Det Udenrigspolitiske Nævn 2005-06
Bilag 58
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Ministry of Planniqg and_Deyqlopment CooperationFaq- Bachdad2$O6t2t7lg-.,tl3lf
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His Excellency Christian OldenburgAmbassadorof DenmarkBaghdad-Iraq
Dear Sir,
In continuationof the letter of 16 February2006 from The Minister for ForeignAffairs of Iraq, H.E. Mr. HoshyarZebari, to The Foreign Minister of Denmark,ofH.E. Dr. Per Stig Moeller, I would like on behalf of the Government Iraq totorequestthat the ongoing Danish assistance the reconstructionandbydevelopmentof Iraq continues,as it is highly appreciated the GovernmentofIraq and of the greatmajority of Iraqis. Therefore,the Danish civilian advisorsare most welcome in Iraq.toQuestionsregardingthe Danish reconstructionassistance Iraq and theofpresence Danish civilian advisorsin Iraq are the sole competence theofcentral Governmentof Iraq.
A.Barham SalihandofMinister PlanningCooperationDevelopment