed at that time.
For security reasons, the strong preference of the Assembly would be for the payments to be made by bank transfer.
However, in exceptional circumstances, for those delegations who are not able to do bank transfers for their participants, it will be possible for their delegates to pay the fee in cash in US$ only during the registration period, which will be held in the Lobby near the Front Desk of the Marriott at Metro Center, on Sunday, 10 December between 18:00 and 20:00, or at the NDU on the morning of Monday 11 December. It would be helpful if members could bring the exact sum.
Payment by credit card will not be possible.
Payments made by bank transfer should be credited to the following account (for countries inside the "Euro Zone" this should be straightforward and delegations should not incur any bank charges):Â
Bank: Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â INGÂ Â
Address:                                                          Rue du Trône 1
                                                                                   1000 Brussels
                       International Bank Account Number:              BE13 3100 4045 4039
                       Bank Identifier Code / Swift Code:                 BBRUBEBB
                       Account in the name of:                                 NATO PA / AP-OTAN               Â
Please note that the registration fee will also apply to any member of your staff or local representation or Embassy who may be accompanying your delegation during the forum.
For those participants arriving outside the ‘registration desk’ hours on Sunday night, badges and papers will be distributed and the registration fee collected at the National Defense University on the morning of Monday 11th December.
Travel itineraries
For those delegations that have not already done so, I would be grateful if you could forward the travel details of your members including their arrival and departure dates, times and flight numbers to my Assistant, Susan Millar, as soon as possible.Â
Local Representations
Similarly, should you foresee the participation of members of your local embassy or representation in Washington DC, please pass their details to Susan Millar by Friday 1 December at the latest. The details should include name, job title, and an indication of the official name of the organisation they represent. If relevant, please also indicate whether they will attend the lunch on Monday. Please note that those not appearing on the security list by this date may be denied access to the National Defense University site.
Access to the meeting venue
Although we would urge delegations to use the official transport foreseen, for those delegations choosing to arrive at Fort McNair via their own transport, please note that the National Defense University have published the following information regarding entrance to the Fort McNair base.
“Due to heightened security procedures, access to the National Defense University is strictly controlled. Their own Security team offer the following advice regarding access to the site.
Access to Fort McNair: All attendees will be listed on a roster which the Military Police will use for granting access to the military compound. As long as your name is on the roster, you should not have any major problems accessing Fort McNair. You must present one of three forms of identification bearing a photograph to be granted access to Fort McNair -- a Drivers License, Passport, or Department of Defense (DoD) ID card. If you do not have photo identification, you will not be allowed to enter Fort McNair. Due to increased security precautions imposed since September 2001, access to the Fort McNair facility is more difficult than it has been in the past, especially for any vehicle that is not registered in the DoD system. The following provides guidance so you will know what to expect and can minimize the delays you might otherwise experience.
For those with DoD Registration Stickers: Anyone whose vehicle is registered on a military facility and displays the DoD Registration Sticker can enter Fort McNair through the main gate. You will still need to present photo identification to enter the Post, and you may be directed to the P Street entrance for a vehicle search if you are selected for the random security inspection.
For those without DoD Registration Stickers
Arrival options follow:
o Take the Metro. The closest Metro stop is "Waterfront" stop on the Green Line. This is a three-block, 10-minute walk to the main gate of Fort McNair. Once you enter the Post and pass through security, you can walk the 1/3 mile/three blocks to the symposium (Straight ahead to the flag; left one block; right to NDU)
o Take a taxi. Unless the taxi driver has their registration, taxi license, and driver's license, the taxi will not be allowed to drive onto Fort McNair. If you arrange for a taxi, please request that the company dispatch a vehicle with these documents. Taxis must enter Fort McNair through the P Street Gate and will be inspected. Once your taxi completes the security inspection, turn left after passing through the brick wall entrance, and follow the signs to NDU. If the driver should not have their documents, have the taxi drop you off at the main gate. Once you enter the Post and pass through security, you can walk the 1/3 mile -- three blocks to the symposium (Straight ahead to the flag; left one block; right to NDU).
o Drive your own vehicle --You must enter Fort McNair at the P Street Gate. The guidance above regarding photo identification (for all passengers) and security inspections apply to all vehicles without DoD Registration Stickers. Remember, you will not be the only ones entering the Post so expect to wait in line. If you drive, follow the signs to Conference Parking (or Officer's Club if you don't see a Conference Parking sign.). Please park only in designated parking spaces, and do not park where you block a fire hydrant, access to a driveway or thoroughfare, or in front of any of the housing areas."
I look forward to seeing you in Washington.
Best wishes,
Simon Lunn