216 PC 05 E Original: English POLITICAL NAT O   Pa rl i a me n t a ry  As s e mb l y DRAFT AGENDA Folketingssalen Copenhaguen - Denmark Saturday 12 November 2005 –  Sunday 13 November 2005 Saturday 12 November 2005:  9:15-13:00 - 14:30-18:00 1. Opening remarks by the Chairman, Markus MECKEL (Germany) 2. Adoption of the draft Agenda [216 PC 05 E] 3. Adoption of the Summary of the Meeting of the Political Committee held in Ljubljana, Slovenia, on Sunday 29 May 2005 [126 PC 05 E] 4. Procedure for amendments to the draft Resolutions on NATO Transformation and the Future of  the  Alliance  [198  PC  05  E],  on  Belarus  [227  PC  05  E]  presented  by  Bert KOENDERS (Netherlands), General Rapporteur, and on Kosovo [225 PC 05 E], jointly presented by Bert KOENDERS  (Netherlands),  General  Rapporteur  and  Marco  MINNITI,  (Italy),  Rapporteur  of the Sub-Committee on NATO Partnerships 5. Presentation  by  Ambassador  Kai  EIDE,  Special  Envoy  of  the  UN  Secretary  General  to Kosovo and Permanent Representative of Norway to NATO on Kosovo 6. General debate introduced by the Chairman, Markus MECKEL (Germany) 7. Consideration of the draft Report of the Sub-Committee on Transatlantic relations  on NATO and  Persian  Gulf  Security  [177  PCTR  05  E]  presented  by Ruprecht  POLENZ  (Germany), Rapporteur 8. Consideration of the draft General Report Securing NATO’s Role and Relevance [175 PC 05 E] by Bert KOENDERS (Netherlands), General Rapporteur
216 PC 05 E 2 PTO Sunday 13 November 2005:  9:00-13:00 - 14:30-18.00 9. Presentation by Mike HALTZEL, Senior Foreign Policy Advisor and Principal of the business law firm DLA Piper Rudnick Gray Cary LLP, on Challenges to Trans-Atlantic Co-operation 10. Consideration  of  the  draft  report  of  the  Sub-committee  on  NATO  Partnership  on  NATO-EU Security Co-operation [176 PCNP 05 E] by Marco MINNITI (Italy), Rapporteur 11. Consideration of amendments and vote on the draft Resolution on NATO Transformation and the  Future  of  the  Alliance  [198  PC  05  E]  presented  by  Bert  KOENDERS  (Netherlands), General Rapporteur 12. Presentation  by  Stephen  STEDMAN,  Professor  of  Political  Science,  Senior  Fellow  at  the Center for International Security and Co-operation (CISAC) and Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies (FSI), Stanford University, on UN Reform: Progress and Pitfalls 13. Presentation by Peter  Viggo  JAKOBSEN, Head of the  Department of Conflict and Security Studies,  Danish  Institute  for  International  Studies  on  UN  Peace  Keeping  Operations  and lessons for NATO-UN co-operation - a Danish perspective 14. Consideration  of  amendments  and  vote  on  the  draft  Resolution  on  Kosovo  [225  PC  05  E] presented  by  Bert  KOENDERS  (Netherlands),  General  Rapporteur  and  Marco  MINNITI (Italy), Rapporteur of the Sub-Committee on NATO Partnerships 15. Consideration  of  amendments  and  vote  on  the  draft  Resolution  on  Belarus  [227  PC  05  E] presented by Bert KOENDERS (Netherlands), General Rapporteur 16. Election of Committee and Sub-Committee officers 17. 2005  and  2006  Political  Committee  visits  and  activities  presented  by  the  Sub-Committee Chairmen 18. Any other business 19. Date and place of the next meeting 20. Final remarks