225 PC 05 E Original: English POLITICAL NAT O   Pa rl ia me n ta ry  As s e mb l y DRAFT RESOLUTION on KOSOVO presented by Bert KOENDERS (Netherlands) General Rapporteur and Marco MINNITI (Italy) Rapporteur of the Sub-Committee on NATO Partnerships The Assembly, 1. Recognising  that  Kosovo's  current  status  quo  is  unsustainable  and  also  recognising  that any agreement on the final status of the province will have an important impact on the stability of South-East Europe as a whole; 2. Commending   the  Alliance,  and  in  particular  the  Kosovo  Protection  Force  (KFOR),  for successfully securing and stabilising the province;   3. Welcoming the report by the UN Secretary General's Special Envoy, Ambassador Kai Eide;   4. Recognising  that  the  joint  future  of  the  province  and  the  region  lies  in  full  European  and transatlantic integration; 5. URGES governments and parliaments of member and partner countries of the North Atlantic Alliance: a. to remain committed to securing peace and stability in the province and South-East Europe as  a  whole  by  ensuring  international  military  and  civilian  presence  as  long  as  the  situation requires; b. to closely monitor the developments in Kosovo and in  Serbia and Montenegro and to assist them  on  their  way  towards  Euro-Atlantic  integration,  including  further  co-operation  with  the European Union, on the condition that they co-operate with the International Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY);
225 PC 05 E 2 c. to state that the preferred outcome of negotiations is a functional, conditionally independent state. d. to  state  that  such  a  form  of  conditional  independence  requires  the  continued  international presence of troops and clear criteria identified by the international community, particularly on the guaranteed protection of minority rights; e. to  assist  the  Kosovar  Albanians  and  Serbs  to  reach  an  agreement  that  allows  for  further decentralisation and, if necessary, territorial adjustments within Kosovo; f.      to assist further democratisation inside Kosovo. 6. URGES  the  government,  the  parliament  and  all  political  forces  in  Kosovo  and  Serbia  and Montenegro:   a. to  pro-actively  co-operate  with  the  international  community  to  achieve  an  agreement  that respects and accommodates each other's interests on the basis of conditional independence; b. to fully respect and protect the rights of Kosovo Serbs and other minorities; c. to move the process of de-centralisation forward. ___________________________