Folketinget Parliament of Denmark Member of the Danish Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the OSCE To Senator Anne-Marie Lizin Copenhagen, 10 February 2006 Dear Ms. Anne-Marie Lizin, First of all let me comment you on your important work as the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly’s Special Representative on Guantánamo. I have read the report on the detention facilities at GuantánamoBay Naval Station you presented to the Assembly at the Annual Session in Washington DC with great interest and I look forward to learn about the results of your fact-finding mission to the detention facilities when you report back to the Assembly.   Since your report on Guantánamo to the Assembly in July 2005allegations have surfaced about CIA planes using European airports during secret transfers of terror suspects to third party countries for interrogation without court approval (the so-called “ extraordinary rendition programme”) . Also there have been claims about secret CIA prisons in Europe used to interrogate terror suspects. In January 2006 the Council of Europe issued an interim report by the Swiss MP Dick Marty on the issue of the rendition programme. However, Mr. Marty’s report was based  mainly on news reports . Therefore much work still needs to be done to clarify the issue of the rendition programme.   Since there is a clear linkage between the allegations of the secret CIA prisoner flights and secret prisoners in Europe and the issue of the Guantánamo detention facilities(in fact CIA planes have landed at Guantánamo) I take the liberty to recommend that you include the rendition programme in your work as the OSCE PA’ rteur of the Assembly’s Third Committee.  Please also allow me to suggest that you address these issues at the forthcoming OSCE PA Winter meeting in Vienna either at the joint session or when you present your draft report for the Annual Session to the Third Committee. Sincerely yours, Frank Aaen MP, Folketinget