-----Oprindelig meddelelse----- Fra: Romano [mailto:[email protected]] Sendt: 24. januar 2006 11:53 Sendt til: Folketingets Oplysning Samtale: access and control to Roma register Emne: access and control to Roma register att.: Datatilsynet       Klagekomité       Institut for Menneskerettigheder       Folketingets Kontroludvalg       Folketingets Retsudvalg       Council of Europe European Commission       EUMC       ERTF       ERRC       MRG       ENAR Dear Sirs, we refer to complaint with Datatilsynet over the municipal electronic register over Roma, (ref 2005- 311-0459, 2005-313 - 0303, 2003-313 - 0106, question 185 folketingets retsudvalg 24 March 2004, Ministry of Justice doc BB021840, klagekomité 730.7 a.o.) which - were demonstrated to us by two social workers in their office - the existence of which was later denied by the Helsingør Municipality, - this denial was accepted for face value by Datatilsynet, the official Danish      watchdog on electronic registers - the existence has since been confirmed in relation to segregated school   for Roma and the special social "Gipsy Office", but where the municipality   now claim it is based on family names and personal interviews and the extended exchange of data on "aliens" in Denmark, to be exchanged with South Swedish municipalities, and to include data from the Danish Immigration Service ("Udlændingestyrelsen") as agreed in decision meeting notes from the meeting 25 August 2004 between South Swedish Skatteverket, Folkbokföringen and Migrationsv erket, and the Danish Ministry of Integration, - which includes date exchanged in the particular case of Ms Sanela Kaldaras as complained to a.o. European Commission and Complaints Committée we attach the article with translations and questions, from Helsingør Dagblad, from which it appears clear that the Helsingør Municipality has records on the segregated Roma class, which operated for 25 years,
- records which apparently show that the pupils in the segregated Roma class all end up on social welfare - and gives basis for political predictions by Mr Jørgen Lysemose, head of the municipal social committée that these children (who were in the future to have been visited to segregated Roma class) will now end up as the new "street children" of Helsingør Munic ipality 1.  we demand access to these registers  (documentary insight admin act and personal data act) 2. we demand minority and political control of such registers to protect against abuse 3. we demand investigation and full disclosure what has been going on, to be submitted     to Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Justice, Danish Parliament should they wish this,     Council of Europe, EU Commission and us. we also wish to add that no Roma have been charged of violation of Danish state security laws or other subversive activity, and therefore the existence of these registers can not be argued from reference to state security considerations Best regards Eric Støttrup Thomsen "Romano" Kongevejen 150 DK3000 Helsingør +45-49 22 28 11 www.romano.dk
Helsingør Dagblad 14. January 2006 Questions to the article Front Page: ”Flere af Helsingørs romabørn er det sidste halve år helt droppet ud af skolen efter Helsingør Kommunes tvugne lukning af F-klassen:” ”Several of Elsinore’s Roma children have Quit the school the last six months after The forced closure of the Roma class” ”Roma  -børn dropper folkeskolen” huge letters: ”Roma children drop out of public school” How many is several? Which age? What is the reason? Reference on front page to pages 8-9 page 8: ”Harme blandt skolefolk i Helsingør efter hård kritik af deres arbejde som ”ren apartheid” og racediskriminerende: ”Fury among school people in Elsinore after hard criticism of their work as ”pure apartheid” and racial discrimination” Why is there fury? Do the school people consider the laws which Prohibit discrimination? Is it ok to discriminate if you are shool people? ”Romabørn dropper helt ud af skolen”
”Roma children drop out completely of the school” Why do they do that? ” Flere af Helsingørs romabørn er det sidste halve år helt droppet ud af skolen efter Helsingør Kommunes omlægning og lukning af den omstridte f-klasse” ”Several of Elsinore’s Roma children have in the last six months dropped completely out of school after Elsinore Municipality changed and closed the much debated F-class” How many children? What do they say is the reason? But the F-class hass been stated not to close Until Summer 2007? How can the children then drop out of this class As a consequence to it having been closed? Is it closed or not closed? And the reorganisation? What reorganisation has led to the children dropping out? ”Nu er børnene sendt ud på en social glidebane som sagsnumre i socialforvaltningens skrivebords- bunker” ”Now the children are s  ent on a social slide as reference case numbers in the stacks of case documents in the social administration” How was it before? If they frequented school which took them only to 3rd year level competencies, how did they then do? (the segregated classes started in 1982 so there must be a lot of statistics??) Can they get even further down the social slide than they are today? How? Is this – the reference case numbers in stacks of Case documents – the social politics of Elsinore Municipality?
Are social clients just reference case numbers in writing desk stacks of paper? That would go a long way to explain some of the many Problems the Roma have complained about to the Complaints Committée for Ethnic Equal Treatment, In the ”Gipsy Office” in Elsinore Mun  icipality? Who in the article is pronouncing on a social slide? Is is Ms Kirsten Moth of Helsingør Dagblad? Who is authoritative on the reference case numbers in The social service? Is it journalist Ms Kirsten Moth of Helsingør Dagblad? By which authority does she report in this connection? Can we not  get more information about the administrative Procedures reported in the social administration? The stacking of files sounds revealing? We refer to a case where a young man was accused of lawbreaking Amd he was issued with a ”Robert” paid by the social service, To keep him out of trouble. A ”Robert” apparently gets 20.000 DKR per month. But a ”Robert” is apparently only active when the boy is in school Not when the boy apparently makes tricks. Is this a decent use of social funds? Is it really a plush job for Danes? ”Samtidig må medarbejdere i Helsingør finde sig i at blive udskreget I vide kredse som dem, der har gjort Sig skyldige i racediskrimination Og apartheid”. ”At the same time employees of Elsinor  e Municipality has to accept that they are screamed to the World as being guilty of racial discrimination and apartheid” Who is cited for this? Is it the opinion of journalist Ms Kirsten Moth from Helsingør Dagblad? Is it the analysis of Ms Kirsten Moth that they have been screamed out? Is to be screamed out to the World not a fairly negative term? Does this mean that Ms Kirsten Moth disagrees with The rulings of the bodies, who according to the law are Competent to rule in cases of discrimination?
Does this mean that Ms Kirsten Moth denounces these decisions? Or is it the publicity around the decisions she denounces? In other cases f.i. before Elsinore City Court Collegues of Ms Moth have not restained themselves In criminal reportage concerning Roma. What is the difference in the publicity around the cases? Have there been a ban on publicity in the cases Concerninbg discrimination which Ms Moth mentions? ”Helsingør: Flere af de romabørn, som hører til blandt Helsingørs mest udsatte befolkningsgruppe, er inden for det sidste halve år droppet helt ud af skolen” ”Elsinore: Several of the Roma children, which belong to the most exposed of population groups in Elsinore, have dropped completely out of school over the last six months” How many are several? Why are the Roma among Elsinore’s most exposed population groups? Why is it exposed? What is it exposed to? Is it only in Elsinore this group is exposed? If there are more than 20.000 Roma and descendants In Denmark, are they all in Elsinore? Ife they are not then wehere do the other live? How are they doing? If there is a difference, why? If there is no difference why is there so much publicity about Elsinore? Are any differences due to the Roma? Or do other municipalities manage otherwise? ”Det er ske  t efter at kommunen blev tvunget til først at omlægge den særlige f  -klasse, dernæst til helt at lukke den omstridte klasse lige før jul” ”This has occurred after the municipality was forced first to reorganise the special F-class, and then to close the much debated class completely shortly before Christmas”
What reorganisation has taken place with the Special F-class? How was the municipality forced to r eorganise the F-class? Who decided which organisation was to take place? Who was involved in the planning of the reorganisation? What was the legal foundation for the reorganisation? How precisely were the Roma children and the Roma parents Involved in the planning of the reorganisation? Who formulated the paper if any which the parents Had to sign concerning the reorganisation? Did this paper exonerate the municipality and Did it state that the Roma accepted the reorganisation voluntarily? Or were they only informed after everything had been decided? Has the special F-class been closed? Before Christmas? Has the mayor not stated the class will cintinue until Summer 2007? Has the children been offered education after Christmas 2005? When? What education? Has the municipality contected the Roma parents after Christmas 2005? ”Kritikken er haglet ned, både    fra ind- og udland. Fra menneskerettig- hedscentre, fra statsamt og fra EU”. ”The criticism has hailed down both from Denmark and from abroad. From centers for human rights, agencies of ministry of justice and from the EU” From which centers for Human Rights has criticism hailed on the municipality? What is the reason for this? From which agencies of ministry of justice has the criticism come? What is the reason for this? What criticism has come from the EU? Can we see this criticism? Is Ms Moth sure it is from the EU? ”Medarbejderne i Helsingørs skolevæsen er nu også blevet beskyldt for at have drevet et system, der kan sammenlignes med apartheid” ”Employees of Elsinore school authority
have now also been accused of running a system which can be compared to apartheid” Who did this? What is the background for the accusation? Is journalist Ms Kirsten Moth disagreeing with this? If she is not disagreeing, why is the sentence formulated like this? Can the system be compared to apartheid? Why (not)? Why is this system different from apartheid? ”Selv om både skoleledere, politikere og medarbejdere, der i dagligdagen har arbejdet med Helsingørs roma -børn og deres familier i mange år, har anbefalet at fortsætte dette særlige skoletilbud, har selv EU-ministre taget sig tid til at fordømme undervisningsformen og kaldt den for racediskriminerende” ””Even if scool masters, politicians and employees who have worked with Roma children and their families daily for many years, have recommended to continue this special school offer, even the EU ministers have taken time off to pass condemnation on this form of education and has called is racial discrimination” Does journalist Ms Kirsten Moth believe that the people who Works with a subject in practice always are the ones to know best? Does Ms Moth believe that it is up to one side to decide in a case? Which EU ministers to time off to condemn the educational method? What precisely is it in the educational method they condemn? Does Ms Moth cite anybody or is it her opinion? Where and when have the EU ministers called the educational method racial discrimination? ”Social glidebane” ”Social slide” What is a social slide? How does Ms Kirsten Moth measure the movements on the social slide? What is base and when does it start and end? Are the movements only one way?
”Romabørnene og deres familier er nu sendt ud på en social glidebane, hvor børnenes fremtid kan komme til at stå på analfabetisme og et elendigt liv på laveste sociale rangtrin” ”The Roma children and the  ir families have been sent out on a social slide, where the future of the children can be analfabetism and a rotten life at the bottom of the social ladder” How are the Roma children and their families sent on a social slide? Who is dispatching them onto the slide? Can you not withdraw them from the slide? Can you help them to help themselves to withdraw from the social slie? Can only other people withdraw the Roma from the social slide? Can oly white people help the Roma away from the slide? What about the analfabetism? How many of the children in the Roma classes over the last 25 years are analfabets? How far removed from analfabetism are they? What is a miserable life according to Ms Ms Kirsten Moth? How fo the Roma children get a miserable life? Why do the Roma parents get a miserable life? How does this compare to their life today? How does it compare to their life 30 years ago? How does it compare to their life 20 years ago? How does it compare to their life 10 years ago? What does Elsinore Municipality intend to do In order to ensure that the Roma children do not get a miserable life? What does Elsinore Municipality intend to do to ensure that the Roma parents do not get a miserable life? Is the life they have today a good life? Is this because of the special F-classes? How have the F-classes contributed to giving them a good life? The special F-classes started 25 years ago - So how have the life been for the Roma children during these 25 years? How does this compare to the lives of the Roma children who Went to normal Danish classes? Are these Roma children happy today they went to Roma class? Would they not prefer to have gone to normal Danish class?
How is the lowest social class defined? In which social class are the Roma parents placed today? Is there a difference between parents with children in The normall classes and in the special F-class? Why is that? ”   – De sejler nu uden mål og med, omklamret af velmenende, udenforstående ”halal  -hippier”, siger en harm skolekonsulent i Helsingør Kommun e, Inga Nielsen, der er en af landets førende kapaciteter inden for tosprogs-undervisning i Danmark” ”-   They sail as without sail or dudder, swamped by outside do-goodders, ”halal  -hippies”, says an angry school consultant in Elsinore Municipality, Ms Inga Nielsen, who is one of the leading expets on education of bilingual pupils in Denmark” What is the difference beyween before and now When the Roma children do no longer frequent the special f-class? What more precisely is the difference? Who, more precisely, is it that is outside, swamping do-godders And ”halal -hippies”? Is this to be understood as insults? Is Ms Inga Nielsen intent on insulting the persons who have Considered and ruled in the discrimination complaints on the Roma classes? How do you, more precisely, become a ”halal -hippied”? Is do-goodder also a demeaning expression? Is swamping an insult? What is the reason to insult these people? Has Ms Inga Nielsen taught in Romani? Have the Roma children been taught in Romani? Have they been taught in English? German? French? Serbo-Croat? Have they been taught in other languages than Danish? Who has designated Ms Inga Nielsen as a leading expert in
”I et debatoplæg i Politiken er hun gået skarpt i rette med flere af de eksperter i ind- og udland, som har været med til gennem teoretiske diskussioner og redegørelser at sørge for lukningen af Helsingørs omdiskuterede f-klasser (F for ekstremt højt fravær, red.) ”In a debate contribution in POLITIKEN newspaper she criticises sharply several of the experts in Denmark and abroad, who through theoretical discussions and reports have contributed to the closure of the much debates F-classes in Elsinore (”F” for extremely high absenteeism, editor’s note) Sorry, I did not read this debate, but what Documentation does ms Inga Nielsen put forward In her debate contribution? How does she refute the experts in Denmark and Abroad? Has Ms Inga Nielsen assessed the practical and theoretical Results from Eastern Europe to improve school attendancy Of Roma children? What about the school resulkts from Malmo, Sweden? Is Mis Inga Nielsen aware that there are schools where Roma Children are doing quite well in normal classes? Has Ms Inga Nielsen studied the success factors? The editor writes F for extreme absenteeism. Is the editor aware that in the complaints case ref no 730.7 In the Complaints Committé for Ethnic Equal Treatment That this was about a Roma pupil who had been placed in Roma class directly upon moving to Elsinore Municipality from Another municipality, and that there was no prior absenteeism In Elsinore or the other municipality? This means that the reason for visiting this pupil to the Special F-class could very difficult be described as extreme absenteeism? And when it was not extreme absenteeism what was then the reason for Placing this pupil in Roma class? Could there be another principle acknowledged by Ms Inga Nielsen which led to the placement in Roma class, apart from extreme absenteeism?
”Men især de to forfattere, Malene Grøndahl og Carsten Fenger-Grøn, til en kronik i Politiken Om Helsingørs romaer, om f -klasserne og om Racediskrimination, har fået bægeret hos Inga Nielsen til at flyde over” ”But especially the comments in a feature article by the two writes Ms Malene Grøndahl and Mr Carsten fenger-Grøn in POLITIKEN newspaper Has filled the cup to overflo with Ms Inga Nielsen” Sorry, without reading this feature, what is Racial discrimination in this context? Is there any (theoretical) basis for calling the f-classes for racial discrimination? Is it ok to discriminate Roma? Does the purpose justify the means? Are there no other ways? ”De sejler nu uden mål og med. Omklamret af velmenende, udenforstående ”halal  -hippier”” ”They are now sailing rudderless and without sail swamped by wellmeaning outside ”halal  -hippies” Oh, are they now? I met some of them in the Supermarket today. Not exactly swamped. I saw very few wellmeaning do-goodders in the supermarket, Probably it was my mood at fault. There were also not many outsiders, probably because it was A cold day. Especially I did not see any ”halal -hippies”. But I couldn’t be sure – what do they loook like, precisely? ”-   Når diverse instanser, som jeg normalt sætter højt, udråber os som diskriminerende, bliver jeg krænket” ”When variou  s authorities whom I normally respect very much shout that we are discriminating, I’m offended” Are the writers Ms Malene grøndahl and Mr Carsten Fenger -Grøn Authorities? And does Ms inga Nielsen normally have a lot of respect for them? Are they also various? What other authorities does Ms Inga Nielsen refer to? Which authorities does she normally have a high respect for? Which of these authorities have declared her discriminating? Why precisely have they done that, then?
”-   Når jeg hele mit arbejdsliv har  kæmpet de små og de svages sag bryder jeg mig ikke om at blive anklaget for at have været med til at skabe apartheid-tilstande i Helsingør.” ”-   When I all my working life have fought for the small and the weak I don’t like to be accused of having been involved in creation of apartheid- conditions in Elsinore” No, probably most people in this situation would feel upset. Are there apartheid-conditions in Elsinore? If not, why have some people then apparently said so? Are these postulates then completely unfounded? Is it the various authorities who have postulated such a thing? Or is it the ”halal -hippies”? What about the various rulings in committées on the f-classes, then? Are they theoretic? What precisely is theory? What precisely is practice? And is practice always better than theory? Why are Roma children then to go to school, if practice is better? Can they not learn to clean from practice? Is Ms Inga Nielsen herself fully satisfied with her life’s fight for the small and the weak? Has she become more or less satisfied? As has it always been the same? Why (not)? ”Det er en grov og meget alvorlig beskyldning, specielt når man tænker på, at forfatterne ikke kender noget til dagligdagen i skolerne her, siger Inga Nielsen og kalder kritikerne af Helsingø rmodellen for skrivebordsgeneraler” ”It is a coarse and very serious accusation, especially when you consider that the authors do not know the next thing about the practical day-to-day work at the schools here, says Ms Inga Nielsen and calls the critics of the ”Elsinore Model” for desktop generals” Now what is the definition of an accusation? Why is the criticism an accusation? Has it anything to do with Ms Inga Nielsen having all her life fought for the small and the weak? But how about the Roma? Are they the small and weak? Are there other small and weak Ms Inga Nielsen has fought for? What are the equalities and differences?
Is there a difference in where the small and weak go to school? Or is it an accusation because it is a criticism? When is criticism criticism and when is it an accusation? When is criticism allowed? Relevant? What about the Roma parents, who today are sorry they were Visited to Roma-class and have tried to prevent their own Children from being placed in Roma class? ”Marginaliser  et - Initiativtagerne til at indbringe at indbringe Romasagen til center for Menneskerettigheder Kan takke deres store interesse for f-klasserne For, at elevgruppen nu er totalt Marginaliseret, fremfører Inga Nielsen i Sit debatindlæg i dagbladet Politiken” ”Marginalised - The people who initiated to bring the complaint about Roma case to center for Human Rights can thank their great Interest in the f-classes for this group of pupils are now Being completely marginalised, says Ms Inga Nielsen in Her debate contribution in POLITIKEN newspaper” Thank you very much! I, as chairman of ”Romano”, have been one of the people, Who took this initiative, based on the complaints from the Roma, and now Ms inga Nielsen thank me for my great interest!? The first complaint, the first ”school case”, was on the basis of and with Written power of attorney from a Roma family, which had their economy Completely ruined by the ”Elsinore Model”, because for each day their child was absent from school due to illness, the social service deducted two days of pay, Even if they worked, and the child was left with the guilt of having ruined the family economy. Furthermore they were asked to pay for a doctor’s certificate for the child’s illness, even if there was no legal foundation for this.
The second ”school case”  was based on a family claiming their middle child was being discriminated, because it was placed in special Roma-class, but the elder and younger were placed in normal class. It was also on written power of attorney. A third complaints was a request for free legal aid to bring a case before a court of law for a young Roma man, who was refused to complete his secondary education. It was by written power of attorney. Now, how are the Roma children and their parents being marginalised because some Roma families complain over discrimination? Is it perhaps a result of retaliation? How can I thank myself for marginalising other Roma if I represent by written power of attorney Roma who complain they are being discriminated against? Is marginalised meant in an insulting and demeaning way? Is the thanks also an insult? Is it the price to pay for accepting to be party representative Under administration act that municipal employees call you names? Normally we hear only about the abuse that social clients heap on the administrative staff, but here is documented a case where the school consultant heap insults on the clients and their representatives. And what about the case where a school teachers visited a complaining single Roma mother and demanded she sign a paper that she withdrew her complaint, lest her daughter was thrown out of school and she would loose her social pay and be left with three unsupported children and no income? Do the social authorities in Elsinore Municipality not have a responsibility If the children are threatened with social marginalisation? What about the large number of complaints over social marginalisation The Roma complain is caused by Elsinore Municipality the ”Gipsy Office” And which the Complaints Committée for Equal Ethnic Treatment has refused to process? And do they not also complain of discrimination with medical doctors, With police, in the housing market, in the job market etc.? ”-   Vi har haft flere børn, der efter disse ”velmenende tiltag”   har stået i døren til f  -klassen og sagt, at de ikke kommer i skole mere mere, når de ikke må gå i f -klassen” ”-   We have several children, who, after these ”wellmeaning initiatives” have stood in the door of the f  -class and said, that they would not go to school anymore if they were not alloved to come to the f-class”. What is a ”wellmeaning initiatives” The representation of Roma complaints?
Is this an insult? Is this a reasonable behaviour of s school consultant? What kind of argument is it, anyway? And what about the rights of the Roma parents? What about the opinion of the Roma parents? Are they not allowed to complain? Are they in fact hostages of the municipality? Is there disagreement between the Roma parents on the f-classes? Is disagreement between parents normal? Is there disagreement between Danish parents? Who is right? The one who agrees with the teacher? ”Hvis integrationsministeren kom til Helsingør med en kæmpe pose penge og vi lavede én til én -undervisning, ville vi måske nå enkelte af børnene, men næppe alle, for forældrene vil ikke lukke skoleverdenen ind” ”If he Minister of Integration comes to Elsinore with a big sack of money and we did one-to-one education then perhaps we could get somewhere with a select few of the children, but not all, because the parents will not let the schoolworld in”. Hey, is this suddenly about money? Of all the previous it seemed to be about Ms Inga Nielsen being An acclaimed expert on teaching of bilingual children? And that the critics were wellmeaning doo - godders, ”halal hippies”? Now suddenly the monetary argument is introduced? I thought this was a discussion of principles, And the fina relations between theory and practice? About practice being superior to desk top generalism? Does Ms Inga Nielsen teach herself in the Roma class or is she Also a desk top general? By all means tell us more about the money! If I remember correctly the Roma classes were not special Discount versions of special education under the law for special education, Reserved for Roma children?
But did Elsinore Municipality not change the website And written materials about the Roma class, when the First criticisms were levveld? Did they not change To be ”F” classes, F for (extreme) absenteeism? Did it not say ”Romiclass” on   the visitation form? And what about the Minister for Integration? I seem to recall a number of project proposals and Applications for funding sent both to Minister for Integration And Elsinore Municipality? None of which have been replied to, from either party. And did the chairman of the Elsinore Municipal Committé On children and youth not say to Helsingør dagblad before Christmas that it was not a question about money, but About practical proposals what to do next? Whom to believe? Is it now also the responsibility of the Minister of Integration That the Roma children are dropping out of the f-class the Last six months? ”Forældrene er forvirrede over den megen medie-interesse og ønsker, som alle forældre, det bedste for deres børn, og de har et standpunkt, til de tager et nyt for hele tiden at optimere deres og børnenes situation” ”The parents are confused by the large media  -interest and desire like all parents the best for their children, and they have a standpoint until they take a new standpoint, all the time to optimise the situation for themselves and their children” That seems not a bad intention for your children. Was it not former Prime Minister Mr Jens Otto Krag, Who phrased the famous thesis that you have s Standpoint until new take another one? Is it not honourable to change your standpoint if you get wiser? Is it not perhaps a sign of intelligence? Ms Inga Nielsen does not doubt that the Roma parents desire the best For their children?? And if the parents complain? May it not also be because they desire the best for their children? Could it be because they have an idea that the discharge of Roma children with 3rd year level of education is not good enough? Perhaps?
Is it not legitimate to complain if you feel cause to do so? Would it not have been relevant with an independent evaluation Of the Roma class? Is it merely a question of money, if the Roma parents are dissatisfied? Would money have made the classes better? How much and for what? How can money otherwise improve the future of these children, after the closure of the roma class? Because it is not about economic discrimination, is it? Do Roma children not get the same amount and level of special education Under the law for special education, as Danish children? If not, why not? If we review all the media stories about the Roma classes, how many Are the Elsinore Municipality’s point of view? And how many originated from ”halal -hippies”? And how many from various authorities criticising the municipality? Who wrote these stories? ”H  elsingørs børne og ungedirektør, Bjarne Pedersen, bekræfter, at flere af Romabørnene, der har gået i f  -klassen, Allerede holdt op med at komme i skole, da Forvaltningen skrev ud til romafamilierne Med information om, at klassen skiftede Regi fra folkeskole til ungdomsskole, Fordi den sidste f-klasse på Nordvestskolen også blev kendt ulovlig Af undervisningsministeriet” ”Elsinore’s child and youth director Mr Bjarne Pedersen confirms that most of the children, who used to attend the f-class, have already sropoped going to school, when the municipality wrote to the Roma parents with information that the class changed from belonging to the public school and changed over to the youth school, because the last f-class at the Nordvestskolen was also deemed unlawful by the ministry of education” Just a moment, did the ministry of education state that the Last f-class was unlawful? Did the municipality acknowledge this in the Helsingør dagblad? When did this happen? Did the f-class change to the youth school after the municipality Knew that it was unlawful? And the municipality continued with the f-class, regardless?
Why was it deemed unlawful? Why did the municipality waste another six months with an unlawful class? Why did the municipality try to change the organisation to the youth school? Could the municipality not forsee what would happen? Could the municipality not forsee what would happen to the children? Does the municipality not have a jurist? Legal expert? Attorney? Has the legal experts not been consulted on this matter? Do these legal experts not use tha same laws as the ”halal -hippies”? Do the municipal legal experts read the laws in another way? Why did the Roma children stop coming to the unlawful f-class? Did they not stand in the doorway and say that if they could not come to The f-class they would stop coming to school altogether? Ehat did the municipality do when it discovered that the children stayed away? Did the municipality not follow the development carefully Did the municipality not offer other forms of education to the children? Were they not offered to attend normal Danish school class? Why (not)? Is this not a mess? When dod municipal director for child and youth Mr Bjarne Pedersen learn about this situation? What did he (not) do? Could he have done something else? ”Værktøjerne er væk” ”The tools are gone” Is it too crude to ask, if the Roma took the tools, too? Is this why the minister for social affairs Ms Eva Kjer Hansen In the program ”Go’morgen Danmark” could only point to the Roma children in Elsinore as the target group for the newly Proposed law L 108? Is this law reallt a retaliation within the meaning of Council Directive 43/2000/EEC Article 9? Is the government now giving the municipality the tools By which to punish the Roma, because some of them complained Over discrimination in segregated Roma classes with poor Educational results? Are these Roma children now to be forcibly adopted to Danish Families who can not find suitable children to adopt in the Foreign markets? Must Roma families in Elsinore now through the
Horrors which scandalised Germany and Switzerland in the period between the great wars? ”-   Vore muligheder for at hjælpe disse børn er nu helt systematisk taget fra os” ”-   Our possibilities to help these children are now systematically taken away from us” If the Roma children need special education under the law For special education, can they then not get this? Is it because of financial reasons, Ms Inga Bielsen Why can Elsinore Municipality not learn from the experience of Other municipalities, in denmark and in other countries, where Roma children are taugth on an equal footing? Why will Elsinore Municipality not cooperate with Roma in Eastern Europe about education of Roma children? We have Roma from a.o. Hungary who are offering to cooperate. They claim to have the same problems of principles as in Denmark. ”   – Selv om vi i flere år har forsøgt at gøre gældende at vi hellere ville have nogle værktøjer i skolesystemet i stedet for at være tvunget til at indberette til de sociale myndigheder hele tiden. Og det har vi ifølge loven pligt til, siger Bjarne Pedersen” ”   – Even if we have for years tried to argue that we would rather have some tools in the school system than having to be forced to refer the families to the social authorities all the time. And we are obliged by the law to report to the social authorities, says Mr Bjarne Pedersen” Who has Mr Bjarne Pedersen made these arguments to? Is it an internal process in Elsinore Municipality? Has it been argued to outsiders? Can be get documentary insight into these arguments? What exactly has been argued? Has Mr Bjarne Pedersen argued it with the Roma parents in question? Why not? Has he argued it with Roma NGO? Har han talt med Roma NGOer herom? Why not? Is Mr Bjarne Pedersen familiar with the term ”empowerment”?
Is it not in the ”halal hippie” diectionary? Does he or Ms Inga Nielsen have the ”halal hippe” dictionary? Is it not in the library? ”Et barn, der af en eller flere grunde ikke har mulighed for at passe sin skole, har et truet voksenliv” ”A child which of one or more reasons do not have the chance to attend to its school, will have a theatened adult life” What specifically is a threatened adult life in Elsinore? What specifically is attending to its school in Elsinore municipality? Hvad er at passe sin skole? What is a reason not to attend to school? What are the several reasons for not attending to school? Are we talking about Roma children here? What precisely are the reasons for Roma children not to attend to Their school? What are the specific reasons for dropping out of the f-class After the municipality wrote it was unlawful? Does ”chance to attend” really mean ”obstacles”? Then, what are the obstackles to attend to school, for the Roma children? Are these obstackles some that Elsinore Municipality should be Interested in knowing more about? Do any of these obstackles fall under the responsibility of the municipality? ”Et barn, der af en eller flere grunde ikke har mulighed for at passe sin skole, har et truet voksenliv. Derfor er selve dét at få børnene i skole så grundlæggende vigtigt, tilføjer han” ”A child which of one or more reasons do not have the chance to attend to its school, will have a theatened adult life. Therefore the getting the child to attend school is in itself fundamentally important, he adds.” Has the municipality any plans to study this problem together with the Roma parents? Do the parents agree that it is important that the children attend school
Why (not)? Is the municipality not keen to cooperate with  Roma In Eastern Europe, who kbow about these problems And have positive experience in getting them solved? Is the municipality  not willing to cooperate with Roma, Regardsless of them coming from Eastern Europe or locals? Is the municipality not keen to solve the problems? ”At flere roma  -børn efter f   klassens nedlæggelse nu helt har droppet at komme i skole og i stedet er blevet numre i bunken af sagsakter på socialforvaltningen forklarer skolekonsulent Inga Nielsen således” ” That several Roma children have now completely dropped out of school after the f-class has been closed and have instead become reference case numbers in the pile of case dossiers in the social administration is explained by the school consultant Ms Inga Nielsen in this way” Wait a moment, before they dropped out when the f-class Was announced that it was illegal, but some stayed in the Doorway and cried, that they would rather stay in the f-class, and would not go to school if this was not possible. Bow the Roma children have dropped out altogether after the f-class has been closed, but the announcement for this was only made shortly before Christmas, and the schools have barely been open since, true? So how can they have dropped out in the Christmas vaccation? And we ask again, how many? Why are they becoming reference numbers on the pile of dossiers? Do the municipality not employ case workers? How long time does it take to get in line to have your case processed? How long time is the dossier lying idle in the stack? What does the social case processing amount to, in detail?
”Mister selvtillid Romabørnene er jo nu blevet placeret i de Almindelige skoleklasser og får samme tilbud Som alle andre” ”Loos self confidence The Roma children have now been placed in the Normal school classes and get the same offers as Every body else” Before the Roma children dropped out of school altogether? Now we have had Christmas holiday. Is this a prognosis, Or is it something that has happened? I met a Roma family in the supermarket the other day - they had not heard anything about what was going to happen with the f-clas, or even if it was going to close. All their information was from the newspaper. So, for how long have these Roma children been offered the same As other children in normal class? Have they lost self confidence in this short period? What is the offer they received along with other children? How is their level in relation to other children? How have they been placed in these normal classes? Has there been any tests? Hs there been psyco-social tests? Has there been any cooperation with the parents? ”-   Da børnene i forvejen har svært ved at klare det faglige niveau, bliver deres selvtillid ikke bedre af at sidde i en klasse, hvor alle andre elever befinder sig på et helt andet fagligt niveau” ”-   As the children are already have difficulties in coping with the level of education their self confidence is not increased by sitting in a class where all the pupils have a completely different educational level” Are there nothing the Roma children can do well? Have the Roma children been placed at the right level? Why have they not learnt more before? Have they the correct offer according to the law? Is this really about the money?
Is this about the education of the teachers+ Are the Roma children made to suffer because of the complaints? Is it important for the school system to create a division between The Roma NGOs and the Roma parents with children in f-classes? Is this retaliation in the meaning of Council Directive 43/2000/EEC Article 9? What are the reason or reasons for the Roma children not to attend School? What is the difference between the reasons then and now? Has any serious outside independent research been conducted on this? Is anybody checking what the municipality is doing to these Roma children and their parents? ”Det giver dem ikke lyst til at komme i skole. Med det resultat, at de nu er frit svævende. Selv om Helsingør Kommune har ordningen Med ”morgenfruerne”, der er    ansat til at Tage ud og vække romafamilierne og hjælpe Til med at få børnene i skole, så har mange Af familierne i realiteten lukket af for dem. De vil ikke have dem indenfor dørene, Siger Inga Nielsen” ”It does not give them any desire to attend school. With the result that they are free floating. Even if Elsinore has its arrangement with the ”Morging ladies” who are hired to go out and wake up the Roma families and help getting the children to school then many families have in reality closed off to them. They don’øt want them inside their door, says Ms inga Nielsen” Before Ms Inga Nielsen spoke, or was it Mr Bjarne Pedersen or was it Ms Kirsten Moth, of Helsingør Dagbladm Of ”not chance to go to school”. But now it is avout ”desire”. Before it was about ”not having the opportunity” To attend school, now it hs changed to ”desire”. Is it because desire is a motor? And what about the candy story and full attendacy Told by the teacher at Nordvestskolen? And the scrapping of this system? Would it not be cheaper with the candy solution Compared to the hiring of ”Morning Ladies?”