Bilag til udenrigsministerens
skrivelse af 23. januar 2006
(B 64 spørgsmål 12)
Spørgsmål nr. 12:
Hvad er ministerens kommentar til Human Rights Watch World Report 2006, jf. S. 226: U.S.
and coalition forces active in Afghanistan under Operation Enduring Freedom since November
2001, continue to arbitrarily detain civilians and use excessive force during arrests of non-
combatants. Ordinary civilians arrested in military operations are unable to challenge the legal
basis for their detention or obtain hearings before an adjudicative body. They have no access to
legal counsel. Generally, the United States does not comply with legal standards applicable to its
operations in Afghanistan, including the Geneva Conventions and other applicable standards of
international human rights law?
Regeringen er til stadighed opmærksom på overholdelsen af folkeretten, herunder den
humanitære folkeret, i forhold til de involverede parter i Afghanistan, og på sådanne rapporter,
som pålideligt måtte underbygge mulige overtrædelser af gældende folkeretlige regler.