STANDING COMMITTEE 239 SC 05 E Original: English NAT O   Pa rl ia me n ta ry  As s e mb l y SUMMARY of the meeting of the Standing Committee Landstingssalen, Folketing, Copenhagen, Denmark Monday 14 November 2005 International Secretariat November 2005
239 SC 05 E i TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Attendance list  ............................................................................................................................... iii 1. Opening of the meeting ......................................................................................................... 1 2. Adoption of the draft Agenda [152 SC 05 E Rev. 1]................................................................ 1 3. Adoption of the Summary of the meeting of the Standing Committee held in Ljubljana, Slovenia, on Monday, 30 May 2005 [111 SC 05 E] ................................................................ 1 4. Organization of the Plenary Sitting to be held on Tuesday, 15 November 2005 ..................... 1 5. Political Issues ....................................................................................................................... 2 Draft Declaration on the Disposal of Surplus Weapons and Munitions in Ukraine presented by the President of the NATO Parliamentary  Assembly, Mr Pierre Lellouche (France) [219 SC 05 E] Draft Declaration on Parliamentary Elections in Azerbaijan presented by the President of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, Mr Pierre Lellouche (France) [234 SC 05 E] Draft amendments to the Rules of Procedure on the status of Mediterranean Associate Delegations [210 SC 05 E] Belarus [207 SC 05 E] Mauritania [206 SC 05 E] China [220 SC 05 E] Russia and Georgia: Proposal for a Monitoring Group The European Parliament [208 SC 05 E] 6. The Secretary General’s Report on Priorities and Activities [204 SC 05 E] ............................ 7 7. The President’s Proposal for a Working Group on Assembly Reform [232 SC 05 E].............. 9 8. Finance  ............................................................................................................................... 14 Report of the NATO Board of Auditors on the Financial Audit of the Accounts of the NATO PA [142 FIN 05 E] Letter of Representation [158 SC 05 E] Statement on Internal Control [157 SC 05 E] Audited Financial Statements for 2004 [143 FIN 05 E and appendices] Audited Provident Fund Financial Statements for 2004 [25 FIN 05 E] Draft Report by the Treasurer on the Results of Financial Year 2004 and of the current Financial Year [144 FIN 05 E] New Key for National Contributions [182 SC 05 E] Approval of the draft Budget for 2006 [71 FIN 05 E Rev. 1] Amendment to the Financial Regulations (implementing rules) on cash payments [212 SC 05 E] Nature and Levels of Reserves and Provisions [213 SC 05 E]
239 SC 05 E ii 9. Approval of new Officers of Committees, Sub-Committees, Working Groups and Special Groups  ................................................................................................................... 16 10.    Future sessions and meetings:............................................................................................. 16 February Joint Committee meetings, Brussels, Belgium, 19-21 February 2006 Standing Committee meeting, Gdynia, Poland, 24-26 March 2006 Spring Session, Paris, France, 26-30 May 2006 [093 SESP 05 E] Annual Study Visit, 2006, Romania Annual Session, Quebec, Canada, 13-17 November 2006 Sessions and meetings from 2006 [037 GEN 05 E Rev. 2] Host Countries for future sessions and meetings [214 SC 05 E] 11.    Consideration of proposed candidatures for the Bureau of the Assembly [211 SC 05 E]...... 17 12. Miscellaneous ...................................................................................................................... 17
239 SC 05 E iii ATTENDANCE LIST President Pierre Lellouche (France) Vice-Presidents Pierre Claude Nolin (Canada) Jozef Banáš (Slovakia) Vahit Erdem (Turkey) Bert Koenders (Netherlands) Treasurer Lothar Ibrügger (Germany) Secretary General Simon Lunn Former Vice-President John Tanner (United States) MEMBERS AND ALTERNATE MEMBERS Belgium Daniel Bacquelaine Bulgaria Nikolai Kamov Canada Jane Cordy Leon Benoit Czech Republic Vlasta Parkanova Denmark Helge Adam Møller Per Kaalund Estonia Sven Mikser France Loïc Bouvard Germany Markus Meckel Karl A. Lamers Greece Georgios Kalantzis Hungary Istvan Simicsko Iceland Ossur Skarphedinsson Italy Paolo Ricciotti Latvia Guntis Berzins Lithuania Juozas Olekas Petras Austrevicius Luxembourg Marc Spautz Netherlands Jos van Gennip Norway Per Ove Width Poland Marian Pilka Portugal Rui Gomes da Silva José Lello Romania Mihail Lupoi Mihai Stanisoara Slovakia Jozef Banáš Slovenia Milan Petek Spain Rafael Estrella Turkey Vahit Erdem United Kingdom Bruce George Peter Viggers United States Joel Hefley John Tanner
239 SC 05 E iv COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN Civil Dimension of Security Michael Clapham (United Kingdom) Economics and Security Paul Gillmor (United States) Defence and Security Joel Hefley (United States) Political Marcus Meckel (Germany) Science and Technology Michael Mates (United Kingdom) Special Mediterranean Group Jean-Michel Boucheron (France) INVITED REPRESENTATIVES (present only during their addresses) Belarus Stanislas Shushkevich Svietlana Zavadskaya Mauritania Cherif Ahmed Ould Mohammed Moussa Matt Mint Ewnen SECRETARIES OF DELEGATION Member Delegations Belgium Frans Van Melkebeke Bulgaria Borislav Penchev Canada Denis Robert Czech Republic Olga Bendíková Denmark Jacob Stahl Otte Estonia Tanja Espe France Frédéric Taillet Etienne Sallenave Germany Rainer Büscher Anne Marie Bürsch Greece Maria Apostolou Hungary Károly Tüzes Italy Alessandra Lai Mario di Napoli Iceland Belinda Theriault Latvia Sandra Paura Lithuania Andrius Baranauskas Luxembourg Tun Figueiredo Netherlands Leo van Waasbergen Norway Allon Groth Poland Natalia Jaskiewicz Portugal Luisa Pinto Basto Romania Irina Bojin Ioan Ilie Slovakia Jarmila Novakova Slovenia Tamara Gruden-Pecan Spain Mercedes Araujo Turkey Yesim Uslu United Kingdom Libby Davidson Tracey Garratty United States Susan Olson
239 SC 05 E v Accompanying staff Belgium Patrick Delodder France Marianne Bay Bernard Chalet Sophie Debail Germany Britte Hanke-Giesers Italy Monica Delli Priscoli Stefania Perozzi Laura Tabladini Norway Lisbeth Merete Stock Poland Andrzej Januszewski Mikolaj Karlowski Spain Araceli Quintano Turkey Selcuk Bayraktaroglu International Secretariat Eva Antunano Isabelle Arcis Andrius Avizius Helen Cadwallender Roberta Calorio Andrea Cellino Paul Cook Valérie Geffroy Christine Heffinck David Hobbs Susan Millar Jacqueline Pforr Ruxandra Popa Steffen Sachs Chris Shaw Svitlana Svyetova Zachary Selden Claire Watkins Minute Writers Sarah Davies Richard Cooke
239 SC 05 E 1 The  meeting  opened  on  Monday  14  November  2005  at  9.00  a.m.  with  Pierre  Lellouche (France), President of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, in the Chair. 1. Opening of the meeting The President declared the meeting open and welcomed delegates to Copenhagen. He thanked Mr Møller and the staff of the Danish Parliament for their hard work, and asked Mr Møller to say a few words. Mr Møller   (DK) said that he hoped delegates were finding the meeting useful and interesting. He reminded  colleagues  about the  excursion  programme  that  would  take  place  later  in  the  day,  and that the Plenary meeting would take place in a different venue, the Falconer Centre, the following day. The President reported that apologies for absences had been received from Pavel Severa, Head of  the  Czech  delegation  who  would  be  replaced  by  Vlasta  Parkanova  for  this  meeting,  and  from Mr Gyula  Vari,  Head  of  the  Hungarian  delegation,  who  would  be  replaced  by  Agnes  Vadai.  He welcomed the following heads of delegations, who had been appointed to the post since the last Session: Nikolai  Kamov  of  Bulgaria,  Ossur  Skarphedinsson  of  Iceland,  Per  Ove  Width  from  Norway, Marian Pilka,   Acting   Head   of   the   Polish   delegation,   Mihail   Lupoi   of   Romania   and   finally, Bruce George, who had been appointed Head of the United Kingdom delegation. 2. Adoption of the draft Agenda [152 SC 05 E Rev. 1] The President said that the Committee had a substantial amount of business to do. He therefore asked colleagues to accept that speaking time should be limited to three minutes. He noted that the Agenda had been revised. In particular, one item (the number of seats available for the delegations of Algeria and Morocco) had been postponed. The draft Agenda [152 SC 05 E Rev. 1] was adopted. The limit of three minutes for speeches was agreed to. The  President  asked  the  Committee  for  its  approval  of  the  proposal  that  representatives  from Belarus and Mauritania make short presentations. This proposal was agreed to. 3. Adoption of the Summary of the meeting of the Standing Committee held in Ljubljana, Slovenia, on Monday 30 May 2005 [111 SC 05 E] The Summary [111 SC 05 E] was adopted. 4. Organization of the Plenary Sitting to be held on Tuesday, 15 November 2005 The  President  outlined the  arrangements for the  organization  of the  Plenary  Session  that  would take place the following day. He  asked  the  Committee  whether  it  approved  the  granting  of  speaking  time  at  the  Plenary  to representatives from Belarus and Georgia. This proposal was agreed to.
239 SC 05 E 2 5. Political issues Draft  Declaration  on  the  Disposal  of  Surplus  Weapons  and  Munitions  in  Ukraine presented   by   the   President   of   the   NATO   Parliamentary   Assembly,   Mr   Pierre Lellouche (France) [219 SC 05 E] Draft   Declaration   on   Parliamentary   Elections   in   Azerbaijan   presented   by   the President   of   the   NATO   Parliamentary   Assembly,   Mr   Pierre   Lellouche   (France) [234 SC 05 E] Draft   amendments   to   the   Rules   of   Procedure   on   the   status   of   Mediterranean Associate Delegations [210 SC 05 E] Belarus [207 SC 05 E] Mauritania [206 SC 05 E] China [220 SC 05] Russia and Georgia: Proposal for a Monitoring Group The European Parliament [208 SC 05 E] The President said that there were three draft texts to consider: The draft declaration on the Disposal of Surplus Weapons in Ukraine; The draft declaration on the Parliamentary Elections in Azerbaijan; and The draft amendments to the Rules of Procedure concerning Mediterranean Associate Members. In relation to the Ukraine, he said that there was a real problem with the disposal of conventional weapons left by the former Red Army. This was a serious problem that NATO needed to tackle not only to deal with the physical and environmental hazards but also to help improve its image in the region. Mr  Erdem  (TR)  said  that  the  election  had  been  a  step  towards  democracy  in  Azerbaijan  and considered the text too critical of an emerging democracy. He suggested that Azerbaijan, given its limited experience of elections, should not be subject to such a harsh resolution. Mr  Meckel  (DE)  disagreed  with  Mr  Erdem.  He  reminded  the  Committee  that  in  the  Political Committee’s deliberations on Belarus, a clear statement had been produced on conducting future elections and there was no reason to be any less clear in the language applied to Azerbaijan. He suggested that difficulties with the election were less to do with a lack of experience than a lack of will. Mr  Clapham  (UK)  said  that  he  had  led  the  NATO  PA  delegation  to  Azerbaijan  to  observe  the election. He accepted that that delegation had only been present on polling day but said that the process he had observed in West Baku was fair. Mr  Bouvard  (FR)  said  that  he  had  also  been  in  Azerbaijan.  There  were  reservations  about  the conduct of the elections but generally he considered them to have been professionally conducted. The proposed text was balanced and he acknowledged that the elections had been a step in the right direction, although more needed to be done. Mr  George  (UK)  said  that,  given  its  proximity  to  the  centre  of  power  and  the  relatively  high concentration  of  election  observers,  election  fraud  was  unlikely  to  take  place  in  West  Baku.  He cautioned against drawing conclusions from short visits to a few polling stations. Only the ODIHR report  should  be  considered  an  authoritative  account  of the  elections.  Azerbaijan  had  to  develop the will to conduct fair elections – currently it did not. Ukraine had managed to transform its election process rapidly and there was no reason for Azerbaijan not to do so as well.
239 SC 05 E 3 Mr van Gennip (NL) reminded the Committee that observing elections was a professional job. The most  important  period  in  an  election  was  prior  to  polling  day  and  there  were  examples  of irregularities in Azerbaijan prior to the election. For example, one presidential contender who had been  travelling  to  the  Council  of  Europe  to  describe  corruption  in  the  election  process  had  been arrested by Interpol in the Netherlands at the behest of the Azerbaijan Government. The  President  said  the  current  text  was  balanced  and  that  there  appeared  to  be  a  consensus. Amendments could be tabled to it if necessary. He noted that there were no comments on the texts relating to Ukraine or the Rules of Procedure.  He asked if there were any objections to the three texts being forwarded for consideration at the plenary sitting. There were no objections to forwarding the Draft Declarations and the draft amendments to the Rules of Procedure for consideration at the plenary sitting. The  President  turned  to  the  matter  of  Belarus.  He  noted  that  the  Standing  Committee  had frequently  expressed  its  concern  about  the  situation  in  Belarus  and  at  the  last  meeting  the Committee  had  accepted  the  generous  offer  of  the  Lithuanian  delegation  to  host  a  seminar  on Belarus. The seminar had taken place in Vilnius in October, and the participants had produced a number of options described in Doc. 207 SC 05. He invited  Mr Stanislav  Shushkevich, a leading figure in the democratic opposition in Belarus, to address the Committee. Mr Shushkevich (BY) thanked the President and the Committee for the great honour of being able to  address  them.  Belarus  was  a  truly  European  nation  with  a  long  history  of  constitutional democracy  and  Christianity.  However,  200  years  ago,  it  had  been  colonized  by  force  by  Russia. Physical  and  then  cultural  genocide  had  taken  place.  In  some  ways,  Belarus  had  become  more Russian than Russia itself. In  1991,  Belarus  had  in  effect  become  an  independent  State  and  the  beginnings  of  democratic Government  had  existed.  However,  in  1997  President  Lukashenko  had  been  granted  dictatorial powers, with the acquiescence of the Russian Prime Minister and the Chairmen of both chambers of the Russian parliament. This marked the end of an independent parliament and judiciary, and as part of this deal, Russia had demanded that Belarus be used as a military base. The  current  situation  was  grave.  The  people  of  Belarus  were  not  anti-Russian  but  they  were opposed to Russian-sponsored dictatorship. He had three requests to the Standing Committee. The first was for member countries to help break the information blockade and help Freedom Radio to broadcast in Belarus with a stronger signal. The second request was to parliamentarians to put pressure on the Russian Federation so that it did not rip out the green shoots of democracy in Belarus. The last request was for assistance in ensuring that the 2006 presidential elections were free and fair. Concluding, he thanked the delegates, in particular for the adoption of the resolution on Belarus in the  Political  Committee.  The  NATO  Parliamentary  Assembly  had  already  helped  the  people  of Belarus a great deal. The  President  thanked Mr  Shushkevich  and  reminded  the  Committee  that  such  speakers  to  the Assembly effectively put their own lives at risk. He proposed that the NATO PA offered its services for election monitoring for the presidential election in July 2006. This should be done in the form of
239 SC 05 E 4 a  letter  to  President  Lukashenko.    He  noted  that  election  monitoring  would  be  carried  out  in co-operation with the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, and that it would be a difficult task since the elections would be conducted over a five-day period. Mr Olekas (LT) said that he agreed with this proposal, and that Lithuania would be pleased to host another seminar on Belarus prior to the presidential elections. The  President  explained  that  if  President  Lukashenko  accepted  this  proposal  he  would  ask  for volunteers to participate. If the request was turned down, that would be denounced publically.  He noted  that  Mr  George  was  particularly  experienced  in  such  monitoring  and  would  be  asked  to advise on the project. This proposal was agreed to. The  President  turned  to  the  issue  of  Mauritania.  He  drew  the  attention  of  the  Committee  to document   206 SC 05 E   which   contained   correspondence   with   the   Mauritanians,   who   had participated in the Ljubljana meeting, summaries of decisions that he had taken in consultation with the Bureau following the August coup in Mauritania, and background information about the situation in Mauritania. With the Bureau’s agreement, he had proposed that two Mauritanian delegates be invited to attend the Assembly’s Copenhagen Session in a non-parliamentary capacity.  The Bureau had discussed the   available   options   and   had   felt   that   until   democratic   parliamentary   elections   took   place, Mauritanian representatives should not be invited to participate in Assembly Sessions but that they should  be  invited  to  participate  as  non  parliamentary  representatives  in  Mediterranean  Special Group  activities  which  were  open  to  non–members.  He  invited  Mr  Moussa  to  speak  to  the Committee. Mr  Moussa   (Mauritania)  described  the  deep  political  crisis  prior  to  the  regime’s  actions  on 3 August. The security forces had attempted to end that situation with the support of the general population. Three committees covering justice, the democratic process and good governance had been established, as had a timetable for the transition back to democracy. The Council of Ministers had  agreed  an  order  to  set  up  an  independent  electoral  commission  as  well.  He  asked  the Assembly to note the first half of Article 12 of that order and to apply NATO PA articles 17.21 and 35.62 that would allow continued relations with Mauritania. The President explained that the rules cited by Mr Moussa were those which he had implemented in  order  to  invite  two  Mauritanian  representatives  to  attend  the  Copenhagen  Session  as  non parliamentary observers. Mr Estrella (ES) welcomed the President’s proposal and added that the Assembly could send an observer mission to Mauritania. The President agreed that an observer mission would be beneficial and indeed had already been requested by the Mauritanian delegate. It was for the Special Mediterranean Group to take the final decision. 1 This article concerns the right of the Assembly’s President to invite non-members of the Assembly to attend sessions of the Assembly as observers. 2 This   article   concerns   the   right   of   the   chairman   of   the   Mediterranean   Special   Group   to   invite representatives from non-member countries to participate in meetings of the group.  This requires the approval of the President if the nation concerned does not have formal status with the Assembly.
239 SC 05 E 5 Mr Meckel (DE) supported both proposals. He reminded the Committee that the former regime in Mauritania had not been a paragon of democracy. The President asked if there were any objections to the proposal that Mauritanian representatives be invited to participate in relevant activities of the Mediterranean Special Group but not to sessions where they would act as a “quasi-delegation”.  It would be for the Mediterranean Special Group to decide whether to visit Mauritania. The President’s proposal was approved The  President  reported  that  the  Economics  and  Security  Committee  had  visited  China,  led  by Hugh  Bayley,  who  encouraged  continuing  dialogue  with  the  Chinese.  That  Committee  and  the President  of  the  Assembly  intended  to  visit  China  next  year.    The  Bureau  had  considered  the question of reciprocity, and had agreed that Chinese representatives could be invited to participate in  the  Paris  spring  session  in  2006,  but  that  these  representatives  should  be  from  the  Defence and/or Foreign Ministries, and not from the National People’s Congress. Mr van Gennip (NL) said that during the Economics and Security Committee’s visit to China, there had been useful discussions, and he stressed the importance of improving contact. He had been surprised at the frank discussions they had been able to have on issues such as human rights, and he noted that the World Bank had been very supportive of the Committee’s contacts with China. He reminded  the  Committee  that  there  were  precedents  for  the  Assembly  having  contact  with  non democratic countries. Mr Lello (PT) reminded the Committee that the Assembly was based on values. China was of such social,  political  and  strategic  importance  that  it  could  not  be  ignored.  The  Assembly  should  also remember  other  important  regional  players  such  as  South  Korea,  which  were  politically  closer  to the values of the Assembly.  He supported the President’s proposal. Mr Meckel (DE) noted that China was a central, global player. It was an important partner both in security  and  economic  terms.  In  this  context,  he  welcomed  the  contacts  between  the  NATO Parliamentary Assembly, particularly the Economics and Security Committee, and China. However, he  took  the  view  that  instead  of  two  visits,  the  President  should  lead  a  delegation  including Economics  and  Security  Committee  members,  as  this  seemed  to  be  a  sensible  way  of  reducing costs. He  observed  that  there  were  other  actors  in  the  region,  for  example  Taiwan  and  Korea,  but  the modest resources available to the Assembly did not permit more than one visit a year. The President said that Mr Meckel had raised an important point to which the Committee should return later in the meeting. Mr  Bouvard  (FR)  welcomed  the  proposal  of  the  President.  He  reminded  the  Committee  that  in 1994 he had accepted an invitation to visit China, in his capacity as President of the Assembly. The delegation was received by the number four in the Chinese Government, who showed considerable interest  in  the  work  of  the  Assembly.  Mr  Bouvard  agreed  with  the  President’s  desire  for  more political visibility. Contacts with China were particularly important in this context. The  President  commented  that  the  Committee  seemed  to  have  a  consensus  on  the  need  for contacts  with  China.  He  recalled  that  the  previous  month  he  had  attended  a  trade  exhibition  in Shanghai  in  his  capacity  as  a  French  Deputy.  Seven  French  Ministers  had  also  attended  that
239 SC 05 E 6 exhibition.  There  was  a  need,  if  a  visit  to  China  went  ahead,  to  ensure  that  the  delegation  was received at the appropriate level in China. Mr  Meckel’s  point  on  priorities  for  committees  and  the  limits  of  the  Assembly’s  work  was  an important one which should be discussed later in the meeting, and it was indeed the case that the Assembly could not cover the entire world. Mr  van  Gennip  (NL)  pointed  out  that  there  were  effectively  two  Chinas:  the  more  developed eastern  region;  and  the  less  developed  west.  It  was  important  for  the  Economics  and  Security Committee to complete its work by looking at the less-developed region. Mr Estrella (ES) observed that there was consensus on the importance of China for the Assembly. He  proposed  that  a  strategy  document  be  prepared  setting  out  a  framework  for  the  Assembly’s contacts with China. The President thought that this was a valid point. Summarizing the discussion, he saw consensus on  relations  with  China,  and  the  need  to  have  a  strategy  rather  than  an  ad  hoc  approach.  He suggested that the techniques for prioritizing should be discussed later in the meeting. Mr Banás (SK) asked whether China was interested in developing relations with the Assembly. Mr Viggers (UK) supported measures to give a high priority to developing relations with China. He noted  the  extent  to  which  China  featured  in  economic  and  political  thinking  in  the  United  States, and said that this clearly indicated that it must be a priority area. The  President  noted  that  the  possibility  of  lifting  the  EU  arms  embargo  on  China  was  a  major transatlantic issue. He noted Mr Banás’s point and would take this into account when liaising with the Chinese Government. He reiterated that he thought the proposal by Mr Estrella for a strategy document was an excellent one. Moving on to Russia and Georgia, the President noted that during the meeting of the NATO-Russia Parliamentary  Committee  he  had  proposed  the  creation  of  a  monitoring  group  to  follow  the withdrawal of Russian forces from their bases in Georgia. He intended to set this process in motion with an official visit to Georgia as President next spring, and he had already received the strong backing of the Georgian Foreign Minister.  He felt that this would be a  significant innovation  that would  entail  visits  to  Russian  bases  in  Abkhazia  and  elsewhere.    He  envisaged  one  visit  in  late 2006, perhaps two during 2007, and a possible final visit in 2008. He proposed that the group included one Georgian, one Russian, one American and two European members. The proposal was agreed to. The  President  directed the  Committee to  the  options  set  out  in  the  papers  on  relations  with  the European Parliament and asked for comments to be sent to the Secretariat in writing. He added that the conservative group had made arrangements for closer contact with the EP. Mr Lello (PT) noted that the European Parliament already had a presence at the Assembly and a clear role.
239 SC 05 E 7 Mr   Koenders   (NL)   reminded   the   Committee   that   the   conservative   group   was  following   an innovation by the socialist group. Mr  Meckel  (DE)  said  that  it  was  not  sufficient  for  contacts  to  be  only  on  a  party  basis  and  he suggested European Parliament delegates be given equal status in the Assembly. He hoped there would be an opportunity for more strategic discussion on these relationships next spring. The President reiterated his request that proposals and comments be submitted in writing for more detailed consideration at a later meeting. Mr Estrella (ES) said that contacts between political groups could not replace official institutional contacts.    He  recalled  that  during  the  February  meetings  each  year,  the  Assembly  had  contacts with  European  institutions,  and  he  hoped  that  these  could  be  made  more  substantial.    He  also noted  that  by  including  such  contacts  in  the  context  of  the  February  meetings  would  include American participation whereas a meeting outside that context in, say, September would not. He cautioned  that  the  European  Parliament  was  a  huge  institution  with  greater  resources  and  of  a different nature than the Assembly, and he did not favour granting the right to submit amendments to texts. He also noted that the European Parliament was already involved with the Assembly. The President said there was no consensus at present and recommended that better use could be made of the annual meeting in Brussels. He suggested that any move to increase the rights of the European Parliament’s delegates in the Assembly should be reciprocated. He reminded delegates to send their suggestions in writing to the Secretariat. Mr Lello (PT) stressed that the two institutions were entirely different in nature and it was therefore misleading and inappropriate to talk of reciprocity. 6. The Secretary General’s Report on Priorities and Activities [204 SC 05 E] The President said the next matter for the Committee to consider was a particularly important one, as it related to the future of the Assembly. The discussion would take place in two stages. Firstly, the  Secretary  General  would  give  a  presentation  on  current  work  and  the  future  programme  for 2006. Secondly, the Committee would have an opportunity to examine a series of new ideas, which had already been discussed in the conservative group and in the Bureau. He asked the Secretary General to take the floor. The  Secretary  General  introduced  the  item  by  commenting  that  the  Secretariat  made  a  serious effort to co-ordinate the work of various parts of the Assembly, including its committees, seminars, educational programmes and the Parliamentary Transatlantic Forum. There was a wide spectrum of activity. Central co-ordination was necessary to ensure that the priorities of the Assembly were correct,  that  they  were  being  followed  and  that  the  best  use  was  made  of  resources,  whether financial  or  in  terms  of  members’  time.  Some  duplication  was  inevitable  and  necessary,  but unnecessary duplication should be avoided. At  this  time  of  year  the  Assembly’s  committees  set  their  work  programmes,  and  although  these could  change  in  the  light  of  circumstances,  a  framework  had  been  produced  which  reflected  the latest  information  following  Committee  Directors’  consultations  with  their  respective  Committee officers.  An  updated  list for  2006  had  been  circulated. The  Standing  Committee  had  a traditional guiding role. In the past it had suggested that particular committees should or should not examine certain issues. At this session, this role had been supplemented by a meeting involving the Bureau and the Committee Chairmen on the previous Friday. On the basis of these discussions, the Secretariat had prepared a best estimate of the “pattern” of business  in  2006,  which  he  presented  to  the  Committee.  As  well  as  the  fixed  Plenary  and
239 SC 05 E 8 Committee  sessions,  the  work  programme  included  seminars  in  Naples,  Russia,  Albania  and Moldova.   There   were   also   parliamentary   training   sessions   taking   place   in   Brussels.   These sessions,  which  focused  on  democratic  oversight,  were  funded  by  the  Swiss  and  Norwegian Governments. Potential election monitoring missions such as Palestine and Ukraine were listed on the framework of activities since it appeared that there was interest in such activities. He noted that election monitoring was usually conducted with OSCE. There was a busy agenda for the forthcoming year with about 40 activities involving more than 20 people;  plus  the  presidential  visits.  There  were  Assembly  activities  during  42  weeks  in  the  year, which effectively meant one per working parliamentary week. The  President  asked  the  Committee  to  agree  that  the  Assembly  would  assist  in  monitoring  the Ukrainian legislative elections in March. He commended the amount and quality of work by the Secretariat. The Assembly was holding over 40  meetings  per  year  and  producing  about  15  reports.  This  was  a  tremendous  amount  of  work, much  more  than  the  other  four  interparliamentary  assemblies.    However,  there  was  a  contrast between the amount of work and its impact on the public and governments. Clearly the influence of the Assembly was not what it should be given the money and the work. Second, there was a problem of NATO acceptability in all countries.  He had discussed this with the US Ambassador to NATO, Ms. Victoria Nuland, in a meeting on the previous morning. NATO was not popular in his country nor in many others.  Moreover, Chancellor Schroeder had, in February, suggested that NATO was no longer the locus for transatlantic relations, and that it should be the European Union.  NATO itself was looking for a new role, since Berlin and through to the Istanbul Summit. The Assembly’s 50th anniversary, therefore, was an appropriate point to reappraise how the Assembly was doing business.  Could things be done more effectively with better prioritization.   This was now important because there were no limits, the threats were diffused and the Assembly was discussing issues from Mauritania to China, including the Palestinian elections and the Middle East.  Defining the limits was, in his view,  a political question. He  was  aware  that  some  people,  including  the  speakers  of  some  parliaments  were  questioning whether  the  Assembly  represented  value for money,  so  there  were  threats from that  perspective also. He suggested that if the work and the relevance of the Assembly's  work was not improved then the relevance of the Assembly could be put into question. He noted that there were now new channels of communication between the European Parliament and  the  US  Congress,  so  the  Assembly  was  not  the  only  place  for  transatlantic  dialogue.    The transatlantic dialogue itself was a problem.  It had been one of his priorities and he had worked very hard  to  improve  the  relationship.    He  thanked  John  Tanner  and  Joel  Hefley  for  their  help  in achieving this improvement. He had had a historic first meeting between a NATO PA President and the Speaker of the House of Representatives.  However, such a meeting had not been possible in the Senate.  Certain Senators had told him that they did not attend Assembly sessions because the Assembly was not a centre of power, but rather a talking shop or consultative shop. He asked the Standing Committee to recognize these aspects.  The Assembly was a pretty good organization, a good club of friends with many talented people including those who had held senior office.  But the weight of the organization and its degree of influence and relevance in the debate was very low. Many parliaments were simply unaware of the Assembly and its work.  This had a Public Relations element but from experience he knew you did not get PR without doing something relevant.  Do something relevant and then package it.  It was for this reason he had proposed the Monitoring Group on Georgia.  It was one item that could put the Assembly on the map. He  proposed two  categories for reform: first, the  internal  workings  of  the  Assembly;  and second, outreach. He had explained his ideas to the Bureau.
239 SC 05 E 9 7. The President’s Proposal for a Working Group on Assembly Reform [232 SC 05 E] The President turned to document 232 SC 05 E and went through the proposals it outlined. The first three proposals related to the internal working of the Assembly. The first related to efforts to achieve better focus and prioritization in committee reports and activities. This had already been set in motion, at the President’s initiative, with a new form of meeting, based on the French model "Conférence de présidents", between the Bureau and Committee Chairmen.  This had taken place on Friday 11 November. The purpose of the meeting was to examine what the Assembly was doing and planning to do and to identify and avoid clashes and duplication. Those present had found it useful.  The  Assembly  had  to  decide,  first,  whether  to  institutionalize  this  group  and,  second, whether to go further by giving the leadership the authority to decide priorities.  He understood the tension  here  between  the  right  of  committees to  set their  own  agendas and  the  need to  achieve greater focus, but felt that there should be a sharper focus. There had to be a balance between the freedom of the Committees and the right of the leadership to focus on three or four massive efforts. The second proposal had been raised a year ago by Mr Forcieri who was not able to be present because of voting commitments in Rome. There was at present no common period of mandates for Assembly  officers.  In  his  view,  two  years  was  not  long  enough  for  officers  to  provide  political leadership  and  direction.  However,  he  reminded  the  Committee  that  any  changes  to  term  limits would not apply to the existing leadership. He personally was not a candidate for an extra year. But his own view was that a team elected for three years was more appropriate. The third  proposal relating to  internal  working  was  to review  the  structure  of  Assembly  sessions. There was certainly room for improvement here. He thought that the current timetable should be revisited.    He  understood  the  many  organizational  problems  as  he  was  responsible  for  the organization of the Paris session. He knew this was a very heavy business with lots of rules and regulations.  Nevertheless, he asked whether it was normal that the political day was at the end and not at the beginning; was it normal to have the excursion in the middle; some people said some Committees were too long, too much a talking shop, why not use the time to be more political? He believed  that  an  alternative  structure  should  be  developed  which  would  give  more  time  for transatlantic dialogue. He acknowledged that there were lots of practical problems but they could be fixed. The second set of proposals concerned the Assembly’s outreach. One characteristic of NATO was its democratic deficit.  Who controlled NATO? Who looked at how the money was spent, whether the missions matched the mandate?  Neither national parliaments nor the Assembly did this.  It was governments  who  asked  the  questions.  If  members  wanted  the  Assembly  to  be  a  place  of relevance and power then it had to act like a parliament. As part of this process, he proposed that a high level “Wise Men’s” study should be undertaken on the future role of NATO and how it functioned. The second proposal was to strengthen contacts with the North Atlantic Council. The ambassadors had found their participation in the annual session in Venice very useful and  several had attended this session.  Why not institutionalize this meeting?  In this respect, he noted that he had invited the NAC to the Paris Spring Session.  Why not eventually invite the Ministers, that would really make the Assembly more relevant. The third area for discussion was whether some kind of charter for the Assembly was required. Other  initiatives  could  also  be  considered  such  as  whether  the  Assembly  should  hold  an  annual meeting of the speakers of members parliaments, and how the Assembly’s  work should relate to
239 SC 05 E 10 that of national parliaments. Finally, he agreed with Mr Estrella to use the February meeting for a form of trilateral between the NATO PA, the European Parliament and the US House of Congress. Concluding, the President said that he was frustrated by the gap between the level of work and the Assembly's  effectiveness  as  a  power  house.  The  Assembly  had  to  define  and  focus  its  role, otherwise  it  ran  the  risk  of  becoming  moribund.  He  knew  reactions  would  be  mixed  but  he  was open  for  discussion  and  dialogue  on  these  proposals  and  other  ideas.    He  had  suggested  the formation of a small working group to prepare a report for discussion in March.  The Bureau had agreed to this idea, and he suggested that the working group should include one North American member,  two  European  members,  and  Simon  Lunn  and  David  Hobbs  from  the  International Secretariat. Mr  Estrella  (ES)  commended  the  President for  his  leadership  in  bringing  these  proposals  to  the Committee, which had a responsibility to ensure that the Assembly adapted to the times. However, he regretted that an ideological note had been introduced for the first time through the reference in the text to the support of the conservative group.  This was contrary to past practice. The President had  been  elected  to  represent  the  entire  membership.  He  then  pointed  out  that  this  was  an Assembly  on  the  move.  The  Assembly  had  responded  to  challenges  quicker  than  NATO,  for example, in allowing participation from non member countries at the end of the Cold War and in pressing for NATO enlargement. As  the  leader  of  his  delegation  representing  four  political  parties,  he  believed  the  Standing Committee was the right body to give direction, coordinate activities, and provide guidance. It had performed  this  function  in  the  past  and  would  in  the  future.    He  agreed  reports  should  be  better focused and Rapporteurs should take more responsibility for the political content of their reports. He  agreed  that  the  Assembly’s  reports  seldom  made  the  headlines  but  questioned  whether  the media interest should be pursued at the cost of relevance. Press attention was not an appropriate measure  of  a  report's  value.  He  noted  that  many  parliamentary  reports  served  a  very  useful purpose without attracting headlines, and little was to be gained by pursuing “15 minutes of fame”.   Assembly  reports  were  used  by  a  broad  range  of  institutions  and  'think  tanks'.  He  concluded  by saying that there was no pressing need to change the role of the Assembly, nor to diminish the role of the Standing Committee. The  President  said  he  had  not  intended  to  spark  an  ideological  discussion.  He  had  merely discussed his ideas with the conservative group which had supported them. He knew there was a degree of support among socialists for some changes.  He acknowledged the contributions of the past but this was a different place.  He agreed that the Standing Committee was the place where decisions were made. He asked members not to exceed the 3 mn time limit. Mr Lello (PT) said that he was not in favour of the creation of a "Wise Men's Group". He believed that the Assembly was essentially a consultative group. He believed the Assembly should do what it  had  always  done.  He  described  the  Assembly  as  a  laboratory  which,  in  the  past,  had  been innovative in bringing parliamentarians from former Warsaw Pact countries into its discussions and activities. It promoted shared values, and should be proud of that role.  He rejected proposals on the  paper  referring  to  the  party  groups  stressing  that  the  Assembly  was  made  up  of  national delegates.  The  Assembly’s  meetings  –  and  activities  such  as  the  session  excursion  -  provided opportunities  to  forge  links  with  other  parliamentarians  and  this  was  an  important  function  which should not be overlooked. Delegates should promote the dignity of the Assembly.  This was neither the  time  for  "la  prise  de  la  Bastille",  nor  was  it  the  time  to  create  a  new  parliament.  Assembly members could also exercise oversight over NATO via questions to their national governments. Mr Meckel (DE) welcomed discussions about the effectiveness of the Assembly and was pleased to examine possible reforms in view of global challenges.  However, he thought it unlikely that a small group considering the structure of the Assembly’s work could complete its work before next
239 SC 05 E 11 autumn. He welcomed the meetings between the Bureau and Chairmen of Committees to agree on priorities. On terms of office he was strictly against equalising terms of office.  The Treasurer, for example, needed continuity.  He was in favour of two years for the President although this might take  the  form  of  a  single,  two-year  mandate  for  the  Vice-Presidents  rather  than  two,  one-year mandates.  For the Committees, perhaps thought could be given to reducing mandates from four to three years.  He also thought that the plenary structure did not need adjusting.  Nevertheless, he thought the President’s paper asked the right questions and that some time would be needed for considering how to undertake reform in a solid way. Mr Mates (UK) reported that the Science and Technology Committee did not think the mandates should be altered. He congratulated the President on stimulating the discussion and agreed that a small group should work on producing options to be discussed in Poland. There was a wide range of views on these issues and it would be helpful to have some options set out. These should be based on facts.  These options should be reviewed in Poland and, if necessary, again in Paris. Mr  Clapham  (UK)  reported  that  the  Committee  on  the  Civil  Dimension  of  Security  was  satisfied with  the  present  mandates,  and  it  could  be  left to  the  discretion  of  the  officers  concerned  if  they wished to step down before their full terms had expired. Turning to structural change, this certainly needed to be re-examined. However, this should be on the  basis  of  clear  proposals. The  Committees  were  able  to  bring together members  with  specific interests and were able to produce excellent reports.  Better use should be made of these reports. There  should  be  greater  engagement  with  the  European  Parliament,  Council  of  Europe  and  the OSCE,  and  members  should  make  more  of  the  Assembly’s  work  within  their  own  national parliaments.    This  would  help  lift  the  profile  of  the  Assembly.  He  agreed  that  a  study  should  be considered during the meeting in Poland. The President thanked Mr Clapham and noted that the Committee was having only a preliminary discussion  that  day,  pending  further  debate  in  2006.  He  welcomed  the  interest  of  so  many colleagues in his proposals. Mrs  Cordy  (CA)  agreed  that  all  organizations  should  evaluate  their  work  from  time  to  time, particularly  in  a  world  which  was  changing  so  quickly  and  in  which  NATO  itself  had  changed profoundly.    She  suggested  that  the  document  should  form  only  part  of  the  working  group’s mandate  and  that  it  should  be  free  to  look  at  wider  issues  including  the  selection  of  priorities, communications and logistics. She added that there should be a mechanism for input from member countries. It was important that the Assembly had time to debate and reflect on possible change and therefore she recommended that a final decision should not be taken in Poland but rather be taken when the Assembly meets in Paris in Spring 2006. Mr  Kamov  (BG)  recalled  that  the  political  groups  had  been  informed  about  the  President’s proposals on Saturday. The Bulgarian Delegation had also had time to consider them and took the view that they were sensible and necessary. NATO itself was changing and the Assembly had to change as well. Moving to another issue, he urged the President to consider changing the date of the Transatlantic Forum visit to America. The existing date of early December was unsuitable as many  key  interlocutors  were  absent  and  it  might  be  better  to  hold  the  meeting  in  September  or October. The  President suggested that the Secretary General address the latter point later in the debate. The timing of the Transatlantic Forum was a very complicated issue. He thanked Mr Kamov for his support. Mr Hefley (US) echoed the thanks of colleagues to the President for his interesting proposals. The American  Delegation  had  a  number  of  reservations.  Firstly,  although  it  might  make  sense  to
239 SC 05 E 12 reconcile the length of mandates, the time commitment required for these posts made him question whether  lengthening  some  terms  was  a  good  idea.  Secondly,  he  feared  that  the  proposal  for  a “Wise Men’s” study would impose additional work for both members and staff on top of an already intense workload. It would be very difficult for a member of the American Delegation to participate. He  repeated  that  the  US  delegation  was  doing  as  much  as  they  could.  He  wondered  whether  a better  way  forward  would  be  to  conduct  this  work  within  existing  structures.  Concluding,  he expressed particular support for the proposals for better contact with the North Atlantic Council and for the proposal of a charter for the Assembly as this would help define its role and missions. Mr Olekas (LT) agreed that the 50th anniversary of the Assembly was a sensible time to reflect on its  future.  He  had  a  common  interest  as  he  was  born  in  1955.  The  link  between  NATO  and  the NATO  PA  was  an  important  one  which  should  be  examined  and  re-evaluated.  Lithuania  had become a NATO member through the support it had received as a member of the Assembly. He agreed with Mrs Cordy that national delegations should have an opportunity and time to participate in the working group process. He also suggested that the working group should be more politically diverse than that proposed by the President. Mr Ricciotti (IT) commented that the events of the past decade had shown the importance of the Assembly. The outreach which it had provided to the countries of Central and Eastern Europe had been a powerful driving force in encouraging them to join NATO. He said that the Assembly had been innovative in the past by opening up to Russia and other nations, and national governments had followed the NATO PA lead. Outreach had been extended to the Middle East and China. He welcomed  the  President’s  suggestions  and    stressed  the  need  to  maintain  the  impetus  and therefore considered it appropriate to discuss options in March. There were issues to be resolved and  his  delegation  considered  it  appropriate  for  the  President’s  and  Committee  Chairman’s mandates  to  be  harmonized  at  three  years  in  order  to  provide  continuity  in  direction  of  the Assembly. Mr Boucheron (FR) said that the Assembly had a voluminous and cumbersome structure as did NATO  and  the  EU.  It  was  important  to  start  thinking  about  reform  and  he  commended  the President’s  energy  and  initiative.    He  suggested  in  addition  to  the  items  already  proposed  the Assembly should have a strategy and the resources to improve national media relations. Mr  Møller    (DK)  supported  the  establishment  of  a  small  group  whose  conclusions  should  be discussed in Poland. He also supported the possibility of longer mandates for Presidents and Vice- Presidents.    If  they  were  doing  a  good  job,  there  should  be  the  possibility  of  extending  their mandates to three or even four years. Mr Gillmor (US) said that he thought that it was healthy for any organization to periodically review its work and its working methods.  Regarding the question of the duration of mandates, he reported that the Economics and Security Committee was content with the current mandates.  He reminded members of the saying, “if it isn’t broken, don’t fix it”. Mr   Berzins   (LV)  said  that  he  found  the  Assembly  reports  interesting  but  had  occasionally questioned  the  Assembly’s  efficiency  and  impact.  He  welcomed  the  President’s  initiative  and supported  the  establishment  of  a  small  working  group.  He  stressed  the  need  to  focus  on  the important issues and bring the various tools of the Assembly – Committee reports, seminars, etc - to bear on them. Mr  Bouvard  (FR)  responded  to  Mr  Lello’s  comments  about  the  Assembly  providing  a  pleasant environment for discussions. He agreed that discussions within the Assembly were very productive and useful, but felt that greater stress should be placed on enhancing the Assembly’s output and influence  with  NATO,  governments  and  parliaments.  He  suggested  that  the  priorities  should  be better  defined  and  the  Assembly  should  be  more  outward  looking,  and  that  one  of  its  focuses
239 SC 05 E 13 should be on strengthening transatlantic ties.  He therefore offered his unreserved support for the President’s initiative. Mr van Gennip (NL) welcomed the initiative and stressed that he was content with the quality of the  Assembly’s  work  and  the  level  of  engagement  by  the  United  States.  He  reflected  that  the enlargement of the Assembly  had contributed to its difficulties. He said that he was in favour of the proposal to set up a small working group. He suggested that it should  first  examine  internal  working  practices,  before  turning  to  the  wider  environment  and  the future of NATO. On the subject of mandates, he could testify from experience that it took time to learn what was involved in a particular role. Quick rotation was therefore not sensible and the term lengths should be left as they were. He agreed with the point made by the President about the need to strike a balance between autonomy in committees and the Assembly’s need to plan strategically. Mr  Lamers (DE)  thought  that  the  proposal  marked  an  important  opportunity  for  the  Assembly  to explore new methods of doing things. The world was changing and the Assembly had to establish how to change alongside it. In his view, raising the profile of the Assembly should be a priority. Mr Meckel (DE) drew the attention of the Committee to a small reform which he had initiated in the Political  Committee.  Committee  members  had  the  opportunity  for  a  general  exchange  of  views among  themselves,  occasionally  with  input  from  the  Assembly’s  guests.    Responses  to  this initiative had been favourable. Mr Bacquelaine (BE) said that he agreed with the proposal to establish a working group but took the view that two conditions were necessary. Firstly, the group should be transatlantic. Secondly, it was essential that all three political groups  were represented. He added that in his view a possible compromise   on   the   length   of   mandate   should   be   established   by   giving   the   Assembly   the opportunity  after  two  years  to  continue  or  revoke  an  appointment.  Attention  should  be  paid  to cultivating  the  Assembly’s  relevance  by  focussing  on  topical  issues.    In addition,  members  could pursue issues in a co-ordinated fashion in their own national parliaments, perhaps by questioning ministers and officials. Mr George (UK) hoped that his lack of experience on the Standing Committee would be mitigated by his long service in the Assembly. Whatever failings the Assembly may have had, the Committee should  remember  that  its  metamorphosis  over  the  last  20 years  had  been  truly  incredible.  The excellent  book  produced  by  the  Secretariat  demonstrated  this.  It  was  a  stock-take  of  what  this Assembly  has  done.  With  the  limited  resources  available  to  it  in  terms  of  staff  and  budget,    the NATO PA was able to punch way above its weight. Considerable incremental change had added up over time to a revolution. Moving on to the specific proposals, he did not like the idea of a 3 or 4 year Presidency which he termed  "Napoleonic".  Lengthening  mandate  terms  was  a  bad  idea  as  it  interfered  with  the circulation. He also suggested that the working group should write to all delegations, inviting them for their views, which could then be incorporated in the final report. He commended the excellent reports produced by the Secretariat and was sure that many people looked at them on the website. He suggested the number of hits could be checked. However, the range of topics was considerable and he agreed with previous speakers about the need for more focus. The Assembly risked doing too much and activities that were superfluous should be dumped.  In this respect, he questioned the  creation  of  the  Monitoring  Group  for  Georgia.  More  should  be  done  to  follow  up  reports  and chase progress by holding the executive accountable. The President welcomed the friendly and constructive discussion. There was general agreement for  the  need for  reform  and  some  useful  proposals  had  emerged  during  the  discussion  including requesting  input  from  the  delegations.  Ideas  could  also  come  from  the  Chairmen  of  Committees
239 SC 05 E 14 and   the   Special   Mediterranean   Group.   He   asked   the   Committee   to   consider   timing   and membership of the group. He suggested that a quick report would allow a discussion in Poland and put forward Senator Nolin, Mr Erdem, and Mr Koenders working with Simon Lunn and David Hobbs at the Secretariat as suitable candidates. Mr  Meckel  (DE)  suggested  that  time  be  allowed  for  discussion  within  the  political  groups  before putting  forward  names.  He  stressed  that  he  did  not  want  final  decisions  to  be  taken  until  the meeting in November. Mr  Koenders  (NL)  supported  the  suggestion  that  the  political  groups  have  an  opportunity  to discuss candidates. Mr Estrella (ES) said that as a member of the socialist group he was content with Mr Koenders as a candidate. He asked whether the mandate for the group should be more tightly defined, although he agreed with the general areas it should consider. He also asked that the group’s report highlight where changes to the Assembly’s rules would be required. The President said he wanted the group to remain flexible and was not in favour of a tightly drawn mandate.   The   group   would   consist   of   the   Secretariat   representatives   plus   Senator      Nolin, representing North America, Mr Koenders for the socialist group and a conservative. He confirmed that he would write to the Committee Chairmen and Delegations asking for ideas to be considered by the group. Mr Viggers (UK) nominated Mr Erdem to be a representative on the group. Mr Lamers (DE) supported the nomination. The President thanked the Committee for reaching a speedy agreement. 8. Finance Report of the NATO Board of Auditors on the Financial Audit of the Accounts of the NATO PA [142 FIN 05 E] Letter of Representation [158 SC 05 E] Statement on Internal Control [157 SC 05 E] Audited Financial Statements for 2004 [143 FIN 05 E and appendices] Audited Provident Fund Financial Statements for 2004 [25 FIN 05 E] Draft  Report  by  the  Treasurer  on  the  Results  of  Financial  Year  2004  and  of  the current Financial Year [144 FIN 05 E] New Key for National Contributions [182 SC 05 E] Approval of the draft Budget for 2006 [71 FIN 05 E Rev. 1] Amendment to the Financial Regulations (implementing rules) on cash payments [212 SC 05 E] Nature and Levels of Reserves and Provisions [213 SC 05 E] Mr Koenders (NL) took the Chair. The Chairman invited the Treasurer, Mr Lothar Ibrügger, to present the Financial Reports. The  Treasurer introduced the representatives from NATO’s Board of Auditors and thanked them for their work – which was provided free of charge.
239 SC 05 E 15 Mrs  Westin  presented  the  Board  of  Auditors’  opinion  and  audit  of  the  Accounts  of  the  NATO Parliamentary  Assembly.  She  confirmed  that  the  Board  had  given  the  Financial  Statements  a “clean bill of health”. Having  presented  the  financial  information  she  referred  to  two  issues  that  the  management  had been  asked  to  consider  and  on  which  documents  were  available  for  the  Standing  Committee’s consideration  –  the  thresholds  for  making  payments  through  petty  cash  and  reassessing  the number of provisions. In line with normal audit practice, there would be further follow-up of these points during the next audit. The auditors had received both a letter of representation and a Statement of Internal Control from the  Assembly.  The  Board  considered  this  to  be  an  indication  of  good  governance  and  would determine  the  methodology  by  which  both  documents  would  be  assessed  over  the  coming  year. The NATO PA was thanked for its co-operation with the auditors. The Treasurer thanked Mrs Westin. He was pleased that the Assembly had been granted a clean bill of financial health. As there were no questions on the documents that had been circulated, he turned to an issue which had been raised earlier in the morning about the scrutiny of NATO. He reminded the Committee that NATO’s Board of Auditors conducted studies of NATO projects and infrastructure for the NATO Council. These reports could be of considerable use to committees and to the Assembly. He was pleased that there were no objections to the 2006 draft budget which had been drawn up in accordance with the new budget key adopted by NATO during the summer. He repeated that the budget was tight and commented that members had to realize that the Assembly did not have the staff resources or financial resources for additional activities and projects. He foresaw only a very small surplus in the current financial year and there was unlikely to be a surplus in following years. In  concluding,  firstly  he  thanked  the  International  Secretariat  for  the  work  that  had  been  done  to produce  the  book  commemorating  the  50th  anniversary  of  the  Assembly.  He  also  thanked  those countries   which   had   contributed   to   the   additional   costs   of   the   project.   The   total   for   these contributions was €45,000.  He drew the attention of the Committee to the set of guidelines which had   been   produced   to   help   with   the   organization   of   Committee   visits   and,   in   particular, interpretation requests. There was one major problem for the Assembly to address, which was the lack of host nations for the  annual  sessions  in  2008  and  2009.  If  a  host  for  2008  did  not  come  forward,  the  cost  of  the session usually borne by the host country would have to be included in the budget for 2008 and would   represent   either   significant   increases   in   contributions   or   decreases   in   activity.   Three countries,   Spain,   Greece   and   Luxembourg,   had   not   hosted   sessions   in   recent   years   and discussions with these countries were ongoing. Mr Pilka (PL) said that Poland would consider holding the annual meeting in 2008 or 2010, but was unable to do so in 2009 as there would be elections. The Treasurer thanked the Polish Delegation for this helpful offer and urged other delegations who could consider holding an annual session to contact him as soon as possible. Mr van Gennip (NL) first noted the significant potential value of the auditors’ reports referred to by the Treasurer, both for committees and for the Assembly. He noted that the terms of reference of the   Working   Group   should   reflect   the   need   not   to   overload   the   capacity   of   the   staff.   He congratulated all the staff who had worked on the financial audit. The President complimented the Treasurer on his work. All ten proposals were agreed unanimously.
239 SC 05 E 16 9. Approval   of   new   Officers   of   Committees,   Sub-Committees,   Working   Groups   and Special Groups The list of officers was approved. Mr  Meckel  (DE)  noted  that  the  work  of  the  Political  Committee  and  Science  and  Technology Committee on aspects of Iran’s nuclear capability would be complementary. 10. Future sessions and meetings February Joint Committee meetings, Brussels, Belgium, 19-21 February 2006 Standing Committee meeting, Gdynia, Poland, 24-26 March 2006 Spring Session, Paris, France, 26-30 May 2006 [093 SESP 05 E] Annual Study Visit, 2006, Romania Annual Session, Quebec, Canada, 13-17 November 2006 Sessions and meetings from 2006 [037 GEN 05 E Rev. 2] Host Countries for future sessions and meetings [214 SC 05 E] The President set out the programme of future sessions and meetings. Mr Pilka (PL) described the arrangements for the Standing Committee meeting in Gdynia. The President described the preparations for the Spring Session in Paris. The President continued that those attending the Spring Session would have the opportunity to see French  technical,  military  and  other  capabilities  and  there  would  be  trips  for  committees  to appropriate sites. Further details would be available for the meeting of the Standing Committee in March. Mr Lupoi (RO) confirmed that arrangements for the Annual study visit, 2006, to Romania were fully under control. The likely date for the visit was early September. Mrs  Cordy  (CA)  said  that  the  Canadian  delegation  was  looking  forward  to  hosting  the  Annual Session in Quebec in November 2006. Quebec was a very beautiful city with a long history. She warned participants to bring warm clothes and pointed out that smoking was prohibited in all public buildings. The President returned to the matter raised by the Treasurer about hosts for future sessions. He asked whether any countries other than Poland were able to host sessions. Mr Kalantzis (GR) said that Greece could host a session. Mr Estrella (ES) said that he would raise the possibility of Spain hosting a session with officials in parliament.  He  gave  apologies  on  behalf  of  the  Spanish  delegation  for  their  absence  during  the following day’s plenary sitting as the budget debate was taking place back in Madrid. The President thanked Mr Estrella. He noted that this was more evidence that the Plenary meeting should take place on the first day of the meeting. Mr Berzins (LV) commented that Latvia could offer to host the Spring Session 2010 in Riga. The  President  thanked  Mr  Berzins.  He  noted  that  these  offers  filled  most  of  the  gaps  in  the Assembly programme. In response to a question from the Lithuanian delegation, he confirmed that Lithuania’s offer to host the Standing Committee in 2009 was still on the table.
239 SC 05 E 17 Mr  Kalantzis  (GR)  clarified  that  Greece  had  offered  to  host  the  Standing  Committee  meeting  in Greece in 2009 and that this had been approved by the parliament but he would take forward the possibility of Greece also hosting the Annual Session. 11. Consideration of proposed candidatures for the Bureau of the Assembly [211 SC 05 E] The  President  said  that  Senator  Forcieri  was  not  eligible  for  re-election  for  another  term  as Vice-President of the Assembly, but that the President and four Vice-Presidents – Mr. Lellouche, Senator Nolin, Mr. Koenders, Mr. Banáš  and Mr. Erdem were eligible for re-election. The Treasurer, Mr Ibrügger, was also eligible for re -election this year.   He said that the following nominations had been received: For the office of President of the Assembly, Mr. Pierre Lellouche (France) For the office of Treasurer of the Assembly,  Mr. Lothar Ibrügger (Germany) For the office of Vice-President of the Assembly:   Sen.  Pierre  Claude  Nolin  (Canada),  Mr.  Bert  Koenders  (Netherlands),  Mr.  Jose  Lello  (Portugal), Mr. Jozef Banáš (Slovakia), and Mr. Vahit Erdem (Turkey). The  President  recalled  that  according  to  Article  5,  paragraph  5  of  the  Rules  of  Procedure,  the Vice-Presidents had to be of different nationalities, and at least one member of the Bureau had to be a member of the delegations of Canada or the United States.  He noted that the nominations fulfilled  these  conditions,  and  since  there  was  one  candidate  for  each  vacancy,  the  nominations could be approved by acclamation. The nominations were approved by acclamation, and the President thanked Senator Forcieri for his distinguished service as Vice-President over the previous two years. 12. Miscellaneous The President thanked delegates for their hard work. He thanked the Danish hosts, interpreters, the Secretary General and all the staff. He added that the composition of the small working group agreed to earlier should be supplemented with Mr Bacquelaine on behalf of the liberal group. The meeting was closed at 1.12 p.m. ______________