STANDING COMMITTEE 152 SC 05 E Original: English NAT O   Pa rl ia me n ta ry  As s e mb l y DRAFT AGENDA MEETING OF THE STANDING COMMITTEE MONDAY, 14 NOVEMBER 2005 09:00 to 12:00 Landstingssalen, Folketing, Copenhagen, Denmark 1. Opening of the meeting 2. Adoption of the draft Agenda [152 SC 05 E] 3. Adoption of the Minutes of the meeting of the Standing Committee held in Ljubljana, Slovenia, on Monday, 30 May 2005 [111 SC 05 E] 4. Organization of the Plenary Sitting to be held on Tuesday, 15 November 2005 5. The Duration of Mandates [209 SC 05 E] 6. The Secretary General’s Report on Priorities and Activities [204 SC 05 E] 7. Draft Declaration on the Disposal of Surplus Weapons and Munitions in Ukraine presented by the    President    of   the    NATO    Parliamentary    Assembly,    Mr.    Pierre    Lellouche    (France) [219 SC 05 E] 8. The Status of Non-Member Parliaments [205 SC 05 E] Mauritania [206 SC 05 E] Number of seats for the delegations of Algeria and Morocco [217 SC 05 E] Draft  amendments  to  the  Rules  of  Procedure  on  the  status  of  Mediterranean  Associate Delegations [210 SC 05 E] Belarus [207 SC 05 E] The European Parliament [208 SC 05 E] China:  exchange  of  correspondence  between  Hugh  Bayley  (United  Kingdom),  Chairman  of the  ESC  Sub-committee  on  Transatlantic  Economic  Relations  and  the  President  of  the Assembly, Mr. Pierre Lellouche (France) [220 SC 05 E] Cont'd…/…
152 SC 05 E 2 9. Finance Report  of  the  NATO  Board  of  Auditors  on  the  Financial  Audit  of  the  Accounts  of  the NATO PA [142 FIN 05 E] Letter of Representation [158 SC 05 E] Statement on Internal Control [157 SC 05 E] Audited Financial Statements for 2004 [143 FIN 05 E and appendices] Audited Provident Fund Financial Statements for 2004 [25 FIN 05 E] Draft   Report   by   the   Treasurer   on   the   Results   of   Financial   Year   2004   and   of   the current Financial Year [144 FIN 05 E] New Key for National Contributions [182 SC 05 E] Approval of the draft budget for 2006 [71 FIN 05 E Rev. 1] Amendment to the Financial Regulations (implementing rules) on cash payments [212 SC 05 E] Nature and Levels of Reserves and Provisions [213 SC 05 E] 10. Approval  of  new  Officers  of  Committees,  Sub-Committees,  Working  Groups  and  Special Groups 11. Future sessions and meetings: February Joint Committee meetings, Brussels, Belgium, 19-21 February 2006 Standing Committee meeting, Gdynia, Poland, 24-26 March 2006 Spring Session, Paris, France, 26 to 30 May 2006 [093 SESP 05 E] Annual Study Visit, 2006, Romania Annual Session, Quebec, Canada, 13-17 November 2006 Sessions and meetings from 2006 [037 GEN 05 E Rev. 2] Host Countries for future Sessions and Meetings [214 SC 05 E] 12. Consideration of proposed candidatures for the Bureau of the Assembly [211 SC 05 E] 13. Miscellaneous ____________________ International Secretariat            October 2005