Thanks very much for sending the draft strategy paper. I read it with interest and congratulate you on the
content. I think it's a very strong statement and very reassuring to all of us in the SRHR community. We
especially appreciate the mention of IPPF and our inclusion in the Danish Government's strategic plan. I
attach a copy with some editorial suggestions - mostly in the first part of the paper. In addition, I did want to
say that we hope you might include a few more references to IPPF in your discussion of the Thematic
Actions, particularly the sections on young people and on linking SRHR and HIV/AIDS activities. Considering
that these subjects, along with access (including RH commodity security), lie at the heart of the "5 A's" and
that IPPF has been playing a leading advocacy and services role, I thought a mention of how well IPPF's
priorities and strategies line up with Denmark's might be possible. Also, you mention in several places
Denmark's expectations regarding UNFPA leadership. I believe IPPF plays a comparable role on the NGO
side and that we are willing and able to take on hard issues (e.g., youth services and abortion) that UNFPA
won't touch. Indeed, the best reason to support us is that we can do what UNFPA, working mostly with and
through governments, can not. That creates great synergy between UNFPA and IPPF and makes a strong
case for continuing to work closely with us both.
Again, congratulations on a very nice job. I hope the present version survives the review process more or
less intact and that it isn't watered down.
Warm regards,
Steven W Sinding
Director General
International Planned Parenthood Federation
4 Newhams Row
London SE1 3UZ
phone (dl): +44 (0)20 7939 8250
fax: +44 (0) 20 7939 8330
email: [email protected]