Udvalget vedrørende Det Etiske Råd 2005-06, Sundhedsudvalget 2005-06, Udvalget for Videnskab og Teknologi 2005-06
UER Alm.del Bilag 14, SUU Alm.del Bilag 140, UVT Alm.del Bilag 60
Høring om terapeutisk kloning
og forskning i menneskelige
befrugtede æg og fosteranlæg
Christiansborg 1-133 onsdag 30.
november 2005 kl 13-15
Professor dr. med. Thomas G. Jensen
Kennedy Instituttet
UVT, Alm.del - 2005-06 - Bilag 60: Oplægsholdernes præsentationer fra Det Etiske Råds ekspertmøde den 30/11-05 om terapeutisk kloning og forskning i menneskelige befrugtede æg og fosteranlæg
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UVT, Alm.del - 2005-06 - Bilag 60: Oplægsholdernes præsentationer fra Det Etiske Råds ekspertmøde den 30/11-05 om terapeutisk kloning og forskning i menneskelige befrugtede æg og fosteranlæg
Nature 1996 Mar 7;380(6569):64-6
Sheep cloned by nuclear transfer from a cultured cell line.
Campbell KH, McWhir J, Ritchie WA, Wilmut I.
Roslin Institute (Edinburgh), UK.
Nuclear transfer has been used in mammals as both a valuable tool in embryological studies and as a method for the multiplication of 'elite' embryos. Offspring have
only been reported when early embryos, or embryo-derived cells during primary culture, were used as nuclear donors. Here we provide the first report, to our
knowledge, of live mammalian offspring following nuclear transfer from an established cell line. Lambs were born after cells derived from sheep embryos, which
had been cultured for 6 to 13 passages, were induced to quiesce by serum starvation before transfer of their nuclei into enucleated oocytes. Induction of quiescence
in the donor cells may modify the donor chromatin structure to help nuclear reprogramming and allow development. This approach will provide the same powerful
opportunities for analysis and modification of gene function in livestock species that are available in the mouse through the use of embryonic stem cells.
UVT, Alm.del - 2005-06 - Bilag 60: Oplægsholdernes præsentationer fra Det Etiske Råds ekspertmøde den 30/11-05 om terapeutisk kloning og forskning i menneskelige befrugtede æg og fosteranlæg
A cat cloned by nuclear transplantation.
Shin T, Kraemer D, Pryor J, Liu L, Rugila J, Howe L, Buck S, Murphy K,
Lyons L, Westhusin M.
Nature 2002 Feb 21;415(6874):859
Cloning of male mice from adult tail-tip
Wakayama T, Yanagimachi R.
Nat Genet 1999 Jun;22(2):127-8
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Plus: Cattle, goats, pigs...
UVT, Alm.del - 2005-06 - Bilag 60: Oplægsholdernes præsentationer fra Det Etiske Råds ekspertmøde den 30/11-05 om terapeutisk kloning og forskning i menneskelige befrugtede æg og fosteranlæg
11 February 2002, DOI:10.1038/ng841
Nature Genetics
volume 30 no. 3 pp 253 - 254
Early death of mice cloned from somatic cells
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March 2002 Volume 8 Number 3 pp 262 - 267
Cloned mice have an obese phenotype not transmitted to their offspring
March 2002 Volume 8 Number 3 pp 215 - 216
Are there any normal cloned mammals?
Ian Wilmut
UVT, Alm.del - 2005-06 - Bilag 60: Oplægsholdernes præsentationer fra Det Etiske Råds ekspertmøde den 30/11-05 om terapeutisk kloning og forskning i menneskelige befrugtede æg og fosteranlæg
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UVT, Alm.del - 2005-06 - Bilag 60: Oplægsholdernes præsentationer fra Det Etiske Råds ekspertmøde den 30/11-05 om terapeutisk kloning og forskning i menneskelige befrugtede æg og fosteranlæg
Patient-specifikke embryonale stamceller:
Evidence of a pluripotent human embryonic stem cell line derived from a cloned blastocyst.
Hwang et al
Science. 2004 Mar 12
Patient-specific embryonic stem cells derived from human SCNT blastocysts.
Hwang et al
Science. 2005 Jun 17
Medfødt hypogammaglobulinæmi
Type-1 diabetes
Patient-specific, immune-matched human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) are anticipated to be of great
biomedical importance for studies of disease and development and to advance clinical deliberations regarding
stem cell transplantation. Eleven hESC lines were established by somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) of skin
cells from patients with disease or injury into donated oocytes. These lines, nuclear transfer (NT)-hESCs, grown
on human feeders from the same NT donor or from genetically unrelated individuals, were established at high
rates, regardless of NT donor sex or age. NT-hESCs were pluripotent, chromosomally normal, and matched the
NT patient's DNA. The major histocompatibility complex identity of each NT-hESC when compared to the
patient's own showed immunological compatibility, which is important for eventual transplantation. With the
generation of these NT-hESCs, evaluations of genetic and epigenetic stability can be made. Additional work
remains to be done regarding the development of reliable directed differentiation and the elimination of
remaining animal components. Before clinical use of these cells can occur, preclinical evidence is required to
prove that transplantation of differentiated NT-hESCs can be safe, effective, and tolerated.
UVT, Alm.del - 2005-06 - Bilag 60: Oplægsholdernes præsentationer fra Det Etiske Råds ekspertmøde den 30/11-05 om terapeutisk kloning og forskning i menneskelige befrugtede æg og fosteranlæg
Kombineret gen- og embryonal stamcelleterapi:
Correction of a genetic defect by nuclear transplantation and combined cell and gene therapy
Immune-deficient Rag2(-/-) mice were used as nuclear donors for transfer into enucleated oocytes, and the resulting
blastocysts were cultured to isolate an isogenic embryonic stem cell line. One of the mutated alleles in the Rag2(-/-)
ES cells was repaired by homologous recombination, thereby restoring normal Rag2 gene structure. Mutant mice
were treated with the repaired ES cells in two ways. (1) Immune-competent mice were generated from the repaired
ES cells by tetraploid embryo complementation and were used as bone marrow donors for transplantation. (2)
Hematopoietic precursors were derived by in vitro differentiation from the repaired ES cells and engrafted into mutant
mice. Mature myeloid and lymphoid cells as well as immunoglobulins became detectable 3-4 weeks after
transplantation. Our results establish a paradigm for the treatment of a genetic disorder by combining therapeutic
cloning with gene therapy.
Jaenisch et al, Cell 2002
UVT, Alm.del - 2005-06 - Bilag 60: Oplægsholdernes præsentationer fra Det Etiske Råds ekspertmøde den 30/11-05 om terapeutisk kloning og forskning i menneskelige befrugtede æg og fosteranlæg
Kliniske genterapi-projekter der har vist effekt
Arvelige immundefekter - tre forskellige former (24/27 kureret.
26/27 i live)
Nedsat blodforsyning - i benene og i hjertet
Hoved-hals cancer
Graft versus host disease
Prostata cancer (fase 3 forsøg)
Genterapi registreret som lægemiddel mod cancer i Kina
UVT, Alm.del - 2005-06 - Bilag 60: Oplægsholdernes præsentationer fra Det Etiske Råds ekspertmøde den 30/11-05 om terapeutisk kloning og forskning i menneskelige befrugtede æg og fosteranlæg
UVT, Alm.del - 2005-06 - Bilag 60: Oplægsholdernes præsentationer fra Det Etiske Råds ekspertmøde den 30/11-05 om terapeutisk kloning og forskning i menneskelige befrugtede æg og fosteranlæg
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