Det Udenrigspolitiske Nævn 2005-06
Bilag 76
The International Conference of Support the Prophet (PBUH) was held in theKingdom of Bahrain from 22 to 23 Safar 1427H corresponding to (22 to 23March 2006G). This Conference was called for by: The Al-Asalah Society inthe Kingdom of Bahrain, The Islamtoday Establishment, the World Assemblyfor Muslim Youth, The Muslim Scholars Union and the InternationalCommittee for the Support of the Final Prophet (PBUH). The conference wasattended by (300) scholars, intellectuals and clerics from different parts of theworld. Following to thorough debates and elaborate discussions, theparticipants confirmed the significance of convening this conferenceperiodically for consultations and opinions exchanging among the MuslimNation’s scholars, intellectuals and clerics and for conferring on the renaissanceof the nation and different issues and questions, which get the interest ofMuslims in defending their Prophet as well as reform and maintain its situationto assist it in playing its important role in the defense. To meet these goals, thefollowing decisions were taken by the Conference:1. Establish [the International Organization to Support the Prophet(PBUH)] to be the inclusive and well-organized framework forcontinuance of the Conference and persistence of its agenda. ThisConference is considered as the establishing meeting of theOrganization, whose Secretariat General will emanate from theConference to continue arranging the Organization’s views, objectivesand specialized offices. Four offices will be operated initially for theOrganization:(Office of the Economic Defense): It carries out the economicstudies and data and be a reliable reference for the agenda of theeconomic defense, which relates to the Organization such as theboycott, etc..)(Office of Legal Defense): It fulfils the legal and legislativefollow up of anybody who slanders Islam, the great Quran andthe honorable Prophet (PBUH). It also takes legal actions toprevent a reoccurrence of such insults and implicate theoffenders. This office shall be the documented reference of theagenda of the legal defense of the Organization.
(Office of Coordination and Communication): It carries outcoordinating the activities of the Defense between relatedsocieties and establishments and performs the communicationrole and dialogue with non-Muslims.(Scientific and Information Office): It handles the scientificassignments such as studies and researches, as well as theinformation assignments like symposiums, seminars andimportant programmes, which displays clearly the activities andactions of the Organization worldwide2. Institute an International Fund to support and defend the Prophet(PBUH), which is related to the Organization to finance its projectsand activities. The contributions donated to the Conference shall beconsidered as the base of the establishment of the FundSECOND: CONSEQUENCES AND RECOMMENDATIONSThe International Conference to Support the Prophet profoundly thanks theKingdom of Bahrain for hosting the Conference as well as the sponsors andorganizers of the Conference and all participants. The Conference hasconcluded a number of statements and recommendations:1. The Conference praises and commends the brave stance taken by theIslamic Nation to defend and support the noble Prophet (PBUH), andencourage them to keep it continuous and steady trying to enlarge thedefense circle through activating other peaceful means.2. The Conference entirely denounces any offense against the Prophet,regardless wherever it comes from and whomsoever the offender is.The Conference also claims a cultural apology in which the real andbright picture of Islam and the Prophet (PBUH) can be found focusingon the considerable contribution of Islam to manufacturing the humancivilization3. The Conference extends it gratitude and thanks to all internationalgovernments, establishments, bodies and individuals who positivelyreacted to the incidents and took a noble stand by rejecting therepublication of the caricatures or by penalizing those who publishedthem or by apologizing for the caricatures republication showingappreciation and respect to the great Prophet of Islam
4. The Conference confirms that relations between the Muslim world andthe West should be established on the grounds of justice and mutualrespect as well as protection of rights. The Conference also calls uponparties to open a positive dialogue5. The Conference condemns violent reactions and wrong conductsrepresented by setting fire to houses of worship and sabotage someproperties, for that these actions do not belong to Islam. TheConference recommends Muslims worldwide to follow the regulationsadopted by the Conference to defend the Prophet (PBUH) anddenounce6. The Conference endorses and supports what the Islamic countries haveinitiated by submitting a draft to the United Nations to preventdisrespect or scorning religions. The Conference also supports seeking alegislation and international resolutions which prevent any offenseagainst religions and incriminate those who commit such acts7. The Conference confirms that the economic boycott is a civilizedmethod of protesting and complaining, for its effective role in defendingthe Prophet (PBUH)8. The Conference recommends countries of the Muslim world to diversifythe sources of their imports confirming support of local production andseek self-sufficiency of essential materials as well as promote theeconomic integration between Islamic countries9. The Conference advises the Ministries of Education in the Muslim worldto add subject on the pure Sunnah of the Prophet (PBUH) into thecurriculums to taught in different levels of education to implant the pietyand love of the Prophet (PBUH) in the hearts of the students and takehim as a good example and follow his footstep through teaching hisaromatic biography10. The Conference recommends the Ministries if Information and theofficial as well as the civil establishments of information in the Muslimworld to take its effective role in serving and defending Islam as well asintroducing rightly the Prophet (PBUH)11. The Conference underlines its commitments to the document of theeconomic boycott and the one of the regulations of defending theProphet (PBUH), issued by this Conference and considered as legalregulations to continue the defense12. The Conference reminds all Muslim and Arab countries about their greatrole and responsibility before Allah and before their own people towardsthe Prophet (PBUH)13. The Conference recommends that Islamic countries, establishments andindividuals should benefit from the incident by seeking changes and
reforms through going back to read more in the Quran and follow theProphet’s Sunnah14. The Conference praises and thanks the Muslims of Denmark for thecivilized and peaceful way of handling this crisis, by which they couldcombine between their Danish citizenship and their pride as Muslims15. The Conference advises Muslims to adopt a strategy to take initiativesinstead of defending and urges all Islamic governments andestablishments to lay scientific and practical projects of promoting andcalling to Islam as well as introducing the Prophet to the world16. The Conference recommends to support worldwide generally and in theWest particularly the Islamic societies and establishments, which attemptall the time to support and defend Islam as well as maintain freedom andrights of Muslims17. The Conference evaluates and appreciates the position of Arla FoodsCo., by which it announced its condemnation and denouncement of thecaricatures and reject any plea to facilitate or permit such conducts. TheConference sees that this step is the right beginning into the direction ofopening a dialogue between the Secretariat General of the Conferenceand the Arla Foods Co. to take relevant actions towards this initiative bythe Company.In conclusion, we repeatedly express our utmost thanks to the King,organizations, establishments and people of the Kingdom of Bahrain forhosting this significant conference. The Conference thanks the participants foraccepting the invitation to attend this blessed conference.