237 SESA 05 EN AT O P a r l i a m e n t a r y As s e m b l yFIFTY-FIRST ANNUAL SESSIONMINUTESof thePLENARY SITTINGFalconer Centre, Copenhagen, DenmarkTuesday 15 November 2005International SecretariatNovember 2005
237 SESA 05 E1The Session was opened at 9.05 a.m. on Tuesday 15 November 2005, with Pierre Lellouche (France), President of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, in the Chair.1.Opening of the sittingThe President declared the 51stAnnual Session of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly open.He reminded the participants that the Assembly had been celebrating in 2005 its fiftieth anniversary and that a beautiful book had just been published to celebrate it.He thanked the Danish delegation for its generous hospitality.2.Address by Mr Anders Rasmussen, Prime Minister of Denmark, followed by a question and answer periodMr Rasmussen addressed the Assembly and answered questions from Mr van Gennip(Netherlands), Mr Zarubinskyi (Ukraine), Mr Nolin (Canada), Mr Kamov (Bulgaria), Mr Forcieri(Italy) and Ms Mogg (Germany).The Presidentthanked Mr Rasmussen.3.Address by Mr Pierre Lellouche, President of the NATO Parliamentary AssemblyThe President addressed the Assembly.4.Address by Mr Stanislas Shushkevich, Chairman of the Social Democratic Party, Belarus (Narodnaja Hramada)Mr Shushkevichaddressed the Assembly.The Presidentthanked Mr Shushkevich.5.Address by Mr Giorgi Baramidze, Minister for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration, Georgia and former head of the Georgian Delegation to the NATO parliamentary AssemblyMr Baramidzeaddressed the Assembly.The President thanked Mr Baramidze.
237 SESA 05 E26.Address by Mr Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, Secretary General of NATO and Chairman of the North Altantic Council, followed by a question and answer periodMr Jaap de Hoop Schefferaddressed the Assembly.Mr Banás(Slovakia), a Vice-President of the Assembly, took the Chair.Mr Jaap de Hoop Schefferanswered questions from Mr van Gennip (Netherlands), Mr Zarubinskyi(Ukraine), Mr Lello (Portugal), Mr Rivière (France), Mr Miranda Calha (Portugal), Mr Ito (Japan), Mrs Pavlicenco(Moldova), Mr Bouvard(France), Mr Lamers(Germany) and Mr Ozerov (Russian Federation).The President thanked Mr de Hoop Scheffer.7.Address by Mr Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Prime Minister of Turkey, followed by a question and answer periodMr Lellouche, President of the Assembly, resumed the Chair.Mr Erdoganaddressed the Assembly and answered questions from Mr Clapham (United Kingdom), Mr Canas(Portugal), Mr Banás(Slovakia), Mr MacShane (United Kingdom), Mr Pilka (Poland) and Mr Møller (Denmark).The President thanked Mr Erdogan.8.Election of the President, Vice-Presidents and Treasurer of the AssemblyThere being only one nomination for the post of President of the Assembly, Mr Pierre Lellouche(France) was re-elected, by acclamation.There being only five nominations for the five posts of Vice-President, Mr José Lello (Portugal) was elected; Mr Jozef Banás(Slovakia), Mr Vahit Erdem (Turkey), Mr Bert Koenders (Netherlands), and Mr Pierre Claude Nolin (Canada) were re-elected by acclamation.There being only one nomination for the post of Treasurer, Mr Lothar Ibrügger (Germany) was re-elected, by acclamation.9.Presentation of the Report of the Secretary General on the Priorities and Activities of the Assembly[204 SC 05 E]The Secretary General presented his Report.The Presidentthanked the Secretary General.
237 SESA 05 E310.Vote on the amendments to the Rules of Procedure concerning the status of the Mediterranean Associate Delegations [210 SC 05 E]The Presidentsubmitted to the Assembly for final approval amendments to the Rules of Procedure that were adopted by the Standing Committee [210 SC 05 E].The amendments were agreed to.11.Adoption of the draft Declaration approved by the Standing Committee on the Disposal of Surplus Weapons and Munitions in Ukraine[219 SC 05 E bis]The Presidentsubmitted to the Assembly for adoption the draft Declaration onThe Disposal of Surplus Weapons and Munitions in Ukraine.The draft Declaration [219 SC 05 E bis] was adopted.12.Adoption of the draft Declaration approved by the Standing Committee on the Parliamentary Elections in Azerbaijan[234 SC 05 E bis]The Presidentsubmitted to the Assembly for adoption the draft Declaration on the Parliamentary Elections in Azerbaijan.The draft Declaration [234 SC 05 E bis] was adopted.Mr Nolin (Canada), a Vice-President of the Assembly, took the Chair.13.Presentation by Mr Clapham, Chairman of the Committee on the Civil Dimension of Security of the draft Resolution on The Protection and Integration of Minorities as a Contribution to Stability in the South Caucasus, submitted by the Committee; debate and Vote on the draft Resolution [197 CDS 05 E rev. 1].Mr Clapham (United Kingdom) presented the draft Resolution.The draft Resolution on The Protection and Integration of Minorities as a Contribution to Stability in the South Caucasus[197 CDS 05 E rev. 1] was agreed to.14.Presentation of the Report of Mr Lothar Ibrügger, Treasurer of the Assembly [144 FIN 05 E], approval of the Report, the Audited Financial Statements for 2004 [143 FIN 05 E], the audited Provident Fund Financial Statement for 2004 [25 FIN 05 E] and Vote on the draft Budget of the Assembly for 2006 [71 FIN 05 E rev. 1]The Treasurerpresented his Report, the Audited Financial Statements for 2004, the Audited Provident Fund Financial Statement for 2004 and the draft Budget of the Assembly for 2006.
237 SESA 05 E4The Report of the Treasurer [144 FIN 05 E] was adopted.The Audited Financial Statements for 2004 [143 FIN 05 E] were adopted.The Audited Provident Fund Financial Statements for 2004 [25 FIN 05 E] were adopted.The draft Budget of the Assembly for 2006 [71 FIN 05 E rev. 1] was agreed to.The Presidentthanked the Treasurer.15.Presentation by Mr Julio Miranda Calha, General Rapporteur of the Defence and Security Committee, of the draft Resolution on Enhanced Common Funding of NATO Operationssubmitted by the Committee; debate and Vote on the draft Resolution [195 DSC 05 E rev. 1]Mr Miranda Calha(Portugal) presented the draft Resolution.Mr Kox (Netherlands) and Mr Loverdos(Greece) spoke.The General Rapporteurreplied.The draft Resolution on Enhanced Common Funding of NATO operations[195 DSC 05 E rev. 1] was agreed to.16.Presentation by Mr Julio Miranda Calha, General Rapporteur of the Defence and Security Committee, of the draft Resolution on Reducing National Caveats submitted by the Committee; debate and Vote on the draft Resolution [194 DSC 05 E b is].Mr Miranda Calha (Portugal) presented the draft Resolution.Mr Kox (Netherlands) and Mr Viggers(United Kingdom) spoke.The General Rapporteurreplied.The draft Resolution on Reducing National Caveats [194 DSC 05 E bis] was agreed to.17.Presentation by Mr van Gennip, General Rapporteur of the Economics and Security Committee of the draft Resolution on Forging a Transatlantic Policy towards Chinasubmitted by the Committee; debate and Vote on the draft Resolution [192 ESC 05 E rev. 1].Mr van Gennip (Netherlands) presented the draft Resolution.Mr Skillakos(Greece) and Mr Bouvard(France) spoke.The General Rapporteurreplied.
237 SESA 05 E5The draft Resolution on Forging a Transatlantic Policy towards China [192 ESC 05 E rev. 1] was agreed to.18.Presentation by Mr Jos van Gennip, General Rapporteur of the Economics and Security Committee, of the draft Resolution onMounting an International Defence against Avian Influenza submitted by the Committee; debate and Vote on the draft Resolution [187 ESC 05 E rev. 1].Mr van Gennip (Netherlands) presented the draft Resolution.The draft Resolution on Mounting an International Defence against Avian Influenza[187 ESC 05 E rev. 1] was agreed to.19.Presentation by Mr Bert Koenders, Vice-President of the Assembly and General Rapporteur of the Political Committee, of the draft Resolution on Advancing the Doha Development Agendasubmitted by the Economics and Security Committee; debate and Vote on the draft Resolution [218 ESC 05 E rev. 1].Mr Koenders (Netherlands) presented the draft Resolution.Mr Nogrix (France), Lord Sewel of Gilcomstoun(United Kingdom) and Mr Skillakos (Greece) spoke.Mr Koendersreplied.Mr Nogrix (France) spoke.Mr Koendersreplied.The draft Resolution on Advancing the Doha Development Agenda [218 ESC 05 E rev. 1] was agreed to.20.Presentation by Mr Bert Koenders, Vice-President of the Assembly and General Rapporteur of the Political Committee, of the draft Resolution submitted by the Committee on NATO Transformation and the Future of the Alliance; debate and Vote on the draft Resolution [198 PC 05 E rev. 1].Mr Koenders, (Netherlands) presented the draft Resolution.Mr Kox(Netherlands) spoke.The General Rapporteurreplied.The draft Resolution on NATO Transformation and the Future of the Alliance[198 PC 05 E rev.1] was agreed to.
237 SESA 05 E621.Presentation by Mr Assen Agov, Vice-President of Sub-Committee on Transatlantic Relations of the Political Committee, of the draft Resolution on Kosovo; submitted by the Committee; debate and Vote on the draft Resolution [225 PC 05 E rev.1]Mr Agov(Bulgaria) presented the draft Resolution.He proposed an oral amendment as follows:In paragraph 6, leave out from "which" to the end of the paragraph and insert "rules out any form of discrimination and which requires the establishment of the rule of law.The Presidentreferred to Article 23, paragraph 3 of the Rules of Procedures that concerned acceptability of verbal amendments. He considered that the verbal amendment clarified the text.Mr Cook(United Kingdom) raised a point of order.Mr Loverdos (Greece), Mr Skillakos(Greece) and Mr Møller (Denmark) spoke on the amendment.Mr Agovreplied to the debateMr Skillakos(Greece) spoke.Mr Agovreplied.The Presidentreplied to Mr Cook.Mr Cook(United Kingdom) spoke.The Presidentreplied to Mr Cook.Paragraphs 1 to 5 were agreed to.The oral amendment was agreed to.Paragraph 6, as amended, was agreed to.Paragraphs 7 and 8 were agreed to.The draft Resolution on Kosovo [225 PC 05 E rev. 1], as amended, was agreed to.22.Presentation by Mr Bert Koenders, Vice-President of the Assembly and General Rapporteur, and Mr Markus Meckel, Chairman of the Political Committee, of the draft Resolution on Belarus submitted by the Committee; debate and Vote on the draft Resolution [227 PC 05 E rev. 1].Mr Koenders (Netherlands) presented the draft resolution.He proposed an oral amendment as follows:Leave out sub-paragraph 8.b.
237 SESA 05 E7Mr Skillakos(Greece), Mr Olekas (Lithuania), Mr Bouvard (France), Mr Agov(Bulgaria), Mr George(United Kingdom), Mr Viggers(United Kingdom) and Mr Austrevicius(Lithuania) spoke.The General Rapporteurreplied.The Presidentspoke.Paragraphs 1 to 7, and sub-paragraph 8.a, were agreed to.The oral amendment was agreed to.Sub-paragraphs 8.c to 8.e were agreed to.Paragraph 8, as amended, was agreed to.The draft Resolution on Belarus [227 PC 05 rev. 1], as amended, was agreed to.Mr Koenders (Netherlands), a Vice-President of the Assembly, took the Chair.23.Presentation by Mr Pierre Claude Nolin, Vice-President of the Assembly and General Rapporteur of the Science and Technology Committee, of the draft Resolution on Security of WMD-Related Material in Russiasubmitted by the Committee; debate and Vote on the draft Resolution [193 STC 05 E rev. 1].Mr Nolin(Canada) presented the draft Resolution.Mr Kox(Netherlands) spoke.The General Rapporteurreplied.The draft Resolution on Security of WMD-Related Material in Russia [193 STC 05 E rev. 1] was agreed to.24.Closure of the Session.The Presidentthanked the Danish Delegation that hosted the 51stAnnual Session of the Assembly in Copenhagen, as well as the participants, interpreters and all staff involved in the organisation.The Session closed at 3.20 p.m._____________