Special Representative






PA President




PA Secretary General





Permanent Council Brief Week 17, 2006



This week, meetings of the PC, the ACMF and of the Working Groups on Non-Military Aspects of Security as well as of the Working Group on Strengthening the Effectiveness of the OSCE, took place. I participated in the Expanded Bureau Meeting in Copenhagen and the pre-assessment mission to Montenegro.


The PC heard an address by the European Union Special Representative for Moldova, Mr. A. Jacobovits de Szeged. He pointed to the progress made in the course of 2005, but also emphasized that recent opposition by the Transdniestrian leadership to the border regime had lead to a semi-deadlock of the conflict settlement process. At the same time, he underlined the excellent co-operation between the EU Mission and the OSCE Mission headed by Ambassador Hill. Topics raised under “Current Issues” were, among others, the recent landmine accident in Tajikistan that had caused the death of a French OSCE collaborator, the situation in Kyrgyzstan, a currently distributed report from ODIHR on the events in Andijan, the release of a Turkmen prisoner, and Chernobyl. No decisions were taken.


The Working Group on Strengthening the Effectiveness (Reform Group) continued to discuss the possibility of a new committee structure for the Permanent Council and the setting up of OSCE-wide or sub-regional thematic missions. No consensus could be reached on either one of the proposals and discussions will continue.





Andreas Nothelle


May 3, 2006