Regarding the publication of pictures
In a Danish paper insulting The prophet of Islam
The Arab League council on the Ministerial level in its extraordinary meeting held inCairo on 29/12/2005 discussed the action of the Danish paper Jyllands Posten thatinvited members of the Artists’ Syndicate to draw pictures of The Prophet of IslamMohamed (prayers of God may be on him) these were actually published under theview that the religions and beliefs are not to be exempted from the democraticdialogue or the freedom of expression of opinion.The Council while announcing its refusal and condemnation to this offence that doesnot comply with the respect and holiness of the religions and Prophets and does notcomply with the reality of Islam and its high values, registers its surprise anddispleasure of the reaction of the Danish Government that was not at the requiredlevel despite of the economic, political and cultural ties it has with the Islamic world.This led to different reactions in the Arab circles that asked for action to be takenagainst Denmark in the event of it not responding by presenting apology for thisexcessive offence to The Prophet of Islam Mohamed (prayers of God may be onhim). The Council also expresses its surprise and displeasure that the Europeanorganizations working in the field of human rights did not take a clear and frankstand regarding this offence.The Secretary General will liaise with the Secretary General of the Islamic Council totake the necessary steps to contact the Danish Government in order to follow up onthis matter.