International Secretariat November 2005 STANDING COMMITTEE 037 GEN 05 E Rev.2 NAT O   Pa rl ia me n ta ry  As s e mb l y FUTURE SESSIONS AND MEETINGS Please find below a table of venues and dates of forthcoming meetings and sessions: 2006 Standing Committee : Poland, Gdynia, 24 - 26 March Spring Session : France, Paris, 26 - 30 May Annual Study Visit : Romania Annual Session : Canada, Quebec, Monday 13 - Friday 17 November 2007 Standing Committee : Hungary Spring Session : Portugal, Madeira, 25 - 29 May Annual Study Visit : Annual Session : Iceland, Reykjavik, 5 - 9 October 2008 Standing Committee : Netherlands, 28 - 30 March Spring Session : Germany, Berlin, 23 - 27 May Annual Study Visit : Annual Session : 2009 Standing Committee : Greece or Lithuania (to be confirmed) Spring Session : Norway Annual Study Visit : Annual Session :