Det Udenrigspolitiske Nævn 2005-06
Bilag 47
5–7 DHUL QUIDAH 1426H(7–8 DECEMBER 2005)Bismillahi Arrahmani ArrahimIn the Name of God, Most Compassionate, Most MercifulMAKKAH AL-MUKARRAMAH DECLARATIONWe, the Kings, Heads of State and Government, and Emirs of the Member States of theOrganization of the Islamic Conference (OIC), meeting in the Third Session of theExtraordinary of the Islamic Summit Conference, held in Makkah Al-Mukarramah from 5 to 6Dhul Quidah 1426H (7-8 December 2005), declare:We praise high the Name of Almighty Allah, Who has blessed us with the grace of gatheringtogether on the soil of this hallowed land, cradle of the revelation of Islam and its message,and Qibla of all Muslims, from which the light of Islam shone forth to guide humanity to thepath of prosperity and peace, thus enabling the foundations to be laid of an Islamic civilizationthat was able to bring a much-needed, timely, and decisive contribution to human civilization.Whereas the purport of the lofty essence of Islam was to ultimately bring the world out of thedarkness of ignorance, oppression, and tyranny and into the light of truth, justice, developingsciences and knowledge, and peaceful co-existence, we find ourselves today at an age ofmuddled concepts, misguided values, and pervasive ignorance, as diseases and epidemics gainever-greater grounds, injustice takes hold, and man's environment grows despoiled by theday. More than ever before, we stand in dire need of a fresh vision to turn the tide and theUmmah, as Almighty Allah has rightfully ordained, into a guiding beacon and source of lightthat radiates forth science, knowledge, and morality for the benefit of all humanity.Protecting our Islamic identity, our basic values, and the higher interests of the Ummah canonly be achieved through the sincere loyalty of Muslims to true Islam and their commitment toits original principles and values as their cherished way of life. Only then will the Ummah beable to rise to the challenge of playing an instrumental, proactive role in the service ofhumanity and human civilization.Therefore, our conscience throbs in deep synchronicity with the hearts and minds of theUmmah as expressed by its scholars and intellectuals—may God bless them on our behalf---intheir meeting only weeks before this Summit Conference. Thus are we only too aware of thepolitical, developmental, social, cultural and educational challenges they brought to the fore;only too aware are we of the internal and external threats that have helped to exacerbate theUmmah's current plight, as they not only menace its very future but also that of the whole ofhumanity and civilization.These challenges must, therefore, be dealt with through a strategic vision, which needs to planfor the future of the Ummah just as it needs to maintain a responsive pulse to internationaldevelopments so as to gradually refine itself into a forward-looking vision that enables the
Muslim world to tackle the challenges of the Twenty-first Century by leveraging the collectivewill and Joint Islamic Action.At this stage, we are consequently called upon to take a pause for a sincere and firm reflectionon reforming the Ummah, which is a process that starts with reforming the self by rallyinground a common stand based on Almighty Allah's Holy Quran and the Noble Tradition of HisProphet (PBUH). This reform process should then naturally end in a staunch counteraction ofany miscreants who would wantonly work evil sedition, who would misguide and mislead, andwould distort the loftiest tenets of our Islamic faith enshrined in its intrinsic call for love,peace, harmony, and the civilized way out. How can they speak and act for such pervertedideas entrenched as they are in ignorance, isolationism, hatred, and blood-letting?Nevertheless, our Muslim Ummah is called upon to meet today for the highest good and rightin affirmation of Almighty Allah's words enjoining us to: "Hold fast to Allah's rope [in unity] andnot to be divided". And that unity requires our scholars and experts of jurisprudence to unifytheir stand on exposing the corruption of these miscreants and the falsehood of their claims ina determined show of strength and undivided condemnation.While we affirm, in this regard, that terrorism in all its forms and manifestations is a globalphenomenon that is not confined to any particular religion, race, color, or country, and thatcan in no way be justified or rationalized, we are determined—with Almighty Allah's help andgrace--to develop our national laws and legislations to criminalize every single terroristpractice and every single practice leading to the financing or instigation of terrorism. Similarly,we are also called upon to redouble and orchestrate international efforts to combat terrorism,including the establishment of an International Counter-Terrorism Center as endorsed by theRiyadh International Conference on Combating Terrorism.Even so, all the governments and peoples of the Ummah are unanimous in their convictionthat reform and development are the priority to which all efforts should be channeled within aframework that is intimately molded in our Islamic social make-up. At the same time thisframework needs to remain in harmony with the achievements of human civilization andsteeped in the principles of consultation, justice, and equality in its drive to achieve goodgovernance, widen political participation, establish the rule of law, protect human rights, applysocial justice, transparency, and accountability, fight corruption, and build civil societyinstitutions.Indeed, the Islamic civilization is an integral part of human civilization, based on the ideals ofdialogue, moderation, justice, righteousness, and tolerance as noble human values thatcounteract bigotry, isolationism, tyranny, and exclusion. It is therefore of paramountimportance to celebrate and consecrate these magnanimous values in our Muslim discourseinside and outside our societies.As we reaffirm our unwavering rejection of terrorism, and all forms of extremism and violence,we strongly voice our feelings of stigmatization and concern over the growing phenomenon ofIslamophobia around the world as a form of racism and discrimination and declare our resolveto work hard to combat this phenomenon with all available means.Given the deep import of economic and social cooperation in strengthening solidarity amongIslamic States, maximizing the advantages and averting the pitfalls of globalization, weconsider the eradication of illiteracy, diseases and epidemics, and the fight to alleviate povertyin Islamic States as urgent, strategic objectives requiring us to drum up all necessaryresources.If we are to succeed in achieving our desired objectives, then of necessity we must showcommitment and credibility in our Joint Islamic Action. Therefore, proceeding from a new
vision of the Muslim world that tackles head on international challenges, as well as political,economic, social, and cultural variables in a manner that safeguards the values and interestsof the Ummah, we adopt and endorse the Ten-Year Programme of Action to face thechallenges of the Muslim Ummah in the Twenty-first Century.To Almighty Allah we pray that He may guide us onto the right path, crown our endeavors withsuccess, and bless our lives with abundant prosperity."Allah has promised those who believe among you and who have done good deeds that He willsurely empower them in the earth just as He did with their predecessors and that He willsurely establish for them (therein) their religion which He has preferred for them and that Hewill surely substitute for them, after their fear, security (for) they worship Me, not associatinganything with Me. But whoever disbelieves after that—then those indeed are the evil doers."(Al-Nour 53, True are the Words of Allah).Thank you for your attention.