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Fra: Romano [mailto:[email protected]]
Sendt: 24. januar 2006 11:53
Sendt til: Folketingets Oplysning
Samtale: access and control to Roma register
Emne: access and control to Roma register
att.: Datatilsynet
Institut for Menneskerettigheder
Folketingets Kontroludvalg
Folketingets Retsudvalg
Council of Europe
European Commission
Dear Sirs,
we refer to complaint with Datatilsynet over the municipal electronic register over Roma, (ref 2005-
311-0459, 2005-313
0303, 2003-313
0106, question 185 folketingets retsudvalg 24 March 2004,
Ministry of Justice doc BB021840, klagekomité 730.7 a.o.) which
- were demonstrated to us by two social workers in their office
- the existence of which was later denied by the Helsingør Municipality,
- this denial was accepted for face value by Datatilsynet, the official Danish
watchdog on electronic registers
- the existence has since been confirmed in relation to segregated school
for Roma and the special social "Gipsy Office", but where the municipality
now claim it is based on family names and personal interviews
the extended exchange of data on "aliens" in Denmark, to be exchanged with South Swedish
municipalities, and to include data from the Danish Immigration Service ("Udlændingestyrelsen")
as agreed in decision meeting notes from the meeting 25 August 2004 between South Swedish
Skatteverket, Folkbokföringen and Migrationsv erket, and the Danish Ministry of Integration,
- which includes date exchanged in the particular case of Ms Sanela Kaldaras as complained to a.o.
European Commission and Complaints Committée
we attach the article with translations and questions, from Helsingør Dagblad, from which it appears
clear that the Helsingør Municipality has records on the segregated Roma class, which operated for
25 years,