International Secretariat   November 2005 NATO - RUSSIA PARLIAMENTARY COMMITTEE 153 NRPC 05 E Original: English NAT O   Pa rl ia me n ta ry  As s e mb l y DRAFT AGENDA MEETING OF THE NATO-RUSSIA PARLIAMENTARY COMMITTEE FRIDAY, 11 NOVEMBER 2005 15:15 to 16:45 Landstingssalen, Folketing, Copenhagen, Denmark 1. Opening of the proceedings 2. Adoption of the draft Agenda [153 NRPC 05 E] 3. Adoption  of  the  minutes  of  the  meeting  of  the  NATO-Russia  Parliamentary  Committee held in Ljubljana, Slovenia on Friday 27 May 200 [110 NRPC 05 E] 4. Presentation by Mr Robert F. Simmons Jr, Special Representative for the Caucasus and Central   Asia   and   Deputy   Assistant   Secretary   General   for   Security   Cooperation   and Partnership, Political Affairs and Security Policy Division, NATO on the Current Situation in the South Caucasus, followed by discussion 5. Miscellaneous