STANDINGCOMMITTEE217 SC 05 E Original: EnglishNAT O Pa rl ia me n ta ry As s e mb l yNUMBER OF SEATS FOR THE DELEGATIONS OF ALGERIA AND MOROCCOInternational Secretariat October 2005
217 SC 05 E11. At its meeting in Venice, the President noted that the Algerian delegation had requested that its delegation should consist of six delegates, rather than the five agreed by the Standing Committee. This was to enable the delegation to be balanced between parties and chambers. The Algerian delegation has nominated six participants for the Copenhagen Session, and has again cited the difficulties of forming a delegation with fewer numbers.2. Table 1 shows the populations and delegation sizes for all the Associate and Mediterranean Associate delegations. This shows that the populations of Algeria and Morocco (around 32 million) are substantially larger than those of other delegations which have been allocated five delegates but which have populations of less than ten million. However, looking back to the situation in 1998 when Poland and Romania were both still Associate members, Polands population was about 39 million, and Romanias about 23 million. Both had six-person delegations. (The populations and delegation sizes for the Associate delegations in 1998 appear in Table 2).3. The Standing Committee should decide whether to increase the representation of the Algerian delegation from five to six, and - in view of the similarity in size of the Moroccan population whether to increase Moroccos representation similarly.Table 1: Associate and Mediterranean Associate Delegations: Population and Assembly delegation numbersthe FYR of Macedonia2.0343Armenia3.0163Mauritania3.0693Albania3.1303Moldova4.2063Croatia4.5513Georgia4.4744Finland 5.2494Jordan5.7034Israel6.7254Switzerland 7.2525Azerbaijan8.4115Austria8.1895Sweden9.0415Algeria32.8545Morocco31.4785Ukraine46.4818Russia143.20210* Source: "L'Etat du Monde 2006"
204 SC 04 E2Table 2: (From Proposal on the Representation of New Delegations [AR 326 (98) 43] presented to the Standing Committee in November 1998)Estonia1.47233Slovenia2.01233Latvia2.58733FYROM2.66633Albania3.63833Lithuania3.70933Moldova4.31933Slovakia5.37044Bulgaria8.33955Romania22.76966Ukraine50.85366Russian Federation148.0001010_________________________