Doc. 11266
24 April 2007
Draft agenda for the third part of the 2007 Ordinary Session
of the Parliamentary Assembly (25-29 June 2007)
approved by the Bureau of the Assembly on 20 April 2007, final adoption on 23 May 2007
–  Examination of credentials of Representatives and Substitutes
–  Election of the Deputy Secretary General of the Council of Europe
–  Election of a judge to the European Court of Human Rights with respect to Cyprus
–  Changes in the membership of committees
–  Progress report of the Bureau and the Standing Committee
–  Communication from the Committee of Ministers to the Assembly
–  Statements by guest speakers
Political Affairs
To be adopted on 21-22 May 2007
To be adopted on 21-22 May 2007
–  Inadmissibility of anti-semitism in the social and political life of Council of Europe member states
    Rapporteur: Mr Mikhail Margelov (Russian Federation, EDG)
To be adopted on 21-22 May 2007
    Rapporteur of the Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights: Mr Rudy Salles (France, ALDE)
–  The concept of preventive war and its consequences for international relations
    Rapporteur: Mr LluÃs Maria de Puig (Spain, SOC)
To be adopted on 21-22 May 2007
Legal Affairs and Human Rights
–   Member states' duty to co-operate with the European Court of Human Rights
     Rapporteur: Mr Christos Pourgourides (Cyprus, EPP/CD)
Adopted on 22 January 2007, Doc. 11183
–  Prosecution of offences falling within the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia
Rapporteur: Mr Tony Lloyd (United Kingdom, SOC)
Adopted on 17 April 2007
–  Alleged secret detentions and unlawful inter-state transfers of detainees involving Council of Europe member states
    Rapporteur: Mr Dick Marty (Switzerland, ALDE)
To be adopted on 8 June 2007
–  Promotion by Council of Europe member states of an international moratorium on the death penalty
    Rapporteur: Mr Pietro Marcenaro (Italy, SOC)
    To be adopted on 8 June 2007
    Rapporteur of the Political Affairs Committee (for opinion): Mrs Fátima Aburto Baselga (Spain, SOC)
Economic Affairs and Development
–  The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD): focus on Eastern and South-Eastern Europe
    Rapporteur: Mr Carles Gasòliba i Böhm (Spain, ALDE)
    To be adopted on 31 May 2007
–  Activities and orientations of the Council of Europe Development Bank
    Rapporteur: Mr Márton Braun (Hungary, EPP/CD)
    To be adopted on 31 May 2007
Rapporteur of the Committee on Migration, Refugees and Population (for opinion): Mr Dušan Proroković (Serbia, EPP/CD)
Social, Health and Family Affairs
–  The social dimension of Europe: full implementation of the revised European Social Charter and evaluation of new labour standards and minimum wages
    Rapporteur: Mr Walter Riester (Germany, SOC)
    Adopted on 19 April 2007
Rapporteur of the Committee on Economic Affairs and Development (for opinion): …
–  For a european drug convention on promoting public health policy in drug control
    Rapporteur: Mr Paul Flynn (United Kingdom, SOC)
    To be adopted on 30 May 2007
Migration, Refugees and Population
–  Situation of longstanding refugees and displaced persons in South East Europe
    Rapporteur: Mr Nikolaos Dendias (Greece, EPP/CD)
    To be adopted on 11 May 2007
Culture, science and education
–  State, religion, secularity and human rights*
    Rapporteur: Mr LluÃs Maria de Puig (Spain, SOC)
    To be adopted on 31 May 2007
–  Blasphemy, religious insults and hate speech against persons on grounds of their religion*
    Rapporteur: Mrs Sinikka Hurskainen (Finland, SOC)
    To be adopted on 31 May 2007
    Rapporteur of the Committee on Equal Opportunities for Women and Men (for opinion): …
–  The dangers of creationism in education*
    Rapporteur: Mr Guy Lengagne (France, SOC)
    To be adopted on 31 May 2007
Environment, Agriculture and Local and Regional Affairs
–  Euro-Mediterranean agricultural and rural policy
    Rapporteur: Mr Walter Schmied (Switzerland, ALDE)
    To be adopted on 1 June 2007
–  Radioactive waste and the protection of the environment
    Rapporteur: Mr Alan Meale (United Kingdom, SOC)
    To be adopted on 1 June 2007
Equal Opportunities for Women and Men
–  The image of women in advertising
    Rapporteur: Mrs  Fatma Pehlivan (Belgium, SOC)
    To be adopted on 11 May 2007
–  The feminisation of poverty
    Rapporteur: Mrs Hermine Naghdalyan (Armenia, ALDE)
    Adopted on 17 April 2007
    Rapporteur of the Social, Health and Family Affairs Committee (for opinion):
    Mrs Catherine Fautrier (Monaco, EPP/CD)
* For joint debate.
Rules of Procedure and Immunities
–  Improving the participation of members in Assembly plenary sessions and committee meetings
    Rapporteur: Mr Andreas Gross (Switzerland, SOC)
    To be adopted on 30 May 2007
Honouring of Obligations and Commitments by Member States
–  Honouring of obligations and commitments by the Principality of Monaco
    Co-Rapporteurs: Mr Pedro Agramunt (Spain, EPP/CD) and Mr Leonid Slutsky (Russian Federation, SOC)
    To be adopted on 7 June 2007
–  Honouring of obligations and commitments by Moldova
    Co-Rapporteurs: Mrs Josette Durrieu (France, SOC) and Mr Ejidijus Vareikis (Lithuania, EPP/CD)
    To be adopted on 7 June 2007
–  Functioning of democratic institutions in the Russian Federation
    Co-Rapporteurs: Mr Luc Van den Brande (Belgium, EPP/CD) and Mr Theodoros Pangalos (Greece, SOC)
    To be adopted on 7 June 2007