Det Udenrigspolitiske Nævn 2005-06
UPN Alm.del Bilag 66
Fra:NMRK [mailto:[email protected]]Sendt:19. marts 2006 01:48Til:Christian MejdahlEmne:KZ-lejr i Kina, organer bliver fjernet fra levende mennesker
Kære Christian Mejdahl,Det er med dyb bekymring at vi skriver dette brev til Dem angående en meget alvorlig sag, derfremkom for få dage siden.Den 9. marts afslørede en forhenværende kinesisk journalist detaljerne omkring en hidtil ukendtkoncentrationslejr i Kina, beliggende ved Sujiatun i byen Shenyang i Liaoning-provinsen.Koncentrationslejren skulle til enhver tid huse mindst 6.000 fanger og er specielt beregnet tilforvaring af Falun Gong-udøvere. Koncentrationslejren er ifølge journalisten meget strengt bevogtetog indeholder eget krematorium. Før fangerne kremeres bliver deres organer fjernet af læger ansat ikoncentrationslejren, med henblik på videre salg. Ifølge både journalisten og lokale kilder har manaldrig hørt tale om, at fanger er kommet levende ud af lejren.Efter at denne nyhed blev kendt for offentligheden, har kilder fra flere hold bekræftet journalistenspåstande. En forhenværende læge ved sygehuset i Shenyang, Yuan Hong, bekræftede overforEpoch Times i Australien (se CD-bilag:Former insider discloses organ harvesting from LivePrisoners in China)at organer fjernes fra fanger der henrettes i Shenyang: "Alle organerne kommerfra fanger - alle ved det... Hvis fangen dør for tidligt, cirkulerer blodet ikke og organet vil så væreubrugelig. Når fangen kommer med ambulancen, tager lægen derfor organerne ud mens han stadiger i live. Organerne tages mens han stadig bløder."Andre kilder har fortalt at organer fra Sujiatun er eftertragtede, da de både er billige og aldrig harspor efter dødelige injektioner. En kilde forsøgte at antyde hvad der foregår i Sujiatun-lejren:"Hvorfor har de bygget et krematorium? ... Svaret er grusomt. Du skal vide at et krematorium formenneskekroppe er noget andet end en ovn til sanitære formål." De lokale i Sujiatun fortæller athver gang de passerer murene uden for Sujiatun-lejren, kan de se hvid røg stige op fra krematoriet.En person der har arbejdet i koncentrationslejren siger at arbejdspresset kun bliver større og større;at de konstant får nye Falun Gong-udøvere ind og at stedet er så overfyldt, at man ikke kanforestille sig det (se bilag:Exposing Shocking Horrors inside Sujiatun Concentration Camp).Lægerfra Shenyang der har bevidnet forholdene i Sujiatun beskriver det som "at være i helvede."Systematisk organ-høstning af henrettede fanger i Kina er blevet rapporteret i mange vestligemedier de seneste år (se CD-bilag), og i det omfang man har formået at afsløre denne ondskabsfuldepraksis, har den også mødt enstemmig fordømmelse. Det nye ved afsløringen af Sujiatun-koncentrationslejren, er at man har oprettet en "dødslejr" hvis eneste formål er at henrettesamvittighedsfanger og høste deres organer.Det er også velkendt at et udstrakt system af tvangsarbejdslejre, i stil med Sovjetunionens Gulag-lejre har eksisteret i Kina længe før Kulturrevolutionen og stadig gør det den dag i dag. LaogaiResearch Foundation i USA anslår at mellem 4 og 6 millioner kinesere i dag, holdes interneret idisse Laogai-lejre under forfærdende forhold (se CD-bilag:Laogai Handbook).I de senere år harder alligevel verseret rygter om at kommunistregimet skjuler endnu mørkere hemmeligheder. Den1. oktober 2000 rapporterede Agence France Presse om to koncentrationslejre der for nylig var
blevet bygget specielt til Falun Gong-udøvere. Lejrene blev anslået til at kunne indeholde ca.50.000 fanger hver. Den officielle hjemmeside for Falun Gong-bevægelsen Minghui.netrapporterede den 5. oktober 2000, om en hemmelig koncentrationslejr for Falun Gong-udøvere iden afsidesliggende Xinjiang-provins. Øjenvidner fortalte dengang at de havde set tog fyldt medFalun Gong-udøvere på vej til denne koncentrationslejr. Selvom de kinesiske myndigheder delvistanerkender eksistensen af de berygtede Laogai, har de været stille som graven når det gælder dehemmelige koncentrationslejre.Med den modige kinesiske journalists afsløringer, har man afdækket et onde, som man ellers havdehåbet og troet på var uddødt sammen med Aushwitz, Buchenwald og Dachau. Selv efter historiensmest omfattende og brutale krig, kom rapporterne om koncentrationslejrene i Tyskland som et chokfor verden og mange fandt det vanskeligt at tro det. Det samme gentager sig nu i fredstid i det landder om to år skal være værtsnation for de olympiske lege, ligesom Nazi-Tyskland var i det 1936.Som De kan forstå er dette en sag af alvorligste karakter, og en sag, vi i Vesten under ingenomstændigheder kan forholde os passive til. Medlem af overhuset ved det engelske parlament, LordAvebury, udtalte således: "Denne praksis at myrde mennesker der fredeligt udøver sin tros- ogytringsfrihed, for så at sælge deres organer for profit er, hvis det virkelig er sådan, den mestbarbariske og umenneskelige opførsel og er fuldstændig uhørt i dagens verden." Sagen er også foralvorligt til at den begrænses til den kritiske dialog med Kina, der holdes bag lukkede døre. Med destærke økonomiske bånd der eksisterer mellem Danmark og Kina i dag, er det vigtigt fordemokratiet at også danske borgere i almindelighed ved, hvilken slags regime der styrer Kina i dag.Vi appellerer derfor til Dem om at markere Deres holdning vedrørende koncentrationslejren iSujiatun. Dette kan De for eksempel gøre ved at skrive til Kinas minister for offentlig sikkerhed:Minister of Public SecurityZhou Yongkang14 East Changan AvenueBeijing 100741People's Republic of ChinaVi vil også gerne opfordre Dem til, at De inden for Deres område bidrager til at viderebringeinformationerne vedrørende de forbrydelser der begås i Sujiatun koncentrationslejren. Hvis Dekunne fremme en debat om dette i det offentlige rum, og dermed markere Deres holdning, ville detvære til stor gavn.Skulle De have spørgsmål vedrørende indholdet af dette brev, bistår vi gerne med besvarelse afdisse.Vi ser frem til Deres svar på denne henvendelse. De er endvidere meget velkommen til at sende enkopi af eventuelle breve til minister Zhou Yongkang.Med venlig hilsen,Christoffer BreknePå vegne af Netværk for Menneskerettigheder i Kina
New Witness Confirms Existence of Chinese Concentration Camp, Says OrgansRemoved from Live PrisonersBy Ji DaThe Epoch Times, Mar 17, 2006The witness, a former employee at the Liaoning Thrombosis Treatment Center of IntegratedChinese and Western Medicine, and says the bodies of Falun Gong practitioners are crematedimmediately after the organs are removed. (The Epoch Times)A former employee of Liaoning Provincial Thrombosis Hospital of Integrated Chinese and WesternMedicine toldThe Epoch Timesduring a recent interview that the Sujiatun Concentration Camp inChina was actually a part of a hospital. The concentration camp has engaged in taking organs fromFalun Gong practitioners when they were still alive and selling the organs. Since 2001, theconcentration camp has secretly detained approximately 6,000 Falun Gong practitioners, none ofwhom have been able to leave the camp alive. The hospital removed many kidneys, livers, andcorneas from the practitioners. After the organ removal, the practitioners were thrown into anincinerator, which was converted from a boiler. Their ashes were dumped together with burnedcharcoal.
Organs from Three Quarters of the 6,000 People Were RemovedThose whose organs were removed were in various states of health. Because many of the victimswere illegally detained, there was neither an arrest warrant nor identification as to who these peopleactually were. Often after their organs were removed, nobody claimed the bodies. Sometimes theirbodies were picked up by crooks who pretended to be their family members.About three-quarters of the 6,000 people died after their hearts, kidneys, corneas, or skin wasremoved; their bodies were then burned. This witness, whose family member participated in theremoval of Falun Gong practitioners' organs, said that approximately 2,000 Falun Gongpractitioners remain in the hospital. She was afraid that the authorities would kill all of them todestroy evidence.The Liaoning Provincial Thrombosis Hospital of Integrated Chinese and Western Medicine islocated at 49 Xuesong Road, Sujiatun, Shenyang City, Liaoning Province, China. It was the firsthospital in China to specialize in the heart, the brain, and surrounding blood vessels. The hospital iscomposed of several organizations, including the Liaoning Traditional Chinese Medicine CollegeTeaching Hospital and the Shenyang Thrombosis Treatment Center.
Concentration Camp DetailsThe hospital site is 21,087 square meters, with 17,564 square meters of building area. It employs460 people in 24 departments and 20 specialized offices. Information from the Chinese government
shows that the hospital was established in December 1988, and was formerly named the ShenyangResearch Institute of Thrombosis and Liaoning Province Thrombosis Treatment Center ofIntegrated Chinese and Western Medicine. In June 1998, it was renamed China TraditionalMedicine Thrombosis Treatment Center.TheChinese Business Morning Viewsaid in a story on July 4, 2004, that a farm worker died ofabnormal causes in Sujiatun, Shenyang and was later cremated. The death certificate was providedby the Chinese Medicine Thrombosis Treatment Center in Sujiatun. The news caused a stir inChina.A copy of the death certificate. (The Epoch Times Archives Photo)Below is the transcript of anEpoch Timesreporter's interview with the former staff member of theLiaoning Provincial Thrombosis Hospital of Integrated Chinese and Western Medicine in Sujiantun,Shenyang City. Questions were posed by the reporter and answered by the staff member beinginterviewed.Epoch Times:
Did the hospital's medical staff inside the concentration camp know about this?Answer:
This hospital has a small number of officials and some doctors involved secretively in theoperation of organ harvesting. Some other staff in the hospital knew about this, but this isabsolutely a taboo [to talk about]. They all are afraid of being killed or courting trouble, so they allavoid the issue. Only those highly trusted doctors could be chosen to be the surgeons for organharvesting operations.ET:
Were Falun Gong practitioners alive when their organs were harvested? Did their familiesknow about this?Answer:
Falun Gong practitioners who were imprisoned there came mostly from Dabei Prison,Masanjia Labor Camp, and other prisons in Shenyang, or they were Falun Gong practitionersarrested in parks or residential homes. Because they refused to denounce Falun Gong, they werearrested without formal warrants, and their families did not know their situation. Many did not evenhave their names [recorded]. In addition, since the Chinese authority exercises a policy of "notbeing responsible" for killing Falun Gong practitioners, the death of Falun Gong practitioners is nota very big issue for prisons. The Chinese Communist Party persecutes Falun Gong, [but] thesemedical personnel were told Falun Gong practitioners were facing death because they killed people,or they were sentenced to death because of crimes, or they had become insane from practicingFalun Gong.Those Falun Gong practitioners whose organs were harvested came from various places.Organs harvested from live bodies are worth far more than organs taken from dead bodies. ManyFalun Gong practitioners were still alive when their organs were taken. After their organs were cutout, some of these people were thrown directly into the crematorium to be burnt, thus leaving noevidence. For some others, after their organs were stolen, the doctor sewed up the wound and askedthe family or family representative to give a signature for cremation. Family members did not knowat all that the dead had their organs taken out.
Furthermore, there were some healthy Falun Gong practitioners in prisons in other areas who wereinjected-without their knowledge-with psychoactive drugs that made their minds confused. Theythen were transferred to Sujiantun concentration camp to suffer further torture, till in the end theirorgans were harvested and their bodies were cremated in secret.Among the Falun Gong practitioners whose organs were harvested, some were weak and some werehealthy. Since most of them were illegally arrested, there were no arrest warrants or identificationcards. After their organs were taken out while they were still alive, no one came to claim theirbodies; or [sometimes] people using fake identities claimed their bodies.None of these people have come out [of the concentration camp] alive; three-quarters of these 6,000people have died, having their hearts, kidneys, retinas, and skins harvested and their bodiesdisposed of. I think now about 2,000 Falun Gong practitioners are still in this hospital, and I amafraid now that the authority will destroy all evidence and kill them.Question:
How did you know these things? Were you yourself a doctor involved in organharvesting?Answer:
I worked at the Liaoning Provincial Thrombosis Hospital of Integrated Chinese andWestern Medicine, Shenyang. This is exactly where this concentration camp is located. One of myfamily members was involved in the operation to harvest Falun Gong practitioners' organs. This hasbrought great pain to our family.Question:
Please tell us what you knew about.Answer:
From 2001, our hospital started to detain Falun Gong practitioners. At the beginning,these people were detained in the single-storey houses in the back yard of the hospital. Later, thehospital authorities demolished the single-storey houses, and it was unknown where in the hospitalthe Falun Gong practitioners were transferred. Many staff of the hospital discussed in private thatthese Falun Gong practitioners had been secretly transferred to the underground chambers of thehospital. According to some people working inside the hospital, the hospital has a huge system ofsecret underground chambers.At the time when we went to work there, the person in charge of logistics and purchasing in thehospital said that the quantity of disposable sterile gloves used for operations and daily supplies thatthe hospital authorities asked to be purchased had increased dramatically. The logistics peopleestimated based on the scale of purchases at that time that there were at least 6,000 Falun Gongpractitioners detained in this hospital.These Falun Gong practitioners were not detained in the 4-story building under the in-patientdepartment and administration at the front of the hospital, in order to keep the hospital staff fromseeing them at all. We only occasionally saw Falun Gong practitioners being sent on a mobileintensive care bed to the first floor for physical examinations. These people were very weak. For themajority of the Falun Gong practitioners, nobody knew where they were being secretly kept. Whilethey still did not know where these people were kept, some staff inquired to the hospital authoritiesabout why so much food and so many sterile gloves and daily supplies were purchased. Thehospital authorities said, "You only need to do your job well. There is no need for you to ask anyother questions."
Starting in 2001, a family member of mine participated in organ-harvesting operations. My familymember tried to keep me from knowing about this at the beginning. The hospital authoritiesselected doctors they trust in different aspects to perform the secretive operations. After a period oftime, I found that my family member was in a lot of pain, often had nightmares, and appearedpanic-stricken. After repeated inquiries, this family member told me the truth. The leader of thehospital had asked my family member to participate in the organ harvesting operations on FalunGong practitioners as early as 2001. It was 2003 when my family member confessed. A few yearsafter, my family member felt so much pain from participating in this incident that it was impossibleto continue with the evildoing. My family member decided to go abroad to get away from thismatter.My family member also told me: "you don't understand my suffering; those Falun Gongpractitioners were alive. It might be easier for me if they were dead, but they were alive."Question:
Were there any other doctors from the hospital taking part in the operations of cuttingout Falun Gong practitioners' organs?Answer:
I know there were some. All these things have been carried out secretly. Many doctors atour hospital involved were practicum doctors transferred from other hospitals. Because thegovernment does not want to be responsible for Falun Gong practitioners' bodies and lives, theirlives are treated as garbage by the regime, and their bodies were used in experiments by newdoctors doing their practitcums.Many doctors came and left the hospital because they suffered a lot after having been involved inthese kinds of things. They either requested to be transferred to other places, or changed theirnames. Some might have been killed to eliminate the evidence, their identity files were taken outfrom the hospital's filing system, or their names were changed. Nobody knows where the doctorshave gone.The hospital staff all know that the rear part of the hospital is forbidden. It is always watched. Thestaff avoids talking about the place.Question:
It is said the hospital is equipped with an incinerator. The person whose organs wereremoved will be burned when he or she is still alive. Is that true?Answer:
The employees in our hospital call this place "the incinerator." Actually, it is a boilerroom. Some poor farmers from nearby places were hired to work in the boiler room. They werepenniless when they first came here. But they could scrape up some watches, finger rings,necklaces, and so on. The amount is not small. It is said by the employees in the hospital thesejewelry and watches were collected from the Falun Gong practitioners whose organs had beenremoved when they were about to be thrown in the boiler to be burned. It is also said by theemployees in the hospital, some were still alive when being thrown into the boiler.Question:
Do they get injection of anesthetic when in surgery?Answer:
Yes. There is a cap to the anesthetic quantity used in mainland China's hospitals.Generally, the supply of anesthetic was determined according to the accommodation of the hospital.To the public, the number of patients in our care appears to be very small, and publicly reported
number of surgical procedures performed is quite low. But the equipment and articles used insurgery are abundant. Because the amount of anesthetic is limited, these secret surgeries could notuse the normal anesthetic doses. In order to save anesthetic, they economized on the anesthetic usedin surgeries on these Falun Gong practitioners. The amount of anesthetic used was very small.However, many whose organs were removed were still alive. You can imagine the pain suffered bythe Falun Gong practitioners whose organs were removed.Question:
Are there any survivors among the 6,000 people detained since 2001?Answer:
Nobody has come out alive. The number of them gets smaller and smaller. The FalunGong practitioners detained at Sujiatun are fewer now than before. But I believe that the sin ofremoving the organs of the Falun Gong practitioners is still continuing.Question:
Where are these organs usually sold to? Do the higher authorities in the governmentknow about this?Answer:
They are mainly sold to Thailand, but I believe they are also sold to other regions of theworld. Nowadays, there are many patients in China who need human skin, corneas, and kidneys fororgan transplant surgeries. Many patients have to wait in line to purchase organs. Currently, akidney can be sold up to the price of 30,000 to 100,000 U.S. dollars. The profit from selling organsis simply too great. The people who benefit from this are not only the top leaders of hospitals andthe officials of the Chinese Communist Party's Heath Department. This is a crime present across theentire nation. People ranging from government officials to doctors to organ sellers are all involvedin this and are profiting greatly.Question:
Why did they target Falun Gong practitioners as the source of organs?Answer:
Because relatives of many Falun Gong practitioners don't even know that their familymembers were arrested. So if the Falun Gong practitioners are killed, there will be no one to comeand claim their dead bodies.Question:
Why did you want to expose this? This may bring great danger to you.Answer:
I know that there are many Falun Gong practitioners who are currently detained at thehospital. I would like to expose this to the international community, so those who are not yet killedcan be saved. Also, I would like to expose this as an atonement for my family.I am not a Falun Gong practitioner. But as a former staff member of the hospital, I have theresponsibility to expose the truth, and let the world to save those Falun Gong practitioners who arestill alive. Organs of some Falun Gong practitioners are still living on patients' bodies. I would liketo call on all society to pay attention to this issue and stop this shocking crime.