219 SC 05 E Original : English NAT O   Pa rl ia me n ta ry  As s e mb l y DRAFT DECLARATION on THE DISPOSAL OF SURPLUS WEAPONS AND MUNITIONS IN UKRAINE presented by Pierre LELLOUCHE (France) President, NATO Parliamentary Assembly The Assembly, 1. Recalling its long-standing co-operation with the Verkhovna Rada; 2. Applauding Ukraine’s programme of wide ranging political, economic, and defence reforms and the progress being made regarding their implementation; 3. Supporting Ukraine’s goal of Euro-Atlantic integration; and 4. Determined to assist Ukraine in achieving that goal; 5. Welcoming   NATO’s   programme   of   Intensified   Dialogue   with   Ukraine,   and   the  further enhancement of Alliance support for Ukraine’s defence and security sector reform process agreed by Defence Ministers during Informal High-Level Consultations in Vilnius, 23 and 24 October; 6. Strongly  supporting  the  Alliance's  €25  million  commitment  through  its  Partnership  for Peace Trust Fund to assist Ukraine in disposing of stockpiles of surplus weapons and munitions in order  to  reduce  the  physical  hazards  and  environmental  threats  posed  by  these  weapons  and munitions; 7. But concerned that this twelve-year programme represents only a partial solution to dealing with  the  stockpiles,  which  include  over  1.5  million  small  arms,  more  than  one  million  tons  of munitions, and several million anti-personnel mines; 8. And  noting  that  despite  widespread  public  support  for  reform  in  Ukraine,  large  sectors  of public opinion retain an image of NATO based on Cold War stereotypes; 9. Convinced  that  deeper  Alliance  involvement  in  assisting  Ukraine  to  dispose  of  surplus weapons and munitions stockpiles would have the additional benefit of helping to promote a more positive public perception of the Alliance;
219 SC 05 E 2 10. URGES member governments and parliaments of the North Atlantic Alliance to: a. examine ways in which they can provide further bilateral technical and financial assistance to Ukraine in order to accelerate the disposal of surplus weapons and munitions; b. increase their commitments to NATO’s Partnership for Peace Trust Fund dedicated to the disposal of surplus weapons and munitions. _________________