Political statement

Joint Political Statement on the commitment of the South Baltic Sea regions to implement the Baltic Gateway Quick Start Programme


We, the leading political representatives of the

South Baltic Sea regions, assembled at the

Baltic Gateway conference ‘A Quick Start

Programme for the South Baltic Sea area’,

organised in Rostock, 23-24 February 2006,

agree to continue the joint co-operation based

on the following points of understanding:


We recognise the unique challenges and

opportunities facing our regions as global

trade and contacts continue to increase

across borders and continents.


Globalisation of the economy and European

integration has already resulted in structural

change, which influences natural, economic,

cultural and social conditions in our regions.

Our geographical location offers both opportunities

and hindrances when managing rapidly

growing flows of cargo transport, passing

through our regions and cities. As we are inevitably

dependent on maritime transport services, and facing common threats like global warming, safety and security, we recognise new possibilities related to the revolution of industrial production, logistic chains and the information technology. We conclude that the transport system in the South Baltic Sea area requires specific attention, which

motivates joint regional initiatives across natural

and administrative borders, the South Baltic Sea area is a global growth area, which offers challenging opportunities for business renewal and economic


We acknowledge European goals and priorities


We share the goals of the Lisbon process, the

European policy for cohesion and sustainable

growth, and related European policies including

the European transport policy. We welcome

the decision on the TEN-T priority axes

and projects, which includes several projects of

vital importance to our specific geographic

area. We also welcome the High Level Group

proposal to extend the major trans-European

transport axes to neighbouring countries and



We acknowledge that a well functioning

transport system is essential for sustainable

economic growth and the well-being of all

citizens in this part of the world.


Better integration of national and regional networks

will foster cooperation and integration

within EU, and with neighbouring countries

and regions. A practical and inexpensive solution

is to connect the maritime- related intermodal

transport system in the regions around

the South Baltic Sea. This will bridge the gaps

between our countries and regions, and cope

with the challenge of developing an efficient

gateway for trade by sustainable transport

modes and services.


We conclude that complementary soft and

hard transport measures in combination are

needed to realise the growth potentials in

the South Baltic Sea area.


Outcomes from several trans-national cooperation

efforts, including those co-funded by the

Interreg IIIB programme for the Baltic Sea

Region, have taught us that fast improvements

are needed to develop a coherent and efficient

maritime-related inter-modal transport system

in the South Baltic Sea area. This includes

improved knowledge and skills to support connectivity among all actors involved in intermodal transport chains, efficient use of

information and communication technologies

in ports and their networks, as well as improved

inter-modal services which will provide

for more efficient use of existing transport

resources. However, there is also a need for

increased standard and capacity in terminals

and transport infrastructure within the ports

and along the hinterland connections.



We have identified a trans-national Quick

Start Programme, which includes European,

national and regional transport and development investment plans, and complementing actions to strengthen the gateway function of the South Baltic Sea area.


At last year’s Baltic Gateway political conference,

we decided to prepare a joint implementation

plan for an effective transport system in

the South Baltic Sea area. Accordingly, the

Baltic Gateway Quick Start Programme has

been developed in a close political dialogue

between the co-operating regions in the South

Baltic Sea area and incorporates the results of

discussions with European and national authorities

and private stakeholders.


We agree on the priority actions included in

the Baltic Gateway Quick Start Programme.


We endorse the Baltic Gateway Quick Start

Programme, described in detail below, the

result of a joint trans-national planning debate

among the co-operating regions.

We agree to promote the Baltic Gateway

Quick Start Programme, as a package of prioritised

transport-related projects for improved

accessibility and cohesion, in our communication

with European and national authorities.

We are motivated to strengthen our own efforts

in realising the actions. We also intend to initiate

negotiations with private stakeholders and

relevant financial institutions regarding implementation of the projects included in the

programme. The Baltic Gateway PLUS-project

provides opportunities to elaborate feasible

strategies further and to investigate various

options for implementation and financing.

The political co-operation, initiated in the Baltic

Gateway project, should be continued and

strengthened. We look forward to a report on

the progress achieved at a political follow-up

meeting in 2007.