Fra: REISS Balazs [mailto:[email protected]]
Til: Dorte Neimann
Cc: STEVAN Mariarosa

Sendt: 4. september 2006 12:08

Emne: Invitation to a Joint committee meeting on European Development Policies, 4 October 2006, European Parliament, Brussels

Dear Madame/Sir,


Attached please find the official invitation letter to the Joint Committee Meeting of Development Committees on European Development Policies.

This meeting will be held on 4 October 2006 at the European Parliament in Brussels.


As you are aware the aim of the Joint Committee Meeting is to enable Members of the national parliaments and MEPs to exchange views on the main issues of development and aid, in a framework of coordination at European level.


Please find attached the draft programme for the meeting together with the details of registration and the general organisation of the meeting.


Sincerely yours,

Balazs REISS

Secretariat - Committee on Development

& ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly/

Secrétariat - Commission du développement

& Assemblée Parlementaire Paritaire ACP-UE


European Parliament / Parlement Européen

ATR 03K018 - Rue Wiertz 60,

B-1047, Brussels, Belgium
Phone:  +32 (0)2 28 32014
Fax:     +32 (0)2 28 49067