Doc. 11075 rev2
19 December 2006
Agenda for the first part of the 2007 Ordinary Session of the Parliamentary Assembly (22-26 January 2007)
adopted by the Bureau of the Assembly on 6 October 2006,
and updated by the Bureau on 15 December 2006
–  Examination of credentials of Representatives and Substitutes
–  Election of the President of the Assembly
–  Election of the Vice-Presidents of the Assembly
–  Appointment of members of committees
–  Progress report of the Bureau and the Standing Committee
–  Communication from the Committee of Ministers to the Assembly
–  Statements by guest speakers
–  Communication from the Secretary General of the Council of Europe
Political Affairs
–  Current situation in Kosovo
    Rapporteur: Lord Russell-Johnston (United Kingdom, ALDE)
    Adopted on 18 September 2006, Doc. 11018 and Addendum
–  Peril of using energy supply as an instrument of political pressure
    Rapporteur: Mr Marko Mihkelson (Estonia, EPP/CD)
    Adopted on 11 December 2006
    Rapporteur of the Committee on Economic Affairs and Development (for opinion): Mrs Jelleke Veenendaal (Netherlands, ALDE)
    Rapporteur of the Committee on the Environment, Agriculture and Local and Regional Affairs (for opinion): Mr Ivan Ivanov (Bulgaria, EPP/CD)
Legal Affairs and Human Rights
–  Child victims: stamping out all forms of violence, exploitation and abuse
    Rapporteur: Mr Jean-Charles Gardetto (Monaco, EPP/CD)
    Adopted on 18 December 2006
    Rapporteur of the Social, Health and Family Affairs Committee (for opinion): Mrs Helena Bargholtz (Sweden, ALDE)
–  Fair trial issues in criminal cases concerning espionage or divulging state secrets
    Rapporteur: Mr Christos Pourgourides (Cyprus, EPP/CD)
    Adopted on 15 September 2006, Doc. 11031
Social, Health and Family Affairs
–  HIV/AIDS in Europe*
    Rapporteur: Mrs Chris McCafferty (United Kingdom, SOC)
    Adopted on 14 September 2006, Doc. 11033
–  A future for HIV/AIDS children and AIDS orphans*
    Rapporteur: Mr Michael Hancock (United Kingdom, ALDE)
    Adopted on 11 December 2006, Doc. 11113
* For joint debate.
–  The role of ethical and solidarity-based financing and responsible consumption in social cohesion
    Rapporteur: Mrs Gratiela Denisa Iordache (Romania, ALDE)
    Adopted on 11 December 2006
Migration, Refugees and Population
–  The situation of migrant workers in temporary employment agencies**
    Rapporteur : Mr Doug Henderson (United Kingdom, SOC)
    Adopted on 11 December 2006, Doc. 11109
    Rapporteur of the Committee on Economic Affairs and Development (for opinion):
    Mr Rosmarie Zapfl-Helbling (Switzerland, EPP/CD)
Culture, Science and Education
–  The Precautionary Principle and responsible risk management
    Rapporteur: Mr Johannes Randegger (Switzerland, ALDE)
    Adopted on 8 December 2006
Environment, Agriculture and Local and Regional Affairs
–  Towards responsible food consumption
    Rapporteur: Mr Renzo Gubert (Italy, EPP/CD)
    Adopted on 29 June 2006, Doc. 11010
–  Agriculture and illegal employment in Europe**
    Rapporteur: Mr John Dupraz (Switzerland, ALDE)
    Adopted on 14 December 2006
    Rapporteur of the Social, Health and Family Affairs Committee (for opinion): Mr Alain Cousin (France, EPP/CD)
    Rapporteur of the Committee on Migration, Refugees and Population (for opinion): Mrs Mimount Bousakla (Belgium, SOC)
Equal Opportunities for Women and Men
–  Sexual assaults linked to “date-rape drugsâ€
    Rapporteur: Mrs Maria Damanaki (Greece, SOC)
    Adopted on 13 September 2006, Doc. 11038
    Rapporteur of the Social, Health and Family Affairs Committee (for opinion) (Doc. 11096): Mrs Lajla Pernaska (Albania, EPP/CD)
–  The spread of the HIV/AIDS epidemic to women and girls in Europe*
    Rapporteur: Mrs Catherine Fautrier (Monaco, EPP/CD)
    Adopted on 12 December 2006, Doc. 11108
    Rapporteur of the Social, Health and Family Affairs Committee (for opinion): Mrs Chris McCafferty
    (United Kingdom, SOC)
–  The feminisation of poverty
    Rapporteur: Mrs Hermine Naghdalyan (Armenia, ALDE)
    To be possibly adopted on 15 January 2007
    Rapporteur of the Social, Health and Family Affairs Committee (for opinion):
    Mrs Catherine Fautrier (Monaco, EPP/CD)
Honouring of Obligations and Commitments by Member States
–  Honouring of obligations and commitments by Albania
    Co-Rapporteurs: Mr Leo Platvoet (Netherlands, UEL) and Mr David Wilshire (United Kingdom, EDG)
    Adopted on 13 December 2006
–  Honouring of obligations and commitments by Armenia
    Co-Rapporteurs: Mr Georges Colombier (France, EPP/CD) and Mr Mikko Elo (Finland, SOC)
    Adopted on 13 December 2006
*Â Â For joint debate.
**Â For joint debate.