Emne: Kommentarer til udkastet fra Jeff Lazarus (WHO og Sex & Samfund)
Kaere Dan E. Frederiksen
I have carefully read the Strategy and attach a copy with my tracked changes and inserted
comments. Men jeg har et stort problem:
It would be useful in this important document if some reference to men who have sex with men
(MSM) and prisoners were mentioned, as they are two major often overlooked vulnerable groups.
You have probably reviewed other strategies including Nordic ones, but the Swedish strategy is
rather new, and is at:
Den svenske strategi:
Jeff Lazarus
WHO Regional Office for Europe
Jeffrey V. Lazarus
Division of Social Medicine and Global Health
Department of Health Sciences
Lund University
New pubs:
Matic S, Lazarus JV, Donoghoe MC. "HIV/AIDS in Europe: Moving from Death Sentence to
Chronic Disease Management". Copenhagen, WHO Regional Office for Europe, 2006. Available at
Liljestrand J, Bryld J, Lazarus JV, Østergaard LR. "HIV/AIDS and Sexual and Reproductive
Health and Rights: A manual for NGOs". Copenhagen, Danish AIDS and Development Network.
2005. Available at www.aidsnet.dk
Lazarus JV, Christiansen C, Østergaard LR (eds). "Models for Life: HIV/AIDS and antiretroviral
drugs in low-income countries". Current African Issues, Nordic Africa Institute, 2005. Available at
Donoghoe MC, Lazarus JV and Matic S. "HIV/AIDS in the Transitional Countries of Eastern
Europe and Central Asia". Clinical Medicine, 2005;5:487-90. Available at www.euro.who.int/aids.
Lazarus JV, Liljestrand J, Mirembe F. "Strengthening SRHR research networks". Stockholm,
Sida, May 2005. Available at www.sida.se