Monday, 24 April 2006
9:30 a.m.
1.        Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 9:30 a.m. with Mr. Alcee HASTINGS (USA), President of OSCE PA, in the Chair.
2. Adoption of the Agenda
The draft agenda was adopted.
3.       Address by the Head of the Danish Delegation, Mr. Kristian Pihl Lorentzen.
The Head of the Danish Delegation, Mr. Kristian Pihl LORENTZEN, welcomed the Expanded Bureau to Copenhagen.
4.       Remarks by the President of the Parliamentary Assembly,
Mr Alcee Hastings (USA) and Report on Election Observation
Missions in Belarus and Ukraine.
The PRESIDENT addressed the Expanded Bureau.
Speakers: Mr. Alexandr KOZLOVSKY (Russian Federation), Mr. Alcee L. HASTINGS (President), Mrs. Nino BURJANADZE (Georgia), Mr. Kristian Pihl LORENTZEN (Denmark), Mr. Oleh BILORUS (Ukraine), Mr. R. Spencer OLIVER (Secretary General), Mr. Leonid IVANCHENKO (Russian Federation), Mr. Giovanni KESSLER (Italy), Mr. Oleh BILORUS (Ukraine), Mr. Jean Charles GARDETTO (Monaco), Mr. Jerry GRAFSTEIN (Canada), Ms. Pia CHRISTMAS-MØLLER (Denmark), Mr. Andreas NOTHELLE (Special Representative).
5.       Report by Chairman of Sub-Committee on Rules of Procedure
Mr Pieter DE CREM (Belgium) reported to the Expanded Bureau on the proposed changes to the Rules of Procedure.
Speaker:Â Mr. Giovanni KESSLER (Italy).
6.       Presentation of the Draft Resolutions by the Rapporteurs of the General Committees
FIRST COMMITTEE (General Committee On Political Affairs and Security):Â Mr. Wolfgang Grossruck (Austria), RAPPORTEUR
Speakers:Â Mr. Alexandr KOZLOVSKY (Russian Federation), Mr. Jerry GRAFSTEIN (Canada), Ms. Tone TINGSGAARD (Sweden), Mr. Roberto BATTELLI (Slovenia), Mrs. Nino BURJANADZE (Georgia), Mr. Alcee L. HASTINGS (President), Mr. Wolfgang GROSSRUCK (Austria).
SECOND COMMITTEE (General Committee on Economic Affairs, Science, Technology and Environment):Â Mr. Roland Blum (France), RAPPORTEUR
Speakers:Â Â Mr. Leonid IVANCHENKO (Russian Federation), Ms. Tone TINGSGAARD (Sweden), Mr. Jerry GRAFSTEIN (Canada), Mr. Oleh BILORUS (Ukraine), Mr. Roland BLUM (France).
THIRD COMMITTEE (General Committee on Democracy, Human Rights and Humanitarian Questions):Â Ms. Anne-Marie LIZIN (Belgium), RAPPORTEUR, was not present at the meeting, but the draft report and resolution were discussed.
Speakers:  Mrs. Nino BURJANADZE (Georgia), Mr. Alexandr KOZLOVSKY (Russian Federation), Ms. Tone TINGSGAARD (Sweden), R. Spencer OLIVER (Secretary General), Mr. Giovanni KESSLER (Italy), Ms. Pia CHRISTMAS-MØLLER (Denmark), Mr. Jean Charles GARDETTO (Monaco).
7.       Report by the Treasurer
Mr. Jerry GRAFSTEIN (Canada) presented the Treasurer’s Report to the Expanded Bureau.
Speakers:Â Â Mr. Oleh BILORUS (Ukraine), Mr. Giovanni KESSLER (Italy), Mr. Vitaly EVSEYEV (Deputy Secretary General), Mr. Alcee L. HASTINGS (President).
8.       Report by the Secretary General of the OSCE Parliamentary
Mr. R. Spencer OLIVER (Secretary General of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly) presented his report.
Speakers:Â Â Mr. Giovanni KESSLER (Italy), Mr. Alcee L. HASTINGS (President), Mr. Wolfgang GROSSRUCK (Austria).
9.       Report on Arrangements for Annual Session
Fifteenth Annual Session to be held from 3 – 7 July 2006 in Brussels
Mr. Vitaly EVSEYEV (Deputy Secretary General) spoke to the Expanded Bureau about the upcoming Annual Session in Brussels.
Speakers:Â Ms. Tone TINGSGAARD (Sweden).
10.     Report on preparations for the OSCE PA Standing Committee,
           Fall Conference and Mediterranean Forum in Malta
Mr. Vitaly EVSEYEV (Deputy Secretary General) reported on the progress of arrangements for the Standing Committee, Fall Conference and Mediterranean Forum in Malta.
12.     Information on the work of Ad Hoc Committees and Representatives
Ms. Tone TINGSGAARD (Sweden) reported on the first visit of three members of the Ad Hoc Committee on Abkhazia to Tblisi and Sukhumi, Georgia.
Ms. Tone TINGSGAARD (Sweden) reported on the special panel discussion held by the OSCE PA in New York in conjunction with the 50th Session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women.
The PRESIDENT adjourned the meeting at 3:45 p.m.