209 STC 06 E

Original: English

NATO Parliamentary Assembly




Québec City Convention Centre, 2000D

 Québec City, Canada



Wednesday 15 November 2006


9:00 – 18:00

Deadline for amendments to the STC draft Resolutions: Wednesday 15 November at 10:00



1.             Opening remarks by the Chairman, Michael Mates (United Kingdom)

2.             Adoption of the draft Agenda [209 STC 06 E]

3.             Adoption of the Summary of the Meeting of the Science and Technology Committee held in Paris, France, on Saturday 27 May 2006 [141 STC 06 E]

4.             Procedure for amendments to the draft Resolution on The Nuclear Weapon Test by the Democratic People's Republic Of Korea [203 STC 06 E] presented by Michael Mates (United Kingdom), Rapporteur

5.             Procedure for amendments to the draft Resolution on Interoperability in network-enabled operations [202 STC 06 E] presented by Pierre Claude Nolin (Canada), General Rapporteur

6.             Consideration of the draft General Report Interoperability: the Need for Transatlantic Harmonisation [177 STC 06 E] by Pierre Claude Nolin (Canada), General Rapporteur

7.             Presentation by Major General Hincke, Chief of Programs, Canadian Ministry of Defence

8.             Presentation by André Sincennes, Executive Vice President, Adga Group

9.             Presentation by Dr Tony Haymet, Director, SCRIPPS, Institution of Oceanography, on Climate Change and the Ocean Environment

10.         Presentation by Rafael Gimalov, Member of the Duma, Parliament of the Russian Federation, on Improvement of international law for outer space policy

11.         Election of Committee and Sub-committee officers

12.         Lunch break

13.         Consideration of the draft Report of the Sub-Committee on the Proliferation of Military Technology Nuclear Policy of Iran by [178 STCMT 06 E] Cristian Valeriu Buzea (Romania), Acting Rapporteur

14.         Presentation by Wade L. Huntley, Director, Simons Centre for Disarmament and Non‑proliferation Research, Liu Institute for Global Issues, University of British Columbia, on Nuclear North Korea: Old Worries, New Challenges

15.         Consideration of amendments and vote on the draft Resolution on The Nuclear Weapon Test by he Democratic People's Republic Of Korea [203 STC 06 E] by Michael Mates (United Kingdom), Rapporteur

16.         Consideration of amendments and vote on the draft Resolution on Interoperability in network‑enabled operations [202 STC 06 E] by Pierre Claude Nolin (Canada), General Rapporteur

17.         Discussion of Committee Terms of Reference [186 SC 06 E]

18.         Activities of the Committee in 2007

19.         Any other business

20.         Date and place of the next meeting

21.         Closing remarks