Conference of the Chairmen of Foreign Affairs and Development Cooperation Committees of the Member States of the European Union, the European Parliament and the Parliaments of the Candidate States
Dear Chairperson,
It gives me great pleasure to invite you to the Conference of the Chairpersons of Foreign Affairs and Development Cooperation Committees of the Member States of the European Union, the European Parliament and the Parliaments of the Candidate States, which will be held in Helsinki on Thursday 28Â and Friday 29 September 2006 at the Annex Building of Parliament. It will be preceded by a formal reception and dinner hosted by the Speaker, Mr Paavo Lipponen on the evening of Wednesday 27 September.
The Conference will focus on EU's capability in comprehensive crisis management and the nexus between development and security. We will also discuss the enlargement of the EU. The draft programme is attached.
Further information on the meeting and contact details can be found on the EU Presidency 2006 website of the Parliament of Finland http://www.eduskunta.fi/eu2006. On the website of the meeting, you will find registration and hotel reservation forms. I would ask you to fill in the electronic forms and send them to us at your earliest convenience.
For any additional information you may require, please contact the Secretariat of the Foreign Affairs Committee phone +358 9 432 2078 or by email at mailto:[email protected]
I look forward to seeing you in Helsinki in September.
Yours faithfully,
Liisa Jaakonsaari
Foreign Affairs Committee