Det Udenrigspolitiske Nævn 2005-06
Bilag 49
Department of Public Information • News and Media Division • New YorkJOINT UN, EUROPEAN UNION, ISLAMIC CONFERENCE STATEMENT SHARES ‘ANGUISH’OF MUSLIM WORLD AT MOHAMMED CARICATURES, BUT CONDEMNS VIOLENTRESPONSEFollowing is the text of a joint statement issued today by UN Secretary-General KofiAnnan; the Secretary-General of the Organization of the Islamic Conference, EkmeleddinIhsanoglu; and the High Representative for Common Foreign and Security Policy of theEuropean Union, Javier Solana:We are deeply alarmed at the repercussions of the publication in Denmark severalmonths ago of insulting caricatures of the Prophet Mohammed and their subsequentrepublication by some other European newspapers and at the violent acts that have occurred inreaction to them.The anguish in the Muslim world at the publication of these offensive caricatures isshared by all individuals and communities who recognize the sensitivity of deeply held religiousbelief. In all societies there is a need to show sensitivity and responsibility in treating issues ofspecial significance for the adherents of any particular faith, even by those who do not share thebelief in question.We fully uphold the right of free speech. But we understand the deep hurt andwidespread indignation felt in the Muslim world. We believe freedom of the press entailsresponsibility and discretion, and should respect the beliefs and tenets of all religions.But we also believe the recent violent acts surpass the limits of peaceful protest. Inparticular, we strongly condemn the deplorable attacks on diplomatic missions that haveoccurred in Damascus, Beirut and elsewhere. Aggression against life and property can onlydamage the image of a peaceful Islam. We call on the authorities of all countries to protect alldiplomatic premises and foreign citizens against unlawful attack.These events make the need for renewed dialogue, among and between communitiesof different faiths and authorities of different countries, all the more urgent. We call on them toappeal for restraint and calm, in the spirit of friendship and mutual respect.* *** *For information media • not an official record