(Wednesday 19 April, 10.00-13.00, Joint Public Hearing

"Feminicides in Mexico and Guatemala")


Monday 24 April, 15.00 - 17.30, Tuesday 25 April, 9.00-12.30 and 15.00-18.30

Room ASP 3G2




Monday,24 April - in the afternoon


The committee will have a consideration of the draft report on "Perspectives of women in international trade" (Rapporteur Hiltrud Breyer (Greens/EFA)), and will also hold an exchange of views with Nikolaus Van der Pas, Director-General of DG EMPL at the European Commission, and Mrs Rosa Miguelez Ramos, Vice-Chair of the Fisheries committee will present how gender mainstreaming is implemented in her committee.



Tuesday, 25 April - in the morning


The committee will consider and vote a draft opinion on "Trade and Poverty" (Draftsperson Anna Záborská (EPP-ED)) , and will vote on the reports " The situation of Roma women in the European Union" ( Rapporteur Lívia Járòka (EPP-ED)) and "on the situation of women in armed conflicts and their role in the reconstruction and democratic process in post-conflict countries" (Rapporteur Véronique de Keyser (PSE)). The committee will also consider and vote the draft recommendation for second reading on the Recast directive (Rapporteur Angelika Niebler (EPP-ED), as well as consider the draft report on the "Specific Programme 'Combat Violence (Daphne)" (Rapporteur Lissy Gröner (PSE)).



Tuesday 25 April - in the afternoon


The committee will consider the draft opinions on "A European social model for the future" (Draftsperson Emine Bozkurt (PSE)), and on the " Key competences for education and lifelong learning" (Draftsperson Anneli Jäätteenmäki (ALDE)).

An oral report of the committee's delegation to Croatia (20-21 April) will be given. A delegation of five Members (Anna ZÁBORSKÁ (EPP - ED) , Astrid LULLING (EPP - ED), Christa KLAß (EPP - ED), Lissy GRONER (PSE), Christa PRETS (PSE)) will meet  governmental, parliamentary and civil society representatives for gender equality issues, in order to evaluate and discuss the integration of gender equality into Croatian policies in view of the accession to the EU.



From 16.00 to 18.30 the committee will hold a Public Hearing on "Migrant Women : place and role in the EU" in view of the own-initiative report (Rapporteur Rodi Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou (EPP-ED)). Please see the separate programme.



For further information, please contact the secretariat ([email protected]) or on 02-2832058