PTO ECONOMICS AND SECURITY 215 ESC 05 E Original: English NATO Parliamentary Assembly DRAFT AGENDA S-090, Folketinget Copenhagen, Denmark Saturday 12th November 2005 Saturday 12th November 2005:  09.15-13:00 - 14:30-18:00 1. Opening remarks by the Chairman, Paul E. Gillmor (United States) 2. Adoption of the draft Agenda [215 ESC 05 E] 3. Adoption  of  the  Summary  of  the  Meeting  of  the  Economics  and  Security  Committee  held  in Ljubljana, Slovenia, on Saturday 28th May 2005 [128 ESC 05 E] 4. Procedure for amendments to the Draft Resolutions on Forging a Transatlantic Policy Towards China    [192 ESC 05 E],    Mounting    an    International    Defence    Against    Avian    Influenza [187 ESC 05 E] and on Advancing the Doha Development Agenda [218 ESC 05 E] 5. Presentation by P. Michael McKinley, Deputy Chief of Mission, United States Mission to the European Union on the US/EU Trade Relationship, followed by a discussion period 6. Presentation by Sebastian Bersick, Research Fellow, European Institute for Asian Studies on Europe’s Approach to China, followed by a discussion period 7. Consideration of the Draft Report of the Sub-Committee on Transatlantic Economic Relations, An  Emerging  China  and  the  Transatlantic  Economy  [173  ESCTER  05  E]  by  Hugh  Bayley (United Kingdom),  Acting  Co-rapporteur  and  John  Boozman  (United  States),  Co-rapporteur, and   summary   of   the   future   activities   of   the   Sub-Committee   on   Transatlantic   Economic Relations, presented by Hugh Bayley (United Kingdom), Chairman of the Sub-Committee 8. Consideration   of   the   Draft   Special   Report   on   Russian-Chinese   Trade   and   Economic Co-operation: Current Situation, Problems and Prospects [174 ESC 05 E] by Victor Voitenko (Russian Federation), Special Rapporteur
215 ESC 05 E 9. Consideration of the Draft Report of the Sub-Committee on East-West Economic Co-operation and Convergence, Economic Transition in the Middle East and North Africa [172 ESCEW 05 E] by Kurt Bodewig (Germany), Rapporteur 10. Consideration  of  the  amendments  and  vote  on  the  Draft  Resolution  on  Advancing  the  Doha Development Agenda [218 ESC 05 E] presented by Hugh Bayley (United Kingdom), Chairman of the Sub-committee on Transatlantic Economic Relations and Bert Koenders (Netherlands), Vice President of the NATO PA 11. Consideration  of  amendments  and  vote  on  the  Draft  Resolution  on  Forging  a  Transatlantic Policy  Towards  China  [192 ESC  05  E]  presented  by  Hugh  Bayley  (United  Kingdom),  Acting Co-rapporteur  and  John  Boozman  (United  States),  Co-rapporteur  of  the  Sub-committee  on Transatlantic Economic Relations 12. Summary of the future activities of the Sub-Committee on East-West Economic Co-operation and Convergence, presented by André Rouvière(France), Chairman of the Sub-Committee 13. Presentation   of   the   Draft   General   Report   on   Policy   Implications   of   the   Risk   Society [171 ESC 05 E] by Jos van Gennip (Netherlands), General Rapporteur 14. Consideration   of   the   amendments   and   vote   on   the   Draft   Resolution   on   Mounting   an International Defence Against Avian Influenza [187 ESC 05 E] presented by Jos van Gennip (Netherlands), General Rapporteur 15. Election of Committee and Sub-Committee Officers 16. Any other business 17. Date and place of next meeting 18. Closing remarks