STANDINGCOMMITTEE212 SC 05 E Original: EnglishNAT O Pa rl ia me n ta ry As s e mb l yAMENDMENT TO THE FINANCIAL REGULATIONS (IMPLEMENTING RULES) ON CASH PAYMENTSInternational Secretariat October 2005
212 SC 05 E 1Amendment to the implementing rules1. Following the recommendation of the auditors amendments are proposed to procedures for payments through petty cash to better reflect the existing circumstances. Under these proposals, the amounts that may be paid through petty cash would be increased from 150 to 200€. Exceptions would be granted for certain reimbursements paid to participants in seminars, training, and research programmes. This is necessary because some reimbursements have to be made on the spot at some meeting s, and there are cases where it is too problematic to make reimbursements by international bank transfer. 2. The Assemblys financial implementing rules would therefore be adjusted as shown below. (Proposed changes are underlined and in italics)6. Payment through Petty CashExpenses up to a maximum of € 200 (or into US$ equivalent) may be paid in cash. Cashbooks exist in the following currencies: €, US$.Exceptions to this rule apply only for:- Reimbursement of participants in Assembly seminars, training and research programmes.Heads of Service spending their own budget must submit receipts attached to a general expenses claim form for reimbursement.For other staff or for Heads of Service making expenditure from another Services budget prior authorisation by the relevant budget holder is required.Invoices from suppliers paid in cash should be countersigned by the relevant Head of Service before reimbursement is claimed.__________________